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What is the purpose of Heaven?


Through the Looking Glass
"Heaven" serves two main purposes. First, it serves the purpose of marking the experience of transcending the egotistical hysteria of being and finding fleeting moments of oneness and harmony. Second, it serves as a concretized incentive to be used in a wide array of religious authority systems to affect thoughts and behavior of individuals who cannot or do not make the the association between "heaven" and their own experiences.


True Follower
What do we do when we get there? Can we do what we want? Can we sin all we want? Do we just sit there in a drugged up state due to the presence of God? What would the point be? We would all just float around having a party for eternity?

I would want to do whatever I want. Would I be able to do that in Heaven? What is the point?
Do you truly think that on can sin in heaven , for if ye believe this then ye no not God. For dose not God say that he cannot look a pond sin in the least degree. Heaven is a place of rest from all our labours a place of Love a place of families being united together from the beginning of time. A place of family growing with new children add to the family with husbands and wives ( paradise ) for all eternity . Amen


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Do you truly think that on can sin in heaven , for if ye believe this then ye no not God. For dose not God say that he cannot look a pond sin in the least degree. Heaven is a place of rest from all our labours a place of Love a place of families being united together from the beginning of time. A place of family growing with new children add to the family with husbands and wives ( paradise ) for all eternity . Amen

Doesn't sound like paradise to me. Sounds like a place that will get waaaay too overcrowded within a few years.

EDIT: BTW, are you double-posting on purpose?
I feel breathless just reading your post. Doing, going, thinking, partying, maybe heaven does not have a point maybe heaven is just being?

Well, that's the thing. A lot of Christians, Jews, and Muslims talk about God's plan and higher purpose. Why would it be a higher purpose to go up to Heaven and party for eternity? Seems like we would've had more of a purpose on Earth.
Do you truly think that on can sin in heaven , for if ye believe this then ye no not God. For dose not God say that he cannot look a pond sin in the least degree. Heaven is a place of rest from all our labours a place of Love a place of families being united together from the beginning of time. A place of family growing with new children add to the family with husbands and wives ( paradise ) for all eternity . Amen

I don't know about you, but I like to sin. And since Heaven is paradise, shouldn't we be able to do what we want? One person's paradise is another person's Hell.
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Not your average Mormon
I don't know about you, but I like to sin.
I have no problem with you finding sin to be enjoyable, just as long as your sins don't affect anybody else. Most sins do, though. I don't know what makes you any more special than the next person, but it doesn't take a belief in God to know that if we all felt that we had the right to kill, steal, lie, etc. to benefit ourselves, this world would be a pretty horrible place.

And since Heaven is paradise, shouldn't we be able to do what we want? One person's paradise is another person's Hell.
Personally, I don't believe that Heaven is the same thing as Paradise, but if it is, you just contradicted yourself. Heaven cannot simultaneously be Paradise and Hell. You need to rethink your logic.


Mother Heathen
What do we do when we get there? Can we do what we want? Can we sin all we want? Do we just sit there in a drugged up state due to the presence of God? What would the point be? We would all just float around having a party for eternity?

I would want to do whatever I want. Would I be able to do that in Heaven? What is the point?

My belief is that heaven is the reward for those who chose reconciliation. I believe in heaven amd my purpose will be to worship and praise my creator.
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Personally, I don't believe that Heaven is the same thing as Paradise, but if it is, you just contradicted yourself. Heaven cannot simultaneously be Paradise and Hell. You need to rethink your logic.

Not necessarily. Different people find paradise in different things. Some people find a paradise in big cities with lots of people, others find paradise in smaller towns. Some find nature to be paradise, others feel nature is boring. Some people love adrenaline rushes and do things to excite this (roller coasters), while others, like myself, find adrenaline very uncomfortable.

So if heaven is a single type of paradise, then only a certain kind of person can enjoy it.

I'm with you, though, as I don't believe that the afterlife is a kind of Paradise.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What is the purpose of Heaven?

To provide a term for humankind that points towards the reality of a state of being from realized union with God.
Yes, but what are the implications of this union?
Greetings crystalonyx. First of all, realized union with God is entrance into Heaven and the Kingdom of God.

An eternal high doing nothing?
An excellent expression for which there are two answers - yes & no.:) Let me explain.

Yes: For many sages the ego is dissolved into God like a drop into the sea. There is no 'I' to do anything. Everything is done by God through the body. Agape is the active agent. As said in the Tao Te Ching,
Less and less do you need to force things,
until finally you arrive at non-action
Where nothing is done, nothing is left undone...
The Master does nothing
yet...leaves nothing undone.
{source, Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh.}

No: There is another perspective that is rarely found although it is increasing in availability. Here, one has moved from the conventional dualistic self, to the Enlightened non-dual realized union with God, and on to the True Self that includes and transcends both the dual and non-dual. The True Self chooses to participate in finitude, but action by the True Self embodies choices, motivations, and meanings with control of the ego and use of the mind-tool that differ from the conventional dualistic perspective. {One may read more about the transcending True Self in Big Mind:Big Heart by Zen Master Dennis Genpo Merzel.}

Please keep in mind one additional complexity. Words and language are limited when discussing these topics and can only be used as pointers.;)

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Its only a Label
This heaven or hell is here-now.
God and satan are another duality like heaven and hell.
Those whose minds are active are tilted towards satan and hell and those whose minds are still tilt towards god and heaven.
Love & rgds
I have no problem with you finding sin to be enjoyable, just as long as your sins don't affect anybody else. Most sins do, though. I don't know what makes you any more special than the next person, but it doesn't take a belief in God to know that if we all felt that we had the right to kill, steal, lie, etc. to benefit ourselves, this world would be a pretty horrible place.

Personally, I don't believe that Heaven is the same thing as Paradise, but if it is, you just contradicted yourself. Heaven cannot simultaneously be Paradise and Hell. You need to rethink your logic.

But if Heaven really is THAT great we would be able to live out eternity in simulation (like the matrix) if we really wanted to. We don't necessarily have to interfere with others. We could just create our own little pocket of heaven to go and do whatever it is we want to do. And I never said I was special, but if people wish to lie, cheat, steal, etc, then they should be able to create their own reality in Heaven and live that way if they want too, with out interfering with others.

You don't THINK it is. Many others believe it is. But IF it is a paradise, then we should be able to do what we want. You're right about it not being both... which is why I said that Heaven alone cannot be 1 specific type of place if it is supposed to be the perfect place, because all people want/need different things. Some may want a fight club up in Heaven, and others may want to play video games.
My belief is that heaven is the reward for those who chose reconciliation. I believe in heaven amd my purpose will be to worship and praise my creator.

What do YOU get out of this reward? Can you do whatever you want? Why does this creator NEED your praise and worship? What purpose does it serve that creator?
What do we do when we get there? Can we do what we want? Can we sin all we want? Do we just sit there in a drugged up state due to the presence of God? What would the point be? We would all just float around having a party for eternity?

I would want to do whatever I want. Would I be able to do that in Heaven? What is the point?
Heaven? No literal heaven if you ask me. It is a state of mind, heaven is what you consider to be ideal for you.


Oldest Heretic
Christians tend to get too hung up about Heaven.
Eventually we return to GOD
Before we can come into his presence
Our sins and our desire to sin are shorn away and we are once again pure.
What happens next is open to conjecture and what you believe depends more on your
chosen faith rather than any universally accepted knowledge.

My own belief is that our souls are likely to be reabsorbed and become one with God.
That does not mean that God may not chose another path for us.

In the timeless state in which God exists the concept of forever is meaningless.


Agnostic Pantheist
Heaven to some, was a good marketing method. don't step out of line, and you'll get heaven. go on this crusade- receive an entry to heaven.
it was also a method to present a fantastic reward for poor and simple people, in a world you could get no reward for your suffering, it was a comforting thing to believe you would get to your safe Eden at some point, after you are done with the suffering of this world.


Not your average Mormon
Not necessarily. Different people find paradise in different things. Some people find a paradise in big cities with lots of people, others find paradise in smaller towns. Some find nature to be paradise, others feel nature is boring. Some people love adrenaline rushes and do things to excite this (roller coasters), while others, like myself, find adrenaline very uncomfortable.
You misunderstood me. I agree that we all find happiness in different things. Things I love (roller coasters, for instance), you don't. I would describe going on a roller coaster as being paradise while you might describe it as hell. It would make no sense for either of us to say, "Roller coasters are paradise and paradise is hell."