Please list your vote, why, and a working philosophy for living.
I did not vote, as "none of the above" wasn't listed.
To be clear-- you need to define what you mean by "god" before a rational discussion about the word can be had.
Most definitions of the word "god" can easily be proven to be impossible things: A square circle or a married bachelor (for example). I do not believe any of those, naturally, as impossible things do not exist.
So far? All definitions of "god" that I've read (beyond the Traditional Book Gods), either make no sense (and therefore, I don't believe them), or are so nebulous that they become meaningless (and, again, unbelievable). The book gods are all back to impossible things-- you cannot have free will, in the same universe as an all-powerful god (for example).
Bottom line: Show me evidence? I'll consider it. Since most definitions of "god" are of an Incredible! Stupendous! Amazing! Glorious! Being?
The evidence better be equally amazing.
I don't need amazing evidence to believe someone has a pet cat. I'll simply take their word (unless they have been shown to be a habitual liar).
But I'd need a lot more than someone's word, when it comes to The Ultimate Creator Of Everything.
Especially if the someone claims to have a close and personal relationship with this ... being.