That would be government,
which is still not religion.
According to Daniel 2:44 God's kingdom is a real government. Who is king (president) of God's kingdom government but Christ Jesus.
At Daniel chapter 2 there is a word picture for us about a Huge statue - Daniel 2:44
Each different metal represented a world power starting with Egypt down to our day.
Today the world powers are like iron mixed with clay. Iron and clay do Not stick together.
We are nearing the time of the toes of that statue. Perhaps ever more like the time of the toenails!
According to Daniel 2:34-35 a ' stone ' will hit the feet of this Huge system of things which is on its ' last legs ', so to speak.
This means, Jesus, as King of God's kingdom, - Revelation 19:14-16 - will erase all bad government on earth.
God's kingdom in the hands of Christ Jesus is the solution for our need for good government.
That is why we pray ' thy kingdom come.... '
We do Not pray to be taken away to God's kingdom
We do Not pray to be taken up to God's kingdom, but for it to come and for God's will (purpose ) to be done on earth ' as ' it is done in heaven.
In heaven there is No war, crime, violence, sickness nor death. So, we are praying for those same good conditions that exist in heaven to exist here on earth.
According to Revelation 22:2 there will be healing for earth's nations under Christ's 1,000-year rulership over earth.