What is your least favorite religious behavior?...meaning a behavior that has a Religious motive that you despise? I can't stand the decapitations, stoning of adulterers, and persecution of homosexuals.
The idea that they, alone among all the people on the planet, have the right to tell anybody else how to live, believe, practice their beliefs or teach their beliefs. This particular religious behavior (or rather, 'behavior regarding religion') is found in almost every group, even in atheists.
Nobody has the right to be free from the sight and sound of someone else's beliefs. I don't have the right to object to 'Darwin fish' on someone else's bumper, and I don't have the right to object to someone knocking on my door in order to teach me about the Baptists or Jehovah's Witnesses. I DO have the right to ignore the one and politely say 'no, thanks' to the other.
I don't have the right to insist that anybody else be invisible to me if they believe differently FROM me.
I DO have the right to object to be forcibly included in their religious celebrations/practices if I don't want to join in, but I don't have the right to keep them from having/practicing them with those who DO volunteer for the experience.
This 'religious practice' has been rampant among theists for millenia, of course, but nowdays?
Atheists (well, some, anyway) are JUST as judgmental and guilty of it. More so, actually, in today's society. Certainly anti-theists were considerably more effective and murderous than theists ever were, in sheer numbers killed. (shrug)
Ah, well. What do I know? I just think that....
We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
is the 'eleventh article of faith' for the system I follow. i would add..."or not," between "worship' and "how." I have found very, very few people who think that's a good idea. The atheists keep singing 'Imagine" and everybody else wants to force others to their way of believing.
..........and the posts in this thread don't make me change my mind any.