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what should this belief system be called?


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Please tell me what you think this belief system (my belief system) is best called I would appreciate some help because I have no idea........

I've set my RF religion to "Agnostic Deist Christian" but that's just provisional and seems a bit messy to me

I believe in Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit

But not God The Father

I believe in a self-existent unmoved mover type Supreme Being who is the reason why there is something rather than nothing but don't believe this entity actually does anything (other than existing and causing us to exist) or is in any way personal

I hesitate to call this "God" as that comes with all the Abrahamic baggage which I don't literally believe in, it is more like the Deists' conception of God

But I believe that Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit are personal entities who both exist and do stuff

I therefore wouldn't say that my beliefs are "trinitarian" as I only really believe in "The Son" and "The Holy Spirit"

I believe that the bible is an epic work of historical fiction with its own fictitious universe that is roughly based on real events but is not a scientific or historic text

And I believe that the origins of the universe and life are best explained scientifically

I believe in these:

jesus.jpgholy spirit.jpg

I don't believe in this:



Aura of atheification
Premium Member
If you believe in Jesus but not in the Abrahamic god, then what is your view of the nature and role of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit?


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
How about christian atheism.

Yes it's a thing

Christian atheism - Wikipedia
Is it possible to be an atheist but to believe in things that are supernatural?

I believe in The Holy Spirit and Jesus but not in God The Father, instead of that I believe in a kind of Deist God-concept

I've had a look at the link and it was interesting but I don't think it quite fits, but it is close


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Marcionite binitarian?
I had to Google both of those!

Wikipedia says:

Binitarianism is a Christian heresy that teaches that there are only two persons in the Godhead: the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is not considered to be a separate person, but rather an aspect of the Son or the Father

I believe in The Holy Sprit and Jesus Christ but not The Father so I don't think this fits

I looked up Marcionism too, had never heard of that before!

Apparently it is associated with "The Monad", that sounds interesting and it possibly corresponds with what I think about The Supreme Being

I'm going to have to look further into that, thanks for sharing


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
I had to Google both of those!

Wikipedia says:

Binitarianism is a Christian heresy that teaches that there are only two persons in the Godhead: the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is not considered to be a separate person, but rather an aspect of the Son or the Father

I believe in The Holy Sprit and Jesus Christ but not The Father so I don't think this fits

I looked up Marcionism too, had never heard of that before!

Apparently it is associated with "The Monad", that sounds interesting and it possibly corresponds with what I think about The Supreme Being

I'm going to have to look further into that, thanks for sharing
Binitarian can be used in a more general sense to mean a binity (one less than a trinity) and could refer to Jesus and the Holy Ghost in your case.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
If you believe in Jesus but not in the Abrahamic god, then what is your view of the nature and role of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit?
They are the personal aspects of the divine

The parts of the divine that are interested in humankind and whom do stuff for the benefit of humankind

I believe that any divine plan that there may be for humankind has been devised by Jesus and the Holy Spirit with no input from anything like The Father


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Binitarian can be used in a more general sense to mean a binity (one less than a trinity) and could refer to Jesus and the Holy Ghost in your case.
I think that fits then :)

I think I'm going to somehow work that into my RF religion description

Thanks for that!


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Is it possible to be an atheist but to believe in things that are supernatural?

Yes its possible, atheism is disbelief in god or gods, it says nothing about leprechauns or unicorns or purple fairies.

I've had a look at the link and it was interesting but I don't think it quite fits, but it is close

Ahh, well, close but no cigar eh?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Sounds like you are somewhere between deism and theism... I am not in a good position to say, but you sure sound pagan to me.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I've just looked up a Youtube video about "The Monad"

The immature part of me finds it amusing as when spoken it rhymes with "Gonad"


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member

I've been watching this:

I'm only just over a minute in and I think I believe in The Monad but will have to watch the whole thing to be sure

What would you call a person who believes in The Monad?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
That's kind of what I was thinking but I don't get how that's pagan
I may be mistaken.

As it happens, I tend to think of people who have a strong personal view about their deities and are more interested in expressing their religious perspectives than in listening to authority figures as at least paganism-adjacent.

It helps if you are more interested in practice and ritual than in theology.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member

I've been watching this:

I'm only just over a minute in and I think I believe in The Monad but will have to watch the whole thing to be sure

What would you call a person who believes in The Monad?
I'm not sure! Pythagorean or Neoplatonist?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member

I've been watching this:

I'm only just over a minute in and I think I believe in The Monad but will have to watch the whole thing to be sure

What would you call a person who believes in The Monad?
Depending on the exact beliefs, it might be (among other possibilities) a monotheist, a deist, a pantheist or panentheist or even (by a Hindu perspective) an Advaitin.

Have you elaborated on how Jesus and the Holy Spirit relate to the Monad, or felt the drive to?


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Have you elaborated on how Jesus and the Holy Spirit relate to the Monad, or felt the drive to?
I am beginning to think that they are eminations from The Monad, that their existence is a consequence of the existence of The Monad, as is what we know as the universe

Although I have no idea how exactly that works


Well-Known Member
Please tell me what you think this belief system (my belief system) is best called I would appreciate some help because I have no idea........
Why do you need a label at all? Your belief system is almost certainly unique (like most people who have given the topic any kind of consideration) so "Eddi's beliefs" would work fine. Anyway, since you can't think of a term that covers yous specific beliefs, anything you do decide to use is unlikely to be understood by anyone you tell (and certainly not in the same way) so you'd have to explain the relevant details in any context anyway.