It is a matter of fact that the different religions over the millennia are anchored in different human perspectives, and describe the 'Source?' some call God(s) in many different cultural perspectives.
By themselves and their claims they remain irrational, illogical belief systems based on ancient scripture, and mythology of the fallible human view of the ancient past. None of the religions in and of themselves can stand alone as the universal standard for humanity from a less biased perspective that considers all religions on an equal footing.
There is evidence that cultures and religions evolve and change over time all over the world. The earliest known Neolithic religion is animism, followed by human figures described as Lords and a lineage of Divine authority extending to ancestors, and ancestor reverence or worship. Various forms of polytheism develop with earthly Lords, which evolve to monotheism, an earthly lords. The earliest cultures practiced human and animal sacrifice, which evolved into animal sacrifice only, than symbolic metaphysical forms of sacrifice. In Eurasia there are similarities between religions, but also differences mostly related to the differences cultures.
There are two ways logically and rational to explain the evidence. The first is that there are no God(s), and this reflects a natural evolution of human society in different parts of the world the same way physical evolution diversifies into different species.
The second is the view of the Baha'i Faith that God exists, God would a more universal perspective unknown to the different fallible human perspectives. The different religions of the world represent the spiritual evolution of humanity. Scriptures and beliefs represent two aspects: (1) The progressive Revelation of spiritual teachings and principles. (2) A human view of God and the Divine nature of reality reflected in the culture of the time of the Revelation. Taken together they represent an evolving spiritual nature of humanity that will continue and change in the future.
By themselves and their claims they remain irrational, illogical belief systems based on ancient scripture, and mythology of the fallible human view of the ancient past. None of the religions in and of themselves can stand alone as the universal standard for humanity from a less biased perspective that considers all religions on an equal footing.
There is evidence that cultures and religions evolve and change over time all over the world. The earliest known Neolithic religion is animism, followed by human figures described as Lords and a lineage of Divine authority extending to ancestors, and ancestor reverence or worship. Various forms of polytheism develop with earthly Lords, which evolve to monotheism, an earthly lords. The earliest cultures practiced human and animal sacrifice, which evolved into animal sacrifice only, than symbolic metaphysical forms of sacrifice. In Eurasia there are similarities between religions, but also differences mostly related to the differences cultures.
There are two ways logically and rational to explain the evidence. The first is that there are no God(s), and this reflects a natural evolution of human society in different parts of the world the same way physical evolution diversifies into different species.
The second is the view of the Baha'i Faith that God exists, God would a more universal perspective unknown to the different fallible human perspectives. The different religions of the world represent the spiritual evolution of humanity. Scriptures and beliefs represent two aspects: (1) The progressive Revelation of spiritual teachings and principles. (2) A human view of God and the Divine nature of reality reflected in the culture of the time of the Revelation. Taken together they represent an evolving spiritual nature of humanity that will continue and change in the future.