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What religion believes in souls?

I'm trying to find the exact religion that believes there are not that many people in the world.
My interaction with the Christian church has been that they do not differentiate between the infinite people of the world and those who are blessed with life and souls from Heaven.

God has revealed to me that there are only 97,000 souls on the Earth, and that a number of souls are in Heaven and are not coming back.

What denomination of Christians care about the 97,000 people, to the exclusion of the infinite common people. What denomination supports people who have souls but are sick, and can't take care of themselves?

I have another post about my religion in the Welcome forum; still trying to figure out what my visions and religious experience means.

Thanks so much


From ancient religions to the present day I believe you will find reference to souls..
As to 97000 I have nothing to say about that... The use of number in ancient texts is usually symbolic such as the 144000 or other numbers. Gamatria and the Abjad reckoning are full of signiifcances that require study and insight. Sometimes numbers can be collapsed by simple addition to find the meaning..


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'm trying to find the exact religion that believes there are not that many people in the world.
My interaction with the Christian church has been that they do not differentiate between the infinite people of the world and those who are blessed with life and souls from Heaven.

God has revealed to me that there are only 97,000 souls on the Earth, and that a number of souls are in Heaven and are not coming back.

What denomination of Christians care about the 97,000 people, to the exclusion of the infinite common people. What denomination supports people who have souls but are sick, and can't take care of themselves?

I have another post about my religion in the Welcome forum; still trying to figure out what my visions and religious experience means.

Thanks so much

I believe we must be careful about personal religious experiences and visions. This is because Satan uses these to mislead people. The Bible, at 2 Thessalonians 2:9,10 reveals that Satan uses "every powerful work and lying signs and portents and ...every unrighteous deception." So it is important, I believe, to follow the inspired counsel at 1 John 4:1. God will not reveal something that contradicts what his word the Bible teaches. So we can test whether something we believe or have been told about God is true or not by checking it against what the Bible teaches. I believe it is as 2 Timothy 3:16,17 says; " All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,*so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."
I believe we must be careful about personal religious experiences and visions. This is because Satan uses these to mislead people. The Bible, at 2 Thessalonians 2:9,10 reveals that Satan uses "every powerful work and lying signs and portents and ...every unrighteous deception." So it is important, I believe, to follow the inspired counsel at 1 John 4:1. God will not reveal something that contradicts what his word the Bible teaches. So we can test whether something we believe or have been told about God is true or not by checking it against what the Bible teaches. I believe it is as 2 Timothy 3:16,17 says; " All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,*so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."

In my religion, we believe in Love.
Love happens between one person with a soul, and another person with a soul. It's impossible for a person to fall in love with another that doesn't have a soul - because your hearts won't be able to talk. Also, you won't be able to go to Heaven together.

In addition, I believe that America is a very exclusive place. There's an organization for just about everything - and especially for people that have souls.
I am looking to understand that issue. How many people believe in this idea of souls, and the rarity of them, and how many organizations or religions have been set up to try to bring them in, and to make fruit of it.


Peace be upon you.
I'm trying to find the exact religion that believes there are not that many people in the world.
My interaction with the Christian church has been that they do not differentiate between the infinite people of the world and those who are blessed with life and souls from Heaven.

God has revealed to me that there are only 97,000 souls on the Earth, and that a number of souls are in Heaven and are not coming back.

What denomination of Christians care about the 97,000 people, to the exclusion of the infinite common people. What denomination supports people who have souls but are sick, and can't take care of themselves?

I have another post about my religion in the Welcome forum; still trying to figure out what my visions and religious experience means.

Thanks so much

Peace be on you.
According to Holy Quran, soul is created by the special decree of Allah. When two types of creational matters are combined, physical body gets start its development. Then within that framework, special decree of Allah starts creation of soul, it is called 'rooh' or 'kalimatullah' (i.e. word of Allah).
=Souls are creation of Allah; they are not by themselves.
=Souls are granted various capacities.
=Souls need Allah's blessing and support for growth.
=Souls carry the falvour of attributes of Allah; they have natural affinity to their Creator.
=Good use make souls good and bad use make them bad.
=Souls of pious people are spiritually exalted. (This phrase was misunderstood by some people and they thought their mantor was taken up physically)
=Souls are granted powers to learn, love Allah, visions, exerting effects on others, connection with physical their physical bodies, imbibing attributes of Allah on creational level, getting revealtion, attraction, and so on....
=Souls does not come again as reicarnation.
=Soul is subtle light born within womb with special decree of Allah. It does not come from outside.
=When body dies, soul go back to Allah for accountibility. [They have some spiritual subtle link with grave. But it does not mean they come out and wander around.
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הרב יונה בן זכריה
In my religion, we believe in Love.
Love happens between one person with a soul, and another person with a soul. It's impossible for a person to fall in love with another that doesn't have a soul - because your hearts won't be able to talk. Also, you won't be able to go to Heaven together.

In addition, I believe that America is a very exclusive place. There's an organization for just about everything - and especially for people that have souls.
I am looking to understand that issue. How many people believe in this idea of souls, and the rarity of them, and how many organizations or religions have been set up to try to bring them in, and to make fruit of it.

I mean you no disrespect, but based upon the history you have recounted in this and other threads, you are presenting almost a classic case of a certain type of psychological disorder.

Have you have seen a professional who has provided you with a diagnosis?

I mean you no disrespect, but based upon the history you have recounted in this and other threads, you are presenting almost a classic case of a certain type of psychological disorder.

Have you have seen a professional who has provided you with a diagnosis?


Yes, I've been meeting with people about my beliefs for over a year now.
My most recent conversation was with an Episcopal reverend in my home city of Seattle.

I told her nearly everything about my beliefs and she clarified certain things that I did not understand.
I was very unsatisfied about her answer of souls though - which I assume had something to do with how dreary it is, thinking there is only 97,000 people in the world. So now I'm searching elsewhere for answers to that question.
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Yes, I've been meeting with people about my beliefs for over a year now.
My most recent conversation was with an Episcopal reverend in my home city of Seattle.

I told her nearly everything about my beliefs and she clarified certain things that I did not understand.
I was very unsatisfied about her answer of souls though - which I assume had something to do with how dreary it is, thinking there is only 97,000 people in the world. So now I'm searching elsewhere for answers to that question.

I applaud you for your determination in finding the answer to the message that has been sent to you. I myself have also had some spiritual experiences that at first seemed to make no sense (and to some people seemed outright crazy) but after sticking with my search I often obtained valuable answers.

I think all people will have spiritual experiences, but most people will brush them aside as unimportant. This is a mistake however. Had Muhammad, peace be upon him, brushed of the revelations he received from God in Mecca, the Quran would not have been written today. Therefore, although I don't have the answer to what the meaning is of your experience I think it's great that you are diligently searching for the answer. I wonder if the message could mean something about the past or that there are 97,000 people in another world, i.e., another planet. It's a very interesting idea and keep us updated with your findings.