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What is Prayer ?



According to me.. Prayer is Whim which comes out of human mind when in the danger of loosing something. For example: loosing exams, loosing any result, loosing rank, loosing near and dears, loosing business, loosing name-fame, loosing any treatment, or loosing body etc.

Such Whims aren't dependent of any particular time, place, posture, method, words, language, religion, etc. Its just the natural automatic happening process which happens during the danger of loosing something (As I mentioned above)

Atheist, or Theist, Everyone pray, ..When needed :)


Get me off of this planet
I rarely pray myself unless it is in thanks. To me prayer is communicating with the celestial in plead, thanks or custom. I see it having gone awry with the Christian church, particularly in the US, kids prayin for toys or for God to kill their parents, what a sacrileges mess.

Divine intervention sickens me most, people pleading the Lord for help or Angelic intervention in the wurst of times; when they need to take affirmative action, over begging to the Lord.

It's something that went horribly wrong; I can't imagine if it was a genuine F-up or a sick joke to begin with.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
A practice not withheld in some people.

It's magick in a way, in the sense that there will be results for people who expect them, and there wont be results for people who don't expect them.

I am not a fan of using prayer for gain, I prefer to pick my own apples instead of relying on God to shake the tree. My prayer is like a clapping to the beautiful movie we all live in.


Peace be upon you.

According to me.. Prayer is Whim which comes out of human mind when in the danger of loosing something. For example: loosing exams, loosing any result, loosing rank, loosing near and dears, loosing business, loosing name-fame, loosing any treatment, or loosing body etc.

Such Whims aren't dependent of any particular time, place, posture, method, words, language, religion, etc. Its just the natural automatic happening process which happens during the danger of loosing something (As I mentioned above)

Atheist, or Theist, Everyone pray, ..When needed :)

Peace be on you.

According to Ahmadiyya Muslim Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace):

"..........Do not think that we already pray everyday, and that the Salat we offer is also prayer; for the prayer which follows true knowledge and is born of Divine grace is of an altogether different colour and complexion. Such prayer is a thing that consumes, it is a fire that melts, it is a magnetic force that draws Divine mercy, it is a death but ultimately gives life, it is a raging flood but finally turns into a boat. through it every wrong is redressed and every poison finally becomes an antidote.

Blessed are the prisoners who never tire of supplication, for they shall one day be freed. Blessed are the blind who are not listless in their prayers, for they shall one day see. Blessed are those lying in graves who supplicate to God for help and succour, for one day they shall be taken out of their graves. Blessed are you who never tire of supplication, your soul melts in prayer, your eyes shed tears, and a fire kindles in your breast which takes you to dark closets and wildernesses so that you may taste solitude and drives you to restlessness and near madness, for you shall finally receive Divine bounties.

The God to Whom I invite is very Gracious, Merciful, Modest, True, and Faithful. He bestows His mercy on the humble ones. You too should be faithful and pray with all sincerity and faith so that He may bestow His mercy on you. Dissociate yourselves from the commotion of the world and do not give religious complexion to your egoistic disputes. Accept defeat for the sake of God so that you may become heirs to great victories. God will show miracles to those who supplicate and those who ask will be blessed with extraordinary grace. Prayer comes from God and to Him it returns. Through prayer God becomes as close to you as your very life.

The first blessing of prayer is that it brings about a holy change in a person, as a consequence of which God also brings about a transformation in His attributes. His attributes are indeed immutable, but for such a transformed person He shows a different manifestation of which the world knows nothing. It would seem as if He had become another God, whereas, in fact, there is no other God. The truth is that it is a new manifestation of His which portrays Him in an altogether different light. It is then that God, in honour of this special manifestation, does for the transformed one what He does not do for others. These are what are known as miracles.

In short, prayer is the elixir which turns a handful of dust into pure gold. It is water which washes away inner impurities. With such prayer the spirit melts and flows like water to fall prostrate on the threshold of the Holy One. It stands in the presence of God, bows down and prostrates before Him.

The Salat taught by Islam is only its reflection. The standing of the spirit signifies that it shows readiness to suffer every hardship and to obey every command for the sake of God. The bowing down of the spirit before God means that, by renouncing all other love and relationships, it has turned to God and belongs to Him alone. Its prostration is that it falls on the threshold of God and, forsaking all personal thoughts, loses the very identity of its existence. This is the prayer which helps to establish communion with God, and this is the prayer that Islamic Shariah has depicted in the prescribed daily Salat so that physical prayer may inspire spiritual prayer.

God Almighty has fashioned man in such a way that the spirit influences the body and the body in turn influences the spirit. When the spirit is melancholy, the eyes shed tears; and when the spirit is glad, the face glows with happiness and one even feels like laughing. Similarly, whenever the body is afflicted with pain or distress the spirit also partakes of the suffering. When a cool breeze enlivens the body the spirit feels it too. Thus, the object of worship is that, through mutual relationship between body and spirit, the spirit may move towards the Holy One and engage in spiritual standing and prostrating............"


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

According to me.. Prayer is Whim which comes out of human mind when in the danger of loosing something. For example: loosing exams, loosing any result, loosing rank, loosing near and dears, loosing business, loosing name-fame, loosing any treatment, or loosing body etc.

Such Whims aren't dependent of any particular time, place, posture, method, words, language, religion, etc. Its just the natural automatic happening process which happens during the danger of loosing something (As I mentioned above)

Atheist, or Theist, Everyone pray, ..When needed :)

IMO, prayer is worshipful, reverent speech to a deity or deities. The true God is described in the Bible as the "Hearer of prayer." (Psalm 65:2) I believe only prayers addressed to the true God are heard and responded to.


New Member
Prayer is coming into perfect fellowship and oneness with God. It is an essential part of our relationship with God.



According to me.. Prayer is Whim which comes out of human mind when in the danger of loosing something. For example: loosing exams, loosing any result, loosing rank, loosing near and dears, loosing business, loosing name-fame, loosing any treatment, or loosing body etc.

Such Whims aren't dependent of any particular time, place, posture, method, words, language, religion, etc. Its just the natural automatic happening process which happens during the danger of loosing something (As I mentioned above)

Atheist, or Theist, Everyone pray, ..When needed :)
Hazrat Umar (R.A)
"I looked at all friends, and did not find a better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I thought about all dresses, but did not find a better dress than piety. I thought about all types of wealth, but did not find a better wealth than contentment in little. I thought of all types of good deeds, but did not find a better deed than offering good advice. I looked at all types of sustenance, but did not find a better sustenance than patience."



According to me.. Prayer is Whim which comes out of human mind when in the danger of loosing something. For example: loosing exams, loosing any result, loosing rank, loosing near and dears, loosing business, loosing name-fame, loosing any treatment, or loosing body etc.

Such Whims aren't dependent of any particular time, place, posture, method, words, language, religion, etc. Its just the natural automatic happening process which happens during the danger of loosing something (As I mentioned above)

Atheist, or Theist, Everyone pray, ..When needed :)

Prayer is what happens when we are so fearful that we think we need divine intervention?

Gnostic Seeker

I think prayer can be a useful way of directing the mind toward God, but in true gnostic fashion- only if you grasp the hidden meaning in them. For example, the Lord's Prayer may appear to be a way of asking for God to send the kingdom, but I see it as a call for us to bring the kingdom. We can mentally allign ourselves with heaven in us to do the Father's will (helping others, etc.), so that the kingdom does come. We cause it to manifest.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member

According to me.. Prayer is Whim which comes out of human mind when in the danger of loosing something. For example: loosing exams, loosing any result, loosing rank, loosing near and dears, loosing business, loosing name-fame, loosing any treatment, or loosing body etc.

Such Whims aren't dependent of any particular time, place, posture, method, words, language, religion, etc. Its just the natural automatic happening process which happens during the danger of loosing something (As I mentioned above)

Atheist, or Theist, Everyone pray, ..When needed :)

sounds like santa claus. I'm not sure why you're generalizing like that either.


Veteran Member

According to me.. Prayer is Whim which comes out of human mind when in the danger of loosing something. For example: loosing exams, loosing any result, loosing rank, loosing near and dears, loosing business, loosing name-fame, loosing any treatment, or loosing body etc.

Such Whims aren't dependent of any particular time, place, posture, method, words, language, religion, etc. Its just the natural automatic happening process which happens during the danger of loosing something (As I mentioned above)

Atheist, or Theist, Everyone pray, ..When needed :)

Recitation of a shopping list does not count as prayer imho.
I think that prayer can be a vehicle through which one can lose oneself.
I have also wondered if prayer can be a manifestation of the universe talking to itself.


An Págánach
When I was a Christian, I learned many types of prayer. Ultimately, most of these were primarily meant to shift the mind's focus towards God. When I struck out on my own, I realized that my times of what my pastor called "contemplative prayer" I was in fact, meditating. Breathing deeply, and focusing my mind on the Divine, or simply allowing it to drift and be blank (which I have now come to realize is what many call contemplating "nothingness").

I still pray, in a fashion similar in many ways to the way I have always prayed. This prayer helps me to move into a time of meditation, at times leading to mystic experiences. :)

Recitation of a shopping list does not count as prayer imho.
I think that prayer can be a vehicle through which one can lose oneself.
I have also wondered if prayer can be a manifestation of the universe talking to itself.

I think that it depends. There are different meanings of the word "prayer". I never used to like written prayers, but now (while I still don't really use them) I can understand their value. The goal is focus on the Divine and through that, union with the Divine. Losing of the sense of self.

In my eyes, it is indeed the Universe speaking with itself, because I believe that we are all manifestations of the Divine.

Namaste :)

The Hammer

Premium Member

According to me.. Prayer is Whim which comes out of human mind when in the danger of loosing something. For example: loosing exams, loosing any result, loosing rank, loosing near and dears, loosing business, loosing name-fame, loosing any treatment, or loosing body etc.

Such Whims aren't dependent of any particular time, place, posture, method, words, language, religion, etc. Its just the natural automatic happening process which happens during the danger of loosing something (As I mentioned above)

Atheist, or Theist, Everyone pray, ..When needed :)

Prayer to me is the cognizant decision to give thanks and praise to the Gods, in a non-ritualistic manner. It can also be used to ask for guidance, or direction. It is very akin to the weaving of magick, in that it is solely based on intention and focus.

I believe that the way we prayer naturally, is the normal default, the dogamtic use of it among religion is a hijacking of an otherwise natural occuring action.