I do have to wonder why the status quo is always wrong.
wrong, just boring and tortuously redundant. I have no use for it either in society or among the few like minded associates of mine.
I also have to wonder why Satanists are against harming others, if they are in rebellion of so many social norms? Why make an exception of it?
Satanists generally ascribe to the 'castle doctrine' or even 'stand your ground' code/rule. This does not mean just aimlessly harming others, actually the opposite. Satanists can harm, it just must have a serious enough reason behind the action. Self preservation is the goal
always. It's not a desire either. It's just there waiting in case. Satanists can find many other ways to harm others besides typical methods, self preservation should have one noting their local laws as well.
And what reasons do they have that the rules and taboos of our society doesn't matter?
Laws are pretty smart to go by. Social
rules are often trite, pointless and just optional any ways. Like being 'the family man' or cutting ones hair to 'fit in', maybe 'growing up' and listening to elevator music for all eternity.
And why even perform weird rituals anyway?
Everyone does this. You do it every day in every hour. It's just some are aware of the more meaningful so called 'weird' rituals while making little distinction between those 'weird and wacky' things and the slightly more mundane. Not to get too hokey on you, birth, life, feeding, sex and death are all 'weird'
rituals. Why do any of them?
*Note: It's not so much about some dramatic "rebellion" of "social norms", that
is adolescent. It's acknowledgement that these "norms" have not much weight or substance. They are illusions manufactured for the masses. Most people are gulled in order they be led. With that in mind they are free to play with any social construct they wish, even the so called 'norms', or make up new ones as they go along ( takes boat loads of creativity for that ).
*New note
: I haven't decided yet. Am I still, or just a former. Perhaps just a sympathizer and de-facto.