It’s often in times of crisis or extreme difficulties that each one of us discovers what is truly needed. If humanity needs Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation it will come to pass. If not it will fade into obscurity as you say.
There's a lot of things that are needed... But.... some of us got the impression that Baha'is expected to rule the world... that almost all people would be Baha'is. If that is not the case, then will they even have a majority of the people of the world following the Baha'i Faith? Then, who will be living by "God's law"? Only the Baha'i? Then, what 's going to change? If there is still Sex, drugs, alcohol and defiant people, criminal people, white collar greedy people, what is going to be different than what we have now?
If the Baha'is do become the majority, what are those that aren't Baha'is going to do? They're not going to necessarily want to live by Baha'i laws. So what will Baha'is do with people that want to open a bar or a strip club? Or, what about all the companies and factories that are exploiting people and resources? Will they be outlawed?
One thing for sure, it can't keep going the way it's going. Baha'is and Christian say that things will turn bad. Christians say that Jesus will come and save the day and get rid of evil once and for all. Baha'is say things will get bad and the world will turn to the Baha'is to save the day? Then what?