A Vestigial Mote
Well-Known Member
"Perspective"1. In your belief, if one asks you, what is the foundation of all goodness and virtues, what will be your one word answer?
That's my one-word answer. "Good" can only be determined once we know the observer. So, for example, you don't like to have a limb chopped off, right? That would be "bad" from your perspective. However, if that limb dropped into a forest where a scavenger found it and could gnaw the flesh off of it, then from the scavenger's perspective, you losing a limb was "good." It is ALL a matter of perspective.
Say you find a gold nugget on the ground in the middle of your town after you have just eaten a meal and had a drink of water. Lucky day, right?! This is "good." Now let's say you find that same exact nugget of gold but you are starving and dying of thirst in the middle of a huge desert. Finding that gold is nearly meaningless - in fact, it would look like a terrible, fateful irony in that moment.
Without perspective, you can't call anything "good" or "evil." It makes no sense without context.