slow walker
Meantime? I don't think there will be much of a meantime. The focus will just change; in time the zealots will forget about creationism and pick up some other fancy. Perhaps some will take it to their heads that religion shouldn't be tolerated and zealously try to interject that into our schools.
I think you are underestimating the influence of creationists, Jeremiah. How many people in your country don't accept evolution? It's a considerable number and, if left unchallenged, they will continue to make in-roads into the science curriculum. In the UK, creationism was pretty much ignored, but since it re-invented itself as 'Intelligent Design', it is making its voice more prominent (see my post above re. the distribution of free DVDs). Our former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is very much in favour of faith schools, granting creationism (in whatever guise) unhitherto access to the science curriculum in certain schools, prompting scientists like Dawkins and Attenborough, as well as more enlightened members of the clergy, to write to him expressing their dismay at his approach.
If creationism isn't debated and exposed in science classes, where will our young people learn about proper scientific procedure and what constitutes science?
I'm of the opinion that we can't just sit back and wait for creationist thought to die out.