Why do all the non-religious claim there's 41,000 denominations of Christianity? There isn't. The people that count that number use every nation's religion as a different denomination. There isn't 200+ versions of Catholicism, there is one Catholic church. In reality there is probably only 400-500 different major Christian denominations.
But anyways, there is the Nicene Creed and the Apostle's Creed that most denominations swear allegiance to. Most swear by the Bible, and most of those denominations swear by the King James Version of the Bible, although this isn't always true. If you believe Christ is your lord and savior but don't attend church or read the Bible I would still consider yourself a Christian, even if a nominal one…..
Christians believe Christ is God made flesh. That he's perfect. He is God incarnate. At least to trinitarian Christians. That's all that really matters to them.
TRINITARIAN CHRISTIANS believe what was quoted above.
And yes, the mass majority of ‘Christians’ are trinitarian.
I ‘class’ myself as a Christian but I do not believe that Jesus is Almighty God.
I believe that Jesus is ‘The Last Adam’ - the second and last man to be created sinless, righteous, and holy, not PROCREATED from the seed of a sinful human male.
Prior to his creation in the body of the Virgin Mary, GOD SENT AN ANGEL to the virgin to announce to her that GOD had found favour in her and that through her A CHILD WOULD BE BORN who would be ‘HOLY’ and CALLED ‘The Son of God’ BECAUSE the child would be created by virtue of the Spirit of God overshadowing her.
In prophesy GOD stated that He would send a saviour - a SERVANT - who would do His bidding and that He would CHOSE that servant:
- “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations.” (Isaiah 42:1)
God states that he [will] put His Spirit on this servant whom He [will] choose and delight in.
This is reflected exactly in the later scriptures wherein GOD says of Jesus:
- ‘This is my Son in whom I am well pleased!’
It is interesting to note that the word for ’
Son’ and the word for ‘
Servant’ are akin if the servant is fully dutiful to his master.
And, indeed, GOD does ‘Put His Spirit’ on this dutiful Servant - John the Baptist stating:
- ‘I myself did not know [Jesus of Nazareth even though he was my cousin], but the One who sent me [Almighty God] to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit descend and rest is He who will [be] baptize[d] with the Holy Spirit.’ (John 1:33)
It is evident, therefore, that John the Baptist was not lying nor was mistaken that Jesus of Nazareth was a man since God Himself has directed John to observe the interaction - and in no way could it be said that ALMIGHTY GOD could be said to be ‘Pleased’ with ALMIGHTY GOD nor call Himself a ‘SERVANT’ nor a ‘SON’.
And note also that God, in Isaiah, stated that it would be ‘HIS SPIRIT’ that was put onto this Servant/Son.
And, it would be BECAUSE of this ‘Anointing’ that this servant/son would ‘bring justice to the nations’ as a credited apostle spoke:
- “You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. You know what has happened throughout the province of Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached— how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.“ (Acts 10:36-38)
At the time of the speech, Jesus of Nazareth had been anointed by the spirit of God and thus earned the Greek title ‘Christ’ (or ‘Messiah’ in Hebrew words: ‘He who is anointed’) and has died, resurrected, made immortal, and raised up to Heaven along with being GRANTED ‘ALL THINGS’ by Almighty God. So please do not mistake the order of things as many do saying that Jesus ALWAYS had ALL THINGS!!
And, indeed, what does ‘God was with him’ mean?
Does it mean that Jesus [Christ] WAS GOD because God was with him…?
If I am WITH YOU, does that just mean that I AGREE WITH YOU… that I ‘UPHOLD YOU’?
And isn’t that what God said in prophesy:
- ‘My servant whom I uphold’
So, ALMIGHTY GOD - a SPIRIT BEING in a Spirit realm - created a physical world and put (amongst other things) a HUMAN BEING in it to rule over it.
The first man God created was tested as to his rulership and failed… he was initially sinless, holy, righteous in the eyes of God… he did all that God commanded him to do … up until he was tested by one from his own kind… and he sinned.
Since that time - after God relented from His anger at the failing of this man He had entrusted with rulership - God sought ANOTHER man who would be holy, sinless, righteous also - but none was found.
But God foresaw that this might happen and had set a promise in place that salvation would come by way of another of mankind who would not be from a natural procreated offspring of man but by:
What did that mean? Well, I explained it at the start of thereabouts. Sin is through the male procreation - but Jesus was not born by the procreation by a male but by GOD just as the first man was born by God directly: ‘a last Adam’!:
- ‘For by the misdemeanour of one man sin entered the world …. And by the sacrifice by one man sin [will be] destroyed’ (paraphrased)
This ‘Man’ is Jesus the Christ of God!
And his reward for his sacrifice and sinlessness, holiness, and righteousness: To become THE RULER OF ALL THINGS OF CREATION.
So, just as Almighty God is ruler over the kingdom of the spirits - so Jesus Christ, a glorified man, is ruler over the physical creates world.
This is what it means when it is said that:
- ‘Jesus is Lord of All’ (all of CREATION!)