It is either a personal view or an ignorant (as in lacking in knowledge) view. I would suggest you look into Roman history, Julius Caesar was allegedly taken up by the Gods and Octavian (Augustus Caesar) promoted himself as the "Son of a living God." Aka, Jesus and God, and all in a similar time period, give or take a generation or two, in mankinds history.
Yes, and there were others, but the belief in Jesus's resurrection is the only one to have survived. Actually, they are all about the same idea, resurrection themes having been prominent during that time. Jesus's resurrection is just an outgrowth of the others. He is an amalgam. The point here is that the
idea of resurrection of the physical body into a heavenly realm is an extraoridinary claim due to its miraculous nature.
What actual evidence? Do you mean the circumstantial evidence we have which can go either way?
I said 'actual event', meaning 'actual
alleged event', not, 'actual evidence'. There is no actual evidence. Go back and re-read my post for clarification.
If it is real, it is not miraculous. It would be a normal event for those that make it to this transition. Even explainable by science if we ever learned to understand it.
I suppose that would hold true of cakes of limburger cheese that ascend into heaven as well, eh? You know. Normal, everyday, mundane, run of the mill limburger cheese ascensions. "Look, ma! There goes another one!"
Hey! It could happen! Don't be so narrow minded!
Personally I am not interested in what Catholicism or any other religion says.
Are you drunk? We are talking about the RESURRECTION, which is a CHRISTIAN BELIEF, and is a doctrine of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION!
Only when gardening, or other work involving a shovel or trench digger. For bigger jobs I bring in a font end loader et al to do the digging for me.
Good! Then you understand.
Oh I see the Christian doesn't know the real truth, you do.
If he knew the real truth, he would'nt be a Christian. Christianity is a compartmentalization of the truth, and therefore is not the truth. He may as well be attempting to capture the wind in a box. God is dead.
I would agree with you, each carries the probability of being fundamentally flawed. Albeit, many people do carry a faith, those for and against the argument point.
I think you are confusing faith with belief. You don't have faith in a doctrine. You
believe in a doctrine. Faith is a condition, but does not advocate any particular view. You have faith by virtue of your just being here.
Belief clings.
Faith lets go.
We may or may not get this evidence, we are looking into the past and trying to piece it together from a future reference. Speculation is about all we have to go on. Speculation of course can go either way, depending on the faith of the person.
OK. So such evidence might be forthcoming, but to date, there really is no satisfactory evidence to support the claim of the Resurrection being a historical fact, as Christians claim it to be. Therefore, Christianity is forcing a square peg into a round hole to serve their belief system. They are guilty of having jumped the gun, making the claim without the proper evidence. So all they really have is a belief in a doctrine based upon previous doctrines, primarily the doctrine which states that one must not question the authority of the Christian God, questioning which amounts to blasphemy, punishable by eternal hellfire. It is this same demand for obedience that is the cause of the unquestioning belief in the Resurrection. It is a belief only, and has no real faith, because real faith liberates the mind beyond the mere act of obedience.
So it looks like the faith argument in favor of the Resurrection holds no water either.
Tell me. What is wrong with ordinary death and decomposition? Or do you lack faith in such things?
Do you fail to notice the miraculous nature of ordinary death, that you require sensational demonstrations of resurrections and ascensions of corpses to convince you?
Are you aware of the addictive nature of such drugs?
Oh, ye of little faith!