In the UK, it is against the law to burn a Qur'an, and, yes, people have actually been arrested for it. Source:
BIBLE BURNING LEGAL / NOT QURAN However, burning the Bible is completely legal. Why are the leaders of the UK in bed with Islam, giving the Qur'an special protection, but not the Bible? Let me be clear, I believe that it should be perfectly legal to burn any book, including all religious books. So, why does the UK restrict freedom of speech by making Qur'an burning an arrestable offense?
In addition, the UK recently banned individuals critical of Islam from entering the country, yet they still allow SHARIA COURTS to exist in the nation, and allow Muslim men to preach about abusing women in mosques. I'm no fan of Donald Trump, but when I learn about stuff like this, I suddenly become happy that he is our president instead of some leftist who loves Islam and hates free speech. Bear in mind, not all leftists think this way. Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, and Sam Harris among others are examples of leftists who have common sense on this issue. Unfortunately, as is evident in the United Kingdom, many do not have common sense, and clearly do not care about the overall welfare of their citizens.
The problem here is that it seems you are taking your information from people that twist facts, and when they can't do that they'll add some 'alternative facts'. Their goal is to create divison and create hatred.
I'm a Muslim, and I have no problem with you disagreeing with my beliefs.
By all means, critics can discuss the Quran, write about it, hold conferences. But to burn something that others consider sacred is a caveman response, and it achieves nothing but hatred and division. The same goes for the Muslims who burn flags, embassies as a response.
We should look at the facts here. You should have called this thread " free speech and European laws" because that's what it should be about.
The people that were arrested for burning the Quran, weren't arrested because the Quran gets special treatment. It was simply based on law called the Racial & Religious Hatred Act 2006. The primary law regulating incitement of racial hatred in the United Kingdom is Public Order Act 1986, which defined racial hatred and criminalized a number of actions that incited it. It was amended by the
Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006, which expanded the crimes against racial hatred to explicitly include religious hatred. ( you can look this up in the Public Order Act, 1986, c. 64, pt. III (Eng.) Racial and Religious Hatred Act, 2006, c. 1)
" In 2005, France passed a law prohibiting incitement to religious
hatred, and England and Wales followed a year later with the Racial
& Religious Hatred Act 2006.These statutes built on a series of laws
were passed long before the 9/11 attacks and restrict speech and conduct based on the content of the message. As critical race theorist Mari Matsuda observes ―the knowledge that anti-Semitic hate propaganda and the rise of Nazism were clearly connected guided development of the
emerging international law on incitement to racial hatred. Many
countries, but especially European countries, crafted their laws so that
―international human rights norms treat freedom of speech as an
important right, but one that must be balanced against other democratic
(Sedler, supra note 20, at 379 (describing the freedom of speech as a right that, in Europe, is
held equal to, not above, other human rights).
The fact that you think that you have Donald Trump to thank for protecting freedom of speech is laughable. The reason why burning the Quran or any other book is legal in the USA is, because your constitution holds freedom as a paramount right. The European model( not only the UK)
treats it merely as one right that must be weighed against other
democratic rights, such as dignity and privacy.
You need to read article 10 section 1 and 2 of the ECHR to understand why they were arrested on suspicion of inciting hatred.
" European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, art.
10 § 1, Nov. 1950, 213 U.N.T.S. 221 [hereinafter ECHR] (―Everyone has the right to freedom of
expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information
and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not
prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.‖).
60. ECHR, supra note 59, art. 10 § 2 (―The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it
duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security,
territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health
or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of
information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the
judiciary.‖). "
Article 10 was applied lawfully according to the European Court in the Quran burning case so the UK was within it's right to restrict it. I believe if there was a trend of burning other scriptures like the Bible the same would have happened.
These laws aren't made to 'appease Muslims'.Muslim extremists have been tried under these laws. There have been several cases one of them was a case of a protester shouting slogans calling for massacre of those who insult Islam, he was convicted on several charges and was sentenced to two years and six months in jail specifically on the
charges of stirring racial hatred.
In regards to the telegraph article that was mentioned in your link( the arrest of those in Gateshead)
the Police Department‘s statement is not on the individual rights of the
arrested parties to freedom of speech but on the community‘s right to avoid enduring such speech. The burning of a Quran demonstrates the intent to stir up religious hatred with it's message, and the same ruling has been applied to banning individuals( non Muslims and Muslims) from entering the UK.
Like I said I don't mind criticism, but this is just fear-mongering and looks a lot like a conspiracy theory.