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What Is Wrong With Letting a Man be a Gentleman?


Kal-El's Mama
The things I do as a gentleman, I do for both genders. If I open a door for a lady, rest assured that this and any other act of kindness will be extended for all humans. Patrickism doesn't discriminate.

It's true that Patrickism does not discriminate. The only thing is, when Patrick holds the door open, I am already sitting in the car listening to a whole CD. He holds the door so long he sometimes gets mistaken for a Doorman. I am surprised he hasn't received any tips.

From another thread..Ladies?..Do ya'll feel offended if a man opens a door for you and says "ladies first"?

And are you intimidated to admit that in fact most of us are physcially weaker by design?(not that we cant open our own door..but in general)...



There is nothing wrong with a man being a gentleman. When I open doors for my friends, I say, "Ladies first." and I am not a gentleman. I am more of a gentlewoman. I always open the doors to my elderlies. Right there, I don't say, "Elderlies First." :no:


Question Everything
The whole thing revolves around the idea that women are less capable than men, and must be symbolically assisted in ordinary activities. This has come to be proper etiquette.

Some women object to the deferential "assistance" as a slight. Eg:
Assisting a woman to load 80 lb sacks of cement into a truck is helpful. Opening a car door or sliding a chair out for her accentuates the myth of feminine helplessness and strokes the masculine sense of superiority.
I'm not sure this is a good thing....

LOL - you feminist you :)
I am not a man - is this really what men think? I guess some think that.
Just as some men think all women are worthless, some women think all men are worthless.:D They prove to men how worthless they are by not letting them open the door for them.

"no one wants you or your help!" - is that what we should say to one another? or should we let people feel valued and worth something.

the "I don't need you and you don't need me" mentality does not really get anyone anywhere though...

interdependence is better than independence. IMO.
(Interdependence is not the same as dependant.)

Please read this link. - especially the quotes at the end.
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Treasure Hunter
I don't mind letting men do stuff for me. If I'm going to have to be a girl and not be as strong as men, I don't have a problem with them doing work for me. ;)


Question Everything
I don't mind letting men do stuff for me. If I'm going to have to be a girl and not be as strong as men, I don't have a problem with them doing work for me. ;)

My dear girl, physically not as strong, but stronger than them in other areas :yes: women are generally more sensitive to the needs of others, more intuitive, more observant, smarter at a lot of things than guys are. We just have different strengths.

It is what makes both of us valued. Each are valued for their unique strengths.
together men and women make a whole.

Unique is the same as value - I'm tired of everyone trying to make us the same. To say everyone is the same is to take away what is unique and beautiful about everyone. Celebrate diversity... don't try to erase it.

Unique link (although it would be more beautiful if the rose had a better personality...)


Reason, and reason again
I think of a 21st gentleman as being someone who would extend proper etiquette to all people, regardless of their gender. Unless you're trying to woo the other person by being overly-helpful, I don't see a reason to distinguish based on sex. If there are two people behind you and you step aside to keep the door open, no gentleman would allow the woman to pass and then cut off the man behind her.

The only women who have ever held doors open for me (actually stand aside, not just keep it open for a little while) were very ardent feminists.
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Will to love
Good gracious! I always appreciate it when anyone opens a door for me, especially when I'm herding two little ones and have my arms full of totes and cups and books and coats and ...

My husband had the courteous habit of opening my car door for me, meaning that he would always make the extra trip around to the passenger side of the car (if he was driving) and open my door for me. That was so respectful it went a long way toward keeping my attention. He did this right up to the point where we had kids, and now his arms are also always full of totes and cups and books and soccer equipment and gymnastics bags and...

A well-trained man (or woman) who is polite and helpful is golden.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'd find it distinctly odd if another man slid my chair out at table, took my wrap, or opened my car door for me....
When I'm driving, I usually open car doors for everyone, but that's mainly because my van pre-dates the advent of power locks (so I've gotta walk around the car and unlock every door anyhow), and people unfamiliar with my van tend to have trouble with the sliding doors.

I'll hold doors open for anyone; most women I know do the same.


Through the Looking Glass
From another thread..Ladies?..Do ya'll feel offended if a man opens a door for you and says "ladies first"?

And are you intimidated to admit that in fact most of us are physcially weaker by design?(not that we cant open our own door..but in general)...


It's not about weaker sex/stronger sex, IMO. Not expecting him to engage in thoughtful behavior (being a "gentleman") to impress and please you makes your man weak and careless. It's not about a "superior" sex. It's about keeping his mind attuned to you and your happiness, which will also increase the vitality and passion he feels, not unlike when he was first trying to court you on your first few dates.


Sweet n Spicy
I think it's considerate of a man to open a door for me. I'm generally lazy so the more things he can do for me the better...LOL...no I don't take advantage of it though. :D

Yes I am much weaker than most men and women out there. However there are women out there who can kick a lot of guys' butts. :D