Throughout my life, I have been led through a series of beliefs. Growing up and raised Catholic, I first encountered and practiced New Age spirituality at 11 years of age; it did not take me too long until I became a Wiccan at 13, a Pentecostal at 15, back to the Catholic Church, at 16, declared as a Baha'i at 18, and the rest of my years until now as a Vaishnava.
I struggle with Vaishnavism, as I seek to reunderstand and reinterpret it as applicable to modern life in this world.
I am actually investigating Christianity at this moment; I have come to realise that no religion has the complete truth. All these years, I've practiced a dogmatic understanding of religion, and I now understand religion to be largely cultural.
Inasmuch as I do believe in God, I truly do not believe that any religion holds this one complete truth. I have and continue to study the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Qur'an, the Dao De Jing, Pureland Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita and other Vedic literatures, the Guru Granth Sahib, etc. and I revel in the understanding that Krishna (God) is the same no matter where one goes.