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What Is Your Favourite Hymn?


The Devil's Advocate
I did a quick search and found several versions with different numbers of verses, but nothing that might cause a child nightmares.
I have only ever heard four verses, and the reason why I didn't post it is because I thought anyone with an interest in hymns would know them:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.

Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear, and Grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear, the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come.
Tis Grace hath brought me safe thus far, and Grace will lead me home.

When we've been there 10,000 years, bright shining as the sun,
we've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun.


As a kid when I sang this song, I took it very literally, and the idea of doing nothing but singing God's praises under bright lights for 10,000 years, and then having to start all over again horrified me.

I've got a CD of bagpipe music that includes, according to the track listing, a song called "Amazing Graze"... I guess it's the version for cows. :)
I love the song on bagpipe! It's a melancholy tune and the bagpipe captures it perfectly.


The Devil's Advocate
Lilithu- i love that hymn! it's in a Quaker hymnal a friend uses for worship, and it always makes me tear up, too.
Of course I should have known that the Friends would use it. :) The UUs probably got it from the Quakers.


Jesus in me
Rock and roll might constitute a Christian song nowdays. I love rock and roll without God content, and might have found some God rock grooved me in the past without understanding the lyrics.

A church that I previously attended sang current Christian rock at worship services. It had a pretty good band. We sang a lot of Sonicflood so I bought one of their CDs.

I always like Petra and my favorite song is "The Power of a Praying Man" which is done in a style similar to that of Bon Jovi.

Some secular rock has themes that I like such as Kansas with "Dust in the Wind" and Styx with "Show Me the Way."


Daddy,Papa,Abba,Father--original MP3 recording

This is an original recording I wrote and "performed" for Father's Day,
at the church where I worked a couple of years ago.
It's one of my older compositions that I still hold near to my heart.
Sorry about the sound quality,
but the recording is live.

Here are the lyrics....
I hope it touches you in some way....

Lift me, lift me Daddy in Your Loving Arms....
Spin me in Your Joy!
Toss me in Your Glory!
Pick me, pick me up when I have fallen...
and the world has got me down...
I call Your name....

Daddy... Papa... Abba... Father....

Raise me, Raise me Father in YourWisdom...
Correct me in Your Love...
Direct me in Your Ways...
Reveal in me Your Truth when I am lost and confused...
and the world has left me used.... I cry out ...

Daddy ... Papa... Abba... Father...

You speak now... in my maturity...
and I hear You... in the very details of my life...
but really still... I am Your little girl.... ever to be...
the daughter of Your dreaming for all eternity!
I Love You!!!

Daddy... Papa... Abba... Father...

Fill me, Fill me Abba in Your Laughter...
Seal me in Your Life...
Share with me Your Secrets...
Show me all the Wonders of the Ancient of Days...
Astound me with Your Ways!
I Lift my Heart in Praise!

Daddy... Papa... Abba... Father...


I forgot to mention....
listen to the voice of the little child in the congregation...
right before I hit the stop button on the recorder...

Do you hear it!

Awesome huh?!


Jesus in me
Daddy,Papa,Abba,Father--original MP3 recording

This is an original recording I wrote and "performed" for Father's Day,
at the church where I worked a couple of years ago.
It's one of my older compositions that I still hold near to my heart.
Sorry about the sound quality,
but the recording is live.

Here are the lyrics....
I hope it touches you in some way....

Lift me, lift me Daddy in Your Loving Arms....
Spin me in Your Joy!
Toss me in Your Glory!
Pick me, pick me up when I have fallen...
and the world has got me down...
I call Your name....

Daddy... Papa... Abba... Father....

Raise me, Raise me Father in YourWisdom...
Correct me in Your Love...
Direct me in Your Ways...
Reveal in me Your Truth when I am lost and confused...
and the world has left me used.... I cry out ...

Daddy ... Papa... Abba... Father...

You speak now... in my maturity...
and I hear You... in the very details of my life...
but really still... I am Your little girl.... ever to be...
the daughter of Your dreaming for all eternity!
I Love You!!!

Daddy... Papa... Abba... Father...

Fill me, Fill me Abba in Your Laughter...
Seal me in Your Life...
Share with me Your Secrets...
Show me all the Wonders of the Ancient of Days...
Astound me with Your Ways!
I Lift my Heart in Praise!

Daddy... Papa... Abba... Father...

I think your poetry is excellent. Is the composition yours too? I consider that to be as good as that of Chris Christian and that is saying something. I do find it a bit New Age but I am not totally negative about New Age as some Christians.


I think your poetry is excellent. Is the composition yours too? I consider that to be as good as that of Chris Christian and that is saying something. I do find it a bit New Age but I am not totally negative about New Age as some Christians.

Yes, thank you Muffled,
the composition is mine as well.
If I recal correctly,
I wrote it just 2 days before Fathers' Day,
then just taught everyone the simple repeated refrain
that very morning.

I worked at a Roman Catholic parish,
lots of politics in the whole music thing,
but I found if I gave the congregation a simple way to join in,
(even though they had no music),
it raised less objections.

Even though I can no longer be considered a Christian,
(by any mainstream definitions thereof)
I have such an incredibly tender spot in my heart and life
for God as my FATHER.
My Daddy who loves me, and plays with me,
and puts me up on His Awesome shoulders
for an incredible HEIGHTENED view life!

I wrote that song as an outpouring of love and awe.
I love my Daddy!
Some things never change.:cloud9: