New Member
From since the beginning of time, man has desired to understand and comprehend the attributes of his position and place in the universe. He must first question, "What is this system known as life?" Before he understands his place in this life. He must first understand what is the composition of the unseen particles of life to understand what is the purpose of his composition in life's blueprint. After all, isn't he a part of the script? And what is DNA? Who designed this fundamental property of life? Can such a complex pattern just spontaneously come about? Where did the ability to contain information come from? What is information and why was it designed in a way that it should be contained? Who was the first being, to have his/her divine information contained? What is this secret, this property that binds life together? This equation that Mr. Einstein desperately searched for, to unify and encapsulate all light and matter? That Hawking has dedicated his existence too? What is everything? And if we were to ever discover this secret, is it something that can be described by natural laws? Is it a natural characteristic? Have we ever considered that what we think is irrelevant to our scientific and religious debates is actually relevant, and that which is seen is simply a gateway into what is not seen? I say, the universe was built on an attribute and that attribute was Love. But Love had a structure; Love had a genetic design. Love was a life; a consciousness and Love had a secret; a plan. Love had the blueprint of existence and the pathway of expression of his own nature, in the form of all life. And Love's secret was to redeem life and expose his very own characteristics, and dwell manifested upon his kingdom with his entire manifested plan; his concept and idea coming to a completion. And the secret of life is to find our place in this great plan, and execute our vocation to the end and the death. And that, is the mind of God. To me, that is the secret of life, what do you think is the secret of life?