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What race was Jesus?


I Fly Space.
I always hear these arguments saying the bible said Jesus had "skin of bronze hair of wool." Is this true? Is this really in the bible somewhere? And if it is true, why do Christians depict him otherwise?


Hostis humani generis
I always hear these arguments saying the bible said Jesus had "skin of bronze hair of wool." Is this true? Is this really in the bible somewhere?
Yes, first chapter of Revelation.

Feet "like burnished bronze", hair like wool.

14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

Revelation 1:14-16, NIV translation

Those who take this literally though have issues though, since Jesus had a double-edged sword coming out of his mouth, eyes like blazing fire, and his voice was like the sound of many waters.. :D

And if it is true, why do Christians depict him otherwise?
To make him more accessible to the majority of the inhabitants of their society. Jesus is portrayed as white in Europe, black in Africa, Chinese in China, and Indian in India.

It doesn't make any difference what race Jesus was, though, his message matters.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean race?

He wasn't a race he was god's son therefore god's son or as some Christians believe god incarnate, King of the Jews!


Well-Known Member
Or as some Christians believe - a human, same as you, same as me.

Sorry Stephen I realize you are christian and I'm not out here to boast but this is the thing I hear from so many christians in my area.

So you think he was only human? I have to ask seriously, to you a christian, do you think his father was the son of man?

FYI, I came here to learn so this is without condemnation.


Agnostic Pantheist
Apparently Jesus' 'race' or rather society was important to him, as he threw all sorts of comments, including a racial slur at a Samaritan woman for not being of the house of Israel, practically comparing her to a dog, he agreed to help her only after she humbled herself infront of Israel, read it, its in the New Testament, the book of Mathew.
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Done here.
I don't know if first century Palestine had quite the same racial hangups America has.
But I'm pretty sure if Jesus was walking down the streets of Tuscon in 2010, the cops would demand to see his papers.


Agnostic Pantheist
I don't know if first century Palestine had quite the same racial hangups America has.
But I'm pretty sure if Jesus was walking down the streets of Tuscon in 2010, the cops would demand to see his papers.
Haha, very well said. I always say that if Jesus would return it will be the Christians who will be the first to crucify him.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Yeshua the Nazarene was born of a Jewish Mother, according to Hebrew scripture this makes Him Jewish of both race/creed and religion. It is believed He was from the Roman Province of Judea and/or Galilee. Surely making Him of Judaic descent.

The Judaic tribes originate in the Middle East, before that they are traced to Mesopotamia, which of course originated before that from the North of Africa (Egypt; then Kemet - kmt) in the form of post-Neolithic Nomadic tribes that became agricultural tribes, though their DNA points towards all over the Diaspora.

His features would be that of a Middle Eastern / Semitic man without doubt.



Well-Known Member
The movie Passion of the Christ had him speaking Aramaic, to make it real, and he had blue eyes.


Higher and Higher
Jesus was a Jew. I don't see any reason to suppose that he looked any different from any of the other people living in ancient Israel. They were desert dwellers, Semitic. They-- and he-- probably looked like bedouins: dark hair and eyes, brown skin, hairy, with a propensity for good bone structure and sharp profiles.

I think people who depict Jesus as white and European-looking are kidding themselves, and just trying to forget that he was a Jew, and if he actually were to come back from the dead, he would have no idea who all these non-Jews were, running around and claiming to be following "his" teachings-- none of which would probably be recognizable to him. And those who depict Jesus as black or Latino or Indian or whatever are, IMO, just doing so in rebellion at having this foreign, white god foisted on them by their former colonialist oppressors.


Agnostic Pantheist
Nicely put Levite,

Lets hear it from the man himself:

"These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not, But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."



I Fly Space.
Trolling for discord?

Correct. I stand in the middle, I read the opposing sides and then make my decision. Whether or not a decision about anything is even made is irrelevant, I share interest in the viewpoints of others. Once in a while, I'll throw in my two pesos. I understand race is a touchy subject, but the people on this forum seem to conduct themselves accordingly. I did find what I needed to know, Jesus isn't as he's portrayed with regards to the bible. I can now start forming opinions.


Done here.
The movie Passion of the Christ had him speaking Aramaic, to make it real, and he had blue eyes.
I hate that movie. I was so disappointed to find out that the co-writer of the screenplay was the son of Flannery O'Connor's literary executor.

I guess my researched reply was useless to the Understanding? :(
Don't know about Kemet, but I agreed with it generally.

He might have looked something like Robert Lentz's Christ of the Desert:



To make him more accessible to the majority of the inhabitants of their society. Jesus is portrayed as white in Europe, black in Africa, Chinese in China, and Indian in India.

It doesn't make any difference what race Jesus was, though, his message matters.

Indeed. It is too difficult to worship a mangod of a different race.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Well, all of Indo-Europe was founded by Neolithic nomadic tribes that came from Northern Africa (Egypt). They then became agricultural communities because of the landscape, which in turn changed the way Mankind could think. Instead of having to uproot the tribe seasonally, they could now stay in one place, which in turn allowed them to 'think' about esoteric things.


I hate that movie. I was so disappointed to find out that the co-writer of the screenplay was the son of Flannery O'Connor's literary executor.

Don't know about Kemet, but I agreed with it generally.

He might have looked something like Robert Lentz's Christ of the Desert:
