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What is truth?


Immobile Wanderer
Right and wrong are not dependent on whether or not someone is hurt. And even if they are, my perspective is not about right or wrong, but about walking the path you've chosen. If you harm others physically with no regret and without justification then people who walk the path I walk will come along to stop you.
Are you saying that it is not enough if we do not have any regrets about our walk at the end of the day but we have also to ensure that we do not tread on anyone's toes during our walk?


Guardian of Life
Are you saying that it is not enough if we do not have any regrets about our walk at the end of the day but we have also to ensure that we do not tread on anyone's toes during our walk?

Not necessarily. Some people choose to walk a path where they tread on the toes of others.

When you ask "it is not enough" I want to know for what are you asking if "it' is enough?


Its only a Label
Friend BBB,

What is truth?
As have understood and realized: Truth is that which one is part off and that which is not perceivable by the human mind!

Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
In considering the "best reasoning of the path I have choosen" is indeed in the way I consider !
It is defined in the thoughts & feelings that have me maintaining my beliefs & seeing them come to life!
My spiritual awakening supports a world of Islam yet can not rule out the other aspects of other religions. As many theologins will say there are religions that "overlap". I am not without wanting PEACE & all the aspects there of. The graciousness of god is not without me. I am not a extrenist. But what I believe in & how I respond is to "walk the walk & talk the talk." There seems no point in just speaking words or memorizing verse.
I stand in a doorway which has no man looked upon without a understanding that all men are capable og doing "good things" A world where the value of a man is in his capacity to be compasionate & kind without seeking a reward.
To let Desires rush in & speak of a consuming fire is not without them,but we have enough intellegence to realize who we are & what we are doing.
A modest balanced approach is best [for me] & anyone else who considers it wise to do so.
To be fullfilled with a way of life that lets life be a little more compasionate is very mush me.
Letting the positive in life be seen & you will find my religion & faith!


Immobile Wanderer
Not necessarily. Some people choose to walk a path where they tread on the toes of others.

When you ask "it is not enough" I want to know for what are you asking if "it' is enough?
What I meant was, should we pursue a path we wish regardless of the hurt it may cause others? I feel while we can't always be responsible for the psychological hurt our actions may cause, it should be alright so long as we do not physically hurt anyone. Of course, ideally we should not hurt anyone even psychologically but then some people have such psychological problems that even righteous actions hurt them. I think you are saying the same thing. I just wanted to confirm.


Its only a Label
Friend Venu,

I think you ought to be getting some Noble prize for defining truth so magnificently!
Is that not a perception??
So; is not part of TRUTH!!!

Love & rgds


You are not alone. Truth can be found in other religions. Christians could contend that elements of truth are found in others. However, the elements that are incompatible with Christianity would be false.

Incompatable with whose version of christianity?

I've got a version too.
I'm pretty sure it's nothing like yours. ;)


In hebrew it is יהוה - YHWH - ha‧wah′
The most accepted Hebrew form is Yahweh
The most recognized English form is Jehovah

In all my years of watching Jesus movies at christmas time (that was the extent of my knowledge of christianity growing up) I never knew God has a personal name because it was never mentioned. So when i learned that from the JW's I though they know something that most other churches wont even mention... i wanted to know why that was the case and in further study, i got my answer. :)

Yet still, you call Y'shua, "Jesus".


I never understand that.


I am a middle-aged cradle Catholic Christian who is challenging his long-held beliefs and practices. I do not have any theological problems with my faith perse, however how the church applies the faith in matters of the faith gives me reason to pause. I think of the scripture that says to the effect 'by their fruits you shall know them'. I have a tendency to believe that there is in fact a true faith that can be known, but I am open to others thoughts on this premise as well. I am looking for those who are knowledgeable in their beliefs to share them and give their best reasoning as to why the path they have chosen is the correct one. Thank you and I look forward to your thoughtful replies.

Generally, it is believed that to speak truly; to describe things exactly as they are, and not to temper with facts is called 'Truth'. Which is an element of good attributes, but it is not...

:) Read this here: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/general-religious-debates/107882-what-where-truth.html




Active Member
I am a middle-aged cradle Catholic Christian who is challenging his long-held beliefs and practices. I do not have any theological problems with my faith perse, however how the church applies the faith in matters of the faith gives me reason to pause. I think of the scripture that says to the effect 'by their fruits you shall know them'. I have a tendency to believe that there is in fact a true faith that can be known, but I am open to others thoughts on this premise as well. I am looking for those who are knowledgeable in their beliefs to share them and give their best reasoning as to why the path they have chosen is the correct one. Thank you and I look forward to your thoughtful replies.

The scripture teaches there is "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism", you do well to search for this. It also says, "every man is right in his own eyes." That would include all of us, so to be actually right it would have to be so in God's eyes as well. I belong to a Christian community that claims to have always existed apart from the Catholics and was never Protestant either. It has through the ages been known by many names, but has always remained the same Faith. We hold to all the Apostolic ordinances, including Church order.


Jehovah our God is One
Most accepted Hebrew form? The name is not pronounced in Hebrew. It's replaced with Adonai or HaShem.

Besides, Yaweh certainly isn't correct as there's no W in Hebrew.

the transliteration of the 4 letters of the tetragrammaton are yhwh... i know thats weird because the waw is actually pronounced as an english v, but its still transliterated as w by hebrew scholars. Im not really sure why.

but as you know, the waw is pronounced as 'v'. Thats why in english it has traditionally been pronounced as Jehovah rather then 'Jehowah'. It was the earliest christians who gave the current pronunciation and it stands to reason that if Jesus knew and used Gods divine name, then its certain that those early christians, who were mostly jewish, knew it as well. And the evidence is that they did know and use the name.
Around 245 C.E. Origen produced his Hexapla, a six-column reproduction of the inspired Hebrew Scriptures, and each occurrence of the tetragrammaton is JHWH
...Let not anything, in the form of conditioning, organisation, loyalties or tradition deny us our honourable place under the sun.
Yet the sun can burn us with too much exposure.

Couldn't conditioning, organization, loyalties, and tradition be not only beneficial but necessary for our journey?
...The point is to walk a path that will make you happy, that will fulfill you....
This could be perceived as having a selfish attitude don't you think? I think I'm trying to balance individual fulfillment with collective fulfillment.

TheKnight said:
...What you do is only wrong if at the end of the day you look back and regret doing it.
There can be regret in chosing as well as not chosing.
...So it was clear to me that not all of the christian churches could really be of the same channel...especially considering that they all have different teachings. So, like you, I did believe that there must be a channel God would be using. I came to my conclusion based on the good conduct & love expressed among the members, the teachings in harmony with the scriptures and the fact that all members were actively involved in Jesus command to go and preach the kingdom message.
ALL members are actively involved in Jesus' command to go and preach the kingdom message? Which church is this?
...A world where the value of a man is in his capacity to be compasionate & kind without seeking a reward....Letting the positive in life be seen & you will find my religion & faith!
This is the faith I desire! Yet, many faiths teach this in some form or another don't they?
...I belong to a Christian community that claims to have always existed apart from the Catholics and was never Protestant either. It has through the ages been known by many names, but has always remained the same Faith. We hold to all the Apostolic ordinances, including Church order.
What is your evidence for such Christian community?