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What religion is best?


Luciferianism works for me, but it might not be suited for others. Follow whichever system gives you a sense of purpose and makes you happy.


Active Member
Luciferianism works for me, but it might not be suited for others. Follow whichever system gives you a sense of purpose and makes you happy.

I agree; but you missed one very important thing,

follow whatever you wish but don't break the law of the country you are living in.


tri-polar optimist
It seems what the OP is asking is what "religious" group is best.
I believe it is the individual who seeks God in spirit and truth that finds Him.


vandervalley said:
follow whatever you wish but don't break the law of the country you are living in.

If you wish to break the law of the country you are living in, be prepared for the consequences.


Active Member
So you are saying that the best religion is also one that follows the law?

well sort of..what I am trying to say is that the best religion shouldn't have rules/laws that are in direct conflict with the laws of the state/country.


well sort of..what I am trying to say is that the best religion shouldn't have rules/laws that are in direct conflict with the laws of the state/country.
I see your point :yes:
It only leavesa 2 party's with a battle over rules, so the best religion would have to have exactly the same rules as the law allready had.. Or reversed ofcourse..


Active Member
I see your point :yes:
It only leavesa 2 party's with a battle over rules, so the best religion would have to have exactly the same rules as the law allready had.. Or reversed ofcourse..

Not necessarily exactly the same rules (as in word to word) but not in direct conflict to the laws of the nation.
He who rejects the angelic creators of the world, discarding their religions and setting his mind towards the Power above, surely he has reached the supreme abode! ;)


the best religion..? I would say the one which believes in Heaven, Hell, One Singular God, and Judgement Day, now you may think this is all, but in al lreality, there is only one, maybe two which follows this criteria.
What religion is best?
The church that christ died for. Jesus says in
Mt.16v18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this ROCK I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Christ died for me and you and when we stand in judgement we will be held accountable for the things we have done. Unless we are in Christ. God gave Christ all
authority . Joh:5v26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;Joh:5v27 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. We dont have a right to our own religion! Jem:10v23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. 2 co:1v9 But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead:
The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ you have to believe,repent,confess,be baptized,baptism is burial in water,follow after the things of the spirit,live a Godly life,Faithfully follow the teachings of christ to the end of life, theirs alot more I can show you if you would like to know email me. If we miss heaven we have missed it all! Questions you may have that I can answer.:D
What Church Must I Join?
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I can help:yes: