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What is the secret of successful marriage?


Active Member
You know, there are couples that live happily ever after.....What is their secret? Do you know any example of that type of relationship?

What makes a marriage successful? Is that compatibility or willingness to compromise? Maybe love or common interests?

I just want to be armed and prepared when time comes.


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In my experience it's an ample amount, and desire to, communicate regularly and meaningfully. Along with an aversion to trying to control or significantly change your partner. But I absolutely cannot say this for sure is 'the secret' or that it's not more complicated than this. It's just what's worked so far for my husband and I. (been together 16 years now.)


Revelation all the time
You know, there are couples that live happily ever after.....What is their secret? Do you know any example of that type of relationship?

I know of a few.

I don't think it's a secret, but it sure seems that there must be a secret when so many don't last all that long. I've recently had two (one a family member, another both were close friends) that didn't last and I thought for sure both would. They both lasted over 20 years.

I think for "happily ever after" it is level of tolerance, ability to forgive and willingness to see spouse as dear friend foremost rather than great lover.

What makes a marriage successful? Is that compatibility or willingness to compromise? Maybe love or common interests?

I just want to be armed and prepared when time comes.

I don't think there's a way to be fully prepared because of how own self can change over time. IMO, that's the truly tough part. You think you know your own self, but just look back say 20 years ago and decide if you today would fully get along with that person, or would that person (you of the past) be all hunky dory with some of your beliefs today. Then there's the distorted love aspect as it relates to own self. The "no matter what you do, I'll love you." I think that works with friendships, for the most part, but not with romantic relationships. A lover goes to prison - that's probably enough to put an end to that (romantic) relationship. A friend goes to prison - that person still remains a friend (unless what they did to get into prison directly impacted the friendship). Just saying that if partner changes and you suddenly find yourself not in love/enamored with those changes, it is easy in non-marriage relationship to say - it's them, not me, and move on. But with marriage, you've probably made vows of some sort that amount to however they may change/grow, you still want to be with them, no matter what. So, truly on you if they change and you no longer have love for them.

Of the ones I know that lasted until death or are still lasting (both are still alive), I am aware of strong trouble spots that they had. So 'happily ever after' seems like a stretch. At least one of the ones coming to mind (where one of the spouses has passed away), it somewhat came down to the other spouse not having the courage to leave that relationship and make it on their own, along with how that might impact other members (namely kids) in the family. But another one comes to mind (both spouses now passed) where it isn't so visible to me that they had tremendously rough spots and I believe they always wanted to be together. I think of one spouse as super duper patient and forgiving and the other as a bit rude at times and yet passionate, social butterfly. Had that second person been with another partner, I don't know if it would've lasted. Thus, having someone who will put up with your crap helps, but ultimately I think comes down to are they friend more than lover?


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You know, there are couples that live happily ever after.....What is their secret? Do you know any example of that type of relationship?

What makes a marriage successful? Is that compatibility or willingness to compromise? Maybe love or common interests?

I just want to be armed and prepared when time comes.
My parent's marriage nearly ended more than once, but they remained married until mother died. First of all there was never any violence between them. There were problems, and she revealed to me that once she felt a momentary feeling of disgust for her husband but drove the feeling off. One obstacle they overcame was that he was too quiet about his own wishes, so my mother would get her way a lot while he simmered quietly without saying anything. One might consider him slightly passive aggressive but not necessarily. Maybe a tiny bit. She was perhaps also a bit too assertive for him. He was also too immature and uncertain, perhaps a little bit irresponsible. His own father had not really shown him the way. This nearly ended their relationship, but they both changed for the better early on. One thing that helped that they got some distance during his away missions with the military. One would think that this would be a problem, but it gave them some sort of room when they needed it most. He learned to be more mature and responsible, and she decided to try harder to compromise and get him to communicate. At least that is what I gather from what they told me.

I'm not married, but I think marriage is a good thing for children. If your marriage is for your child's sake then that is part of a good reason to marry. If your marriage is just for love and so that you can grow old together then I think that you are better off not getting married. My thought is that most people go into marriage without knowing themselves. That's a problem, because they don't always know one another well either. Another problem is when people make too big a deal out of marriage, as if it were a crusade for God that must be maintained at all costs. That can quickly turn a good thing into a bad thing. Marriage is honorable but so is divorce, because sometimes divorce is the right thing. I don't agree with people who say marriage fuses the souls of people together or that it can't be undone. Its an arrangement which should not be taken lightly but that's all. It is a transformational and enviable experience that is not without some risk.

Consider the marriage that recently broke up between Angie and Brad which is in the tabloids and on grocery store shelves. I think their marriage has inspired many people. I'm sorry for their loss and that they have to divorce, but its not like they're causing trouble or that they marriage was unproductive. For example I loved their film Mr. And Mrs. Smith and think it will continue to inspire people. What they have done in getting divorced is they have grown and learned. I expect to hear good things about them in the future.


Active Member
Consider the marriage that recently broke up between Andie and Brad which is in the tabloids and on grocery store shelves. I think their marriage has inspired many people.

Yes, I thought they were an ideal match....It is so sad that they divorce now....

I'm not married, but I think marriage is a good thing for children. If your marriage is for your child's sake then that is part of a good reason to marry. If your marriage is just for love and so that you can grow old together then I think that you are better off not getting married.

I do agree that marriage is more a formality than something meaningful. However, it gives a women some security if she gives birth to a child. Another question is if a successful marriage is possible without children? I think one or another would always want kinds.


Admiral Obvious
You know, there are couples that live happily ever after.....What is their secret? Do you know any example of that type of relationship?

What makes a marriage successful? Is that compatibility or willingness to compromise? Maybe love or common interests?

I just want to be armed and prepared when time comes.
No secret that I know of.

Been married to the same woman for 16+ years.
We have had our ups and downs.

Communication seems to be the one big thing to staying together.


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My secret is that I would rather be with my husband than with someone else. He is not ideal and neither am I, but each of us would rather have each other than be without each other. Might I have chosen another mate instead of him? Probably, but he is who I have and we love each other. We also have children together. In my hot head days I might have left him if not for the children. I have thought about it as we are quite opposite and we do not enjoy the same things.
We have children and a nice home together, he has football and I have you guys. :)


Veteran Member
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Yes, I thought they were an ideal match....It is so sad that they divorce now....
Me too, but I don't care at all about Brad and Angie unless their faces appear in the grocery store aisle. They are lucky to have millions of people sharing their pain. Most people don't have that kind of support.
I do agree that marriage is more a formality than something meaningful. However, it gives a women some security if she gives birth to a child. Another question is if a successful marriage is possible without children? I think one or another would always want kinds.
True, but marriage laws here are too overbearing; and not enough people have prenuptial agreements. Then one spouse can use the threat of divorce too effectively, because the divorce is guaranteed to be chaotic and painful. Marriages shouldn't be held together by the threat of legal action, because that makes them evil. They aren't about love then.


Veteran Member
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My secret is that I would rather be with my husband than with someone else. He is not ideal and neither am I, but each of us would rather have each other than be without each other. Might I have chosen another mate instead of him? Probably, but he is who I have and we love each other. We also have children together. In my hot head days I might have left him if not for the children. I have thought about it as we are quite opposite and we do not enjoy the same things.
We have children and a nice home together, he has football and I have you guys. :)
Tough person! I bet he's glad he married you. You sound like a team player.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
You know, there are couples that live happily ever after.....What is their secret? Do you know any example of that type of relationship?

What makes a marriage successful? Is that compatibility or willingness to compromise? Maybe love or common interests?

I just want to be armed and prepared when time comes.