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What should I have done?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
It's a tough situation. In America I figure there are plenty of shelters and churches so there is no need for anyone to go hungry. The Old Testament had what I think is the best way of dealing with it by giving them licences ie. beggars cloaks


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Sigh... it's never simple is it? On my way home from my morning lectures, someone across the road said, "Excuse me mate?" so I looked up and he crossed the road and pointed to a plastic bad in his hands and said, "This is all I own, please could you spare some money so I can get something to eat and drink?" out of a mixture of fear and awkwardness I got my wallet out, half expecting it to be snatched from my hands, and grabbed a £10.00 note out. It was the quickest and easiest way to end this disturbing encounter.

Upon recieving the note, the man seemed quite struck by the amount and seemed so grateful. I was happy at the possibility of having helped someone in need, but on the rest of my walk home, I was troubled by the whole situation. This is the second time this kind of thing has happened to me and I did the exact same thing the first time. I guess I was worried I'd be mugged. But now I worry, "Is that guy just going to buy a load of drugs and possibly end up killing himself?" "I've just encouraged him to ask more people by giving him that note haven't I?" "What if he asks someone else for money, due to my actions, and ends up getting violent with them if they don't give him anything?"

I actually feel bad about giving him the money. I worry I've put other people, even the homeless man himself, in danger... and all because I didn't just step back and consider it all.

What should I have done?
Your action has my admiration, Phasmid, and is consistent with my perspective. Of course many pluses and minuses of such action can be rationalized but one big plus is your demonstration of an act of kindness and generosity to the begger and its impact within him and you. It is an act of love.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Sheesh Phasmid, you just bought the guy a cpl meals (or whatever he chooses to spend the 10 on) you didn't adopt him. :p


Well-Known Member
give a guy some money and he will eat for a day, teach a guy to rob people and he will eat for the rest of his life
Sigh... it's never simple is it? On my way home from my morning lectures, someone across the road said, "Excuse me mate?" so I looked up and he crossed the road and pointed to a plastic bad in his hands and said, "This is all I own, please could you spare some money so I can get something to eat and drink?" out of a mixture of fear and awkwardness I got my wallet out, half expecting it to be snatched from my hands, and grabbed a £10.00 note out. It was the quickest and easiest way to end this disturbing encounter.

Upon recieving the note, the man seemed quite struck by the amount and seemed so grateful. I was happy at the possibility of having helped someone in need, but on the rest of my walk home, I was troubled by the whole situation. This is the second time this kind of thing has happened to me and I did the exact same thing the first time. I guess I was worried I'd be mugged. But now I worry, "Is that guy just going to buy a load of drugs and possibly end up killing himself?" "I've just encouraged him to ask more people by giving him that note haven't I?" "What if he asks someone else for money, due to my actions, and ends up getting violent with them if they don't give him anything?"

I actually feel bad about giving him the money. I worry I've put other people, even the homeless man himself, in danger... and all because I didn't just step back and consider it all.

What should I have done?

I live in an area that has more than its fair share of panhandlers. I chance being hit-up for money every time I walk down a sidewalk, buy groceries, mail a letter at the Post Office, etcetera.

I used to give them money, thinking they were hungry and homeless. Then, I found out most of them get SSI payments, food card benefits, subsidized housing or section 8 rental assistance, and free medical. The truly needy can easily get all these benefits here in the U.S.

In fact, many of them are “professional" panhandlers. It’s their career. In my state, some were found to be making as much as $300 a day panhandling in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

How to deal with panhandlers?

Sometimes, I carry a few small-denomination bills loosely in my pocket. That way, I don’t have to take out my wallet if I decide to give money to someone who appears to have a genuine need. The person can’t see what’s in my wallet, and possibly get tempted to grab it and run.

Other times, I smile friendly and say, “can’t spare anything today.”

Generally, my experience with panhandlers has taught me it’s not in their, or my, best interest to give them money.
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Miss Independent
I once gave a man who came to my gate some food. He was terribly happy. The next year he returned again and asked for some money and food. I said he should wait. I was going to the shop, and when i return ill give him some money. After about an hour i returned and he was waiting for me. Just the fact that he took my word for it, I gave him enough to make him smile all the way home and i gave him some food. If he wasnt desperate he would have moved on.

A few days later, i walked to the shop when he was coming down the road with what looked like a whole stash of groceries he rounded up from the neighbourhood. I thought by myself..... Would I have the ability to go door to door and ask people for food? If i was really hungry, would it make it easier than if i was lying? Most of us dont understand what it means to make that knock on someones door, or to stop and ask someone for food or money.

At one point in my life I was destitute, with nowhere to live and nowhere to go. Amazingly enough god allowed me to survive without having to resort to begging, but he did however humble me. Being in need of someone elses help is very humbling.

These people who live on the streets see straight through the pretensions of those who have it all.

I think you did the right thing to give the man money phasmid. Mabye god was on the side of this man, and let you seperate from your ten pounds quicker than you could say...cheese. Before you knew it, god had given him something. :angel2:

God works in mysterious ways. With both you and the man on the street.
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Sigh... it's never simple is it? On my way home from my morning lectures, someone across the road said, "Excuse me mate?" so I looked up and he crossed the road and pointed to a plastic bad in his hands and said, "This is all I own, please could you spare some money so I can get something to eat and drink?" out of a mixture of fear and awkwardness I got my wallet out, half expecting it to be snatched from my hands, and grabbed a £10.00 note out. It was the quickest and easiest way to end this disturbing encounter.

Upon recieving the note, the man seemed quite struck by the amount and seemed so grateful. I was happy at the possibility of having helped someone in need, but on the rest of my walk home, I was troubled by the whole situation. This is the second time this kind of thing has happened to me and I did the exact same thing the first time. I guess I was worried I'd be mugged. But now I worry, "Is that guy just going to buy a load of drugs and possibly end up killing himself?" "I've just encouraged him to ask more people by giving him that note haven't I?" "What if he asks someone else for money, due to my actions, and ends up getting violent with them if they don't give him anything?"

I actually feel bad about giving him the money. I worry I've put other people, even the homeless man himself, in danger... and all because I didn't just step back and consider it all.

What should I have done?

I don't know what you should have done, but what you should do from now on is carry some change in your pockets. :D

In seriousness, you are uncomfortable with this type of exchange, and the discomfort is influencing your decision making. That is the first thing to address. You can't properly respond to spontaneous manifestations of charity when your nerves are on edge and you think you're going to be robbed. If you want to help people in need over the long term without being confused or disturbed about the effectiveness of your help, I'd recommend not giving money to people on the street, but instead donating your time to a shelter or free meals program. The more homeless people you chat with, the more comfortable you will be with them, and better able to identify how to best help.


Returning Noob
I think you did the right thing. I also agree with others that say it is not your fault if he used the money for something other than food or decided to use negative ways to get more money from others. You did what you thought was right at that moment. After that it is up to the man to decide what to do next.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
Was this an act of kindness or an act of fear? I kind of got images flashing in my head when I read the OP of Phantom being very scared, and half shaking, and to avoid any possible conflict gave away £10 just like that

Did you do the right thing? I personally think you didn't, because if it was out of fear that you gave £10, which is quite a lot of money to just give, then you've kind of been mugged without actually physically being mugged. I think your mind was resigned to being mugged(has this happened to you before?) accepted that and tried to get away with the least cost to you. However, maybe you could have got away with a simple "No"

I am always saying No to the homeless people that approach you on streets. They spend the money on drugs and booze usually, so I am not going to give them money to feed their sleazy habits. I have in the past actually brought some food for a homeless person and recently a homeless person me and my friend met on the street, who was a bit mentally unstable and said he did not eat for 3 days we took to the local chip shop and bought him a kebab and chips.

It's much better buying them food than giving them money, then at least you have control over what you do with the money. Even better, if you really care, see what you can do for them to get them out of the miserable existence they live in and lead them to more a dignified life.
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Sigh... it's never simple is it? On my way home from my morning lectures, someone across the road said, "Excuse me mate?" so I looked up and he crossed the road and pointed to a plastic bad in his hands and said, "This is all I own, please could you spare some money so I can get something to eat and drink?" out of a mixture of fear and awkwardness I got my wallet out, half expecting it to be snatched from my hands, and grabbed a £10.00 note out. It was the quickest and easiest way to end this disturbing encounter.

Upon recieving the note, the man seemed quite struck by the amount and seemed so grateful. I was happy at the possibility of having helped someone in need, but on the rest of my walk home, I was troubled by the whole situation. This is the second time this kind of thing has happened to me and I did the exact same thing the first time. I guess I was worried I'd be mugged. But now I worry, "Is that guy just going to buy a load of drugs and possibly end up killing himself?" "I've just encouraged him to ask more people by giving him that note haven't I?" "What if he asks someone else for money, due to my actions, and ends up getting violent with them if they don't give him anything?"

I actually feel bad about giving him the money. I worry I've put other people, even the homeless man himself, in danger... and all because I didn't just step back and consider it all.

What should I have done?

The only way to truly show that you care about the person is to talk with them. By giving them money or not giving them money, you're merely dealing with your own guilt (which is wrongfully placed on you by the person, but placed nonetheless), not the actual person.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
If a person thinks that all they have can be contained within a small plastic bag then it is really time for them to start thinking outside the bag and pay a bit more attention to reality.


Its only a Label
Friend Phasmid,
We are all part of that One God and so everyone we confront or do not It is that very ONE. Then why the fear, why the afterthoughts?
You have done something at the moment which should have been out of compassion but your MIND has confused you with so many fear factors that you can not get over it.
The objective of life is to be FREE. Free from what? Free from thoughts but here your story shows that you have got entangled with more thoughts with just a Ten pound note.
The only way out is to STILL the mind and the thoughts come only when asked; then only one is FREE.
Love & rgds