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What is war on terrorism?

Is there really an al quaida?
Is this so called war on terrorism "perpetual warfare"?
Now that we have declared war on the word terrorism, can the defintion be changed?
Who is in control corprate america or We the People?
Are we be controled by fear?

The list can go forever. The rising generation has many choices to be made what can we do
to change? Will we be controlled by a goverment that was meant to be controlled by us?
What are your opinions and how were they formed? media, second hand or first hand
how do we decipher the info we recieve?facts,rumors or opinions?

pick one and let the knowledge flow!
Obviously thats part of the reason but do you believe its all a bush agenda for oil? Or is is agenda for more laws more defense contracts, or is it to scare americans with all those terror alerts?


New Member
It's not about oil (primarily)
Lot's of companies made tons of money from the war in iraq (rebuilding etc)
The laws were something they had planned for years, on a shelf somewhere.
I'm not sure about the reasoning behind the war, maybe some hidden agenda


Space Chief
The so called 'war on terrorism' is very vague. It is like saying the 'war on badguys' or the 'war against evil'. I don't think we truly know who our enemies really are.
MasterChief said:
It's not a war on terrorism, it's a war on countries that suit bush's needs. ie natural resources
I don't understand. If he wanted Iraq's natural resources, why didn't he simply lift the sanctions on Iraq?

Halo is a great game, by the way. :)
Because lifting the sanctions does not get halliburton or anyother defense contractor contracts and lots of money this was a multi-purpose war for corprate america.
Al quaida was group made up by the cia to give the americans some one to focus on. If you have ever seen arabs on tv yelling those words they are refering to "the foundation" which is islam . there is no
hiearchy amongst any of those groups. no one is refereing to bin laden or his group except for us. I realize there are terrorist out there but to my first hand knowledge there is no al quaida they have different names and there only connection is where they buy there soldiers from.
TheIdealist said:
Because lifting the sanctions does not get halliburton or anyother defense contractor contracts and lots of money this was a multi-purpose war for corprate america.
That doesn't make any sense. First of all, correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Halliburton is in the oil and gas industry, and is not a defense contractor. Secondly, if it wasn't for the sanctions, Halliburton could have done business in Iraq and made lots of money just as it does in numerous other countries (Kuwait, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, ect).
Halliburton started as an oil compnay, since vietnam they have become one of the biggest defense contractors in the states every chowhall in every combat zone is almost all halliburton they make armor they fix are vehichles they even provide private security for top officials they are becomeing the logistic division of the miltitary.
The Idealist-- I checked out the halliburton website. You're right--thanks for correcting me.

Now for my next question: What did Halliburton give to Bush in return for his services, and what evidence is there to support such a claim?
deep family ties, in bushes cabinet he employs i think his name is tom baker anyway the baker family has been halliburtons lawyers since before vietnam war they actually helped start the company with sam halliburton and halliburton has always somehow gotten no bid contracts since vietnam when the bakers got into the white house with johnson after kennedy was shot.

the evidence ive read and seen was a documentary about robert mcnamera the sec of defense under kennedy and johnson and a few historical books one being a book called cronies its about the ties of all the people who continously get into the white house its actually really good about placing facts of its info.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
TheIdealist said:
I realize there are terrorist out there but to my first hand knowledge ...
Is this revelatory knowledge, something you read in a fortune cookie, or something that you can validate. Again, willful ignorance in this area is not only dangerous, it's repugnant.


Well-Known Member
war and terrorism have always been about resources.

we like yours more than ours.
we dont like yours at all.
we want yours to go away.

'we the people'

once 'we the people' vote and elect 'them that are they', whatever 'them that are they' do is beyond the control that 'we the people' have. in rare cases 'we the people' have had the opportunity to say something about what 'them that are they' are supposed to do, etc., but that is usually after 'them that are they' are exposed in the media.

'corporate america'

this phrase goes hand in hand with the troubles in the world. greed breeds all kinds of heartaches. business brings outsiders to other countries with their colloquialisms, etc. some beneign and other traits are offensive. then the way 'business' is conducted via workforce and policy also creates global 'tension'.

'difference between war and terrorism'

this is a fine line of brutality. since 'them that are they' mentioned previously go by 'codes and ethics' 'they that are those' made up through global agreements (the UN or Geneva Convention), their 'destruction and death campaign' is ok on the paper that others have debated over, etc.

now we come to 'terrorism'. the methods of which are just as bad as those who go to war, etc. 'them that are they' will argue that 'terrorist' methods are just too unthinkable to phathom.

'weapons of choice'

since both 'them that are they' and the 'terrorist' all use weapons, bombs and strategies for undermining the other force, the 'weapons of mass destruction' have not and can not be those that make a bigger 'bang' than the more 'conventional weapons'. if this is so, then what of the 'terrorist' acts? who gets to classify the 'terrorist' act over a 'war' or 'conflict' act?

'who's to blame'

'them that are they' are just as guilty as those who they call and term 'terrorist'. why? because 'them that are they' classify persons 'terrorist' by 'conflict of interest' and/or 'their ideals' and the outcome of 'actions speak louder than words' bit. some of which may have manifested themselves because 'them that are they' corrupted the society of the country that 'terrorist' are from through industrialism and greed.

'what do we learn from this'

both 'them that are they' and 'terrorist' are warped and out of control.


Deut. 32.8 said:
Is this revelatory knowledge, something you read in a fortune cookie, or something that you can validate. Again, willful ignorance in this area is not only dangerous, it's repugnant.
Good grief, there is a way to state your opinion without being so antagonistic. Also, if you are sooo sure that Idealist is "willfully ignorant" then where are your facts to refute him? He is a well rounded individual who knows more about this stuff than I do considering he has served his country and personally helped fight this "war". Talk about first hand information....he was there. Where were you?
Is this revelatory knowledge, something you read in a fortune cookie, or something that you can validate. Again, willful ignorance in this area is not only dangerous, it's repugnant.-duet32.8.

Yeah I read all this stuff in my M.R.E. fortune cookies while i traveled iraq for 15 months and and worked with halliburton and the local people. so yeah its all luck of the cookies i kept getting