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What the Bible says about Abortion


Through the Looking Glass
SEX EDUCATION is more of a failure.

Research shows sex education reduces abortion rates. So if you want to be "anti-abortion" you should probably be pro-condom and pro-sex education . . . and pro-social justice and wealth redistribution as poverty is the highest correlation for abortions. These are the things demonstrated to reduce unwanted pregnancy and hence reduce abortion.

Or you could just talk about abortion and condemn people for it . . . but do you really think "God" is going to feel better about 46 million abortions every year just because you've made up your mind that a fetus is a "person"?


Well-Known Member
Sorry. The STD rates among abstinence-only people are just as high as people who use contraceptives. Areas in the world where Condom use is recommended have much lower STD rates. When Uganda encouraged Condoms in their HIV prevention program, the STD rates decreased dramatically. When Christians removed the "C" from "ABC" the STD rates doubled from 2003-2005


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Well God does not see it that way. PSALM 139:13-16----The Unborn Child is a person to God.
You've made a bit of a leap there. The passage seems to say that a person is made by God in his mother's womb; that only implies that "personhood" occurs sometime in the womb, i.e. between conception and birth. I don't see anything that says "personhood occurs at conception exactly", only that it occurs at some time in the womb.
In the Bible, rape is not an excuse to abort a baby because rape is not condemned. Neither is kidnapping, stalking, pornography, slavery or the torture of prisoners. The only reason the Bible takes a stand against abortion is because it worships fertility and promotes the mutliplication of mankind to the point, always, where we become too numerous to feed ourselves.

And it certainly is not against the Bible to kill! Throughout the whole Old Testament, "Our Lord" drives His people to slaughter other tribes with the excuse they believe differently. Even in the New Testament, Matthew quotes Christ as ordering people who "turn from him" be put to death right in front of Him. Why else did his disciples wear swords? One does not "turn the other cheek" and carry arms at the same time!


Veteran Member
What is the Holy Spirit?
God the Father's spirit extended to man, which reveals the truth of all things...

God is love and he extends his spirit to all men who sincerely and ernestly seek it...

"Ask and ye shall find..."


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Well, good. Then nobody can have an abortion unless it's God's will. I'm glad we got that settled.
There's a name for a picket-free abortion clinic: "The God's Will Center for Family Planning."


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
We've spent a lot of time cracking jokes here and arguing back and forth. In the end, we still have to deal with reality. And reality is that desperate women have always sought abortion. That reality will continue indefinitely.

What matters here is not "what the Bible says about Abortion." What matters is "what do we do about it?"

We can think that abortion is wrong, sinful, murder, all we want to. But the nomenclature we attach to it does not diminish the very real fact that it happens. All the time. Every day. And the fact that it's going to continue to happen, no matter what the Bible says.

The best course of action is not to hit desperate people over the head with a load of guilt. If we close the clinics, women will stick coat hangers inside themselves, or throw themselves down a flight of stairs. Or go to "Joe's Discount Hubcaps and Abortion Clinic, located behind the A-1 Liquor Store, on the Strip."

It's such a non-issue. We're not talking about right vs. wrong. We're talking about the "lesser of two evils." Abortion should be kept legal and safe.


Through the Looking Glass
It's such a non-issue. We're not talking about right vs. wrong. We're talking about the "lesser of two evils." Abortion should be kept legal and safe.

And those things that do seem to help reduce unwanted pregnancy should be the focus of all this otherwise wasted energy - like poverty relief, social justice and safe sex education.

People aren't going to stop having sex no matter how much we condemn them. Everyone needs to get used to that idea. Let it sink it . . .


Will to love
Excellent points Soj and Dopp. It is ironic that often those speaking out loudest against safe abortion are also those who are against birth control, sex ed, welfare support for unwed mothers, and adoption by willing and qualified parents who are gay.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
doppelgänger;891400 said:
And those things that do seem to help reduce unwanted pregnancy should be the focus of all this otherwise wasted energy - like poverty relief, social justice and safe sex education.

People aren't going to stop having sex no matter how much we condemn them. Everyone needs to get used to that idea. Let it sink it . . .


Well-Known Member
Have I overlooked something, or is it that no deniers of women's rights have tried to counter my
Utterly dishonest. None of these quotes refers to the removal of a clump of cells not yet having been delivered or even forming something that could be regarded as a human being.

On the contrary, there is sufficient Bible support for the view that abortion isn't murder

Even worse, an abortion attempt is prescribed if a man even suspects that his wife is pregnant by another man.

From http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-bibleforbids.htm:


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Have I overlooked something, or is it that no deniers of women's rights have tried to counter my
Not surprising, since IMO it goes completely counter to the "pro-life" position: the only instance where the termination of pregnancy is specifically dealt with in the Bible, it implicitly states that it is not murder, since the penalty for murder is death, but the penalty for wilfully ending a pregnancy without the consent of the pregnant woman is only a monetary fine.

In fact, since the fine is set by the husband of the assaulted woman, it seems he would be free to set it as low as zero if he so chose.