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What theistic satanism means to me


Satan is a liberator to Living Beings. God tried to create an ignorant race of beings who are there just to worship God. God is a jealous being who created us for all the wrong reasons. He says he knows all but the bible shows how he does not. It also shows how he was oblivious to many things. If he didn’t want the race of humans to know of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then he wouldn’t have created Satan in the first place. So God was, in a way, ignorant of what he was doing. It was almost as if he set it up for Satan to succeed. Because of this God has made Satan look like an evil entity. The reason why God thinks like this is because Satan is trying to reveal to us who God really is. Satan is not evil. When someone does not believe in God or his son, he sends them to Hell. Satan always seems to have his arms wide open and accepts everyone and everything. Satan is against God, so now God has made Satan look as if Satan is a hellish being that is pure pain and evil, he is not. As its written above, he is a liberator. The Demons are against God just as much as Satan is. They can be seen as helpers of Satan, or as the angels of Satan. There evilness is emphasized too much by God and his followers creating a dumb illusion around Satan as well as his Demons. The Demons may look as if they are doing evil at first, but once their actions are analyzed one can see that they are teaching. They are showing Gods faults and how God created a world set up for failure. So don’t look at Demons as bringers of evil, but like Lucifer, Liberators. If God was truly an all-powerful being he would exterminate all against him. Because of the fact he doesn’t it shows some strength on Satan’s Side. The reason why God is against Satan is because God sees Satan as competition. Satan does no want to be worshiped. He is not a being that promotes submission. He wants to be more of an ally and a friend. So there is no selling your soul to Satan, only God wants you to do that do himself. Be independent and do everything on your own.
One question people tend to have is, is Satan evil. "Evil" is a value judgment. It depends a lot on who and what you are. For example, lions are evil if you're a zebra, but not if you're a human in a zoo and the lion is in a cage, the lion isnt evil to you. Therefore, "evil" cannot be the essence of who or what any entity fundamentally is. When Christians call Satan "the Evil One," this can mean only that Satan is "evil" from the point of view of Christianity.
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Well-Known Member

I'm somebody who does not know a great deal about theistic satanism, and this helps me a lot to understand what your beliefs are. I suspect that if I believed what is written in the bible I think I would most likely be a theistic satanist also.

What is your religious background? Were you raised a christian prior to becoming a satanist or were you just an undecided agnostic? I don't actually know any theistic satanists 'in the real world' so it would be interesting to find out about your religious believes and philosophies.

Also, you suggest that God sends non-believers to hell. I know about Dante's idea, but what is your 'vision of hell' so to speak. Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but I know about what plenty of christians think and it would be interesting to compare theistic satanist ideas. Do you believe that hell is a place of eternal suffering? I notice how you use the adjective 'hellish' to be synonymous with 'evil' so if Satan 'rules' over hell, does that mean that hell is not such a bad place after all?



i was a christian growing up but i quickly moved away from it. i found that God made satan look evil because satan went against god's plan, and punished satan. i see god as a jealous, angry, and a being prone to genocide.

satan only appears evil because thats what god wants us to think

Hell is not what we think it is. its just a place with a complete absence of god. its not a nasty fiery place, thats what god wants us to think though.

Basically God has created a horrible illusion around satan, and i see threw it, i think :shrug:


Satan is purity, equality, and fair.Satan refuses to give into submission to god, because he's not supeirour to everyone, in fact he may be worse than most.


New Member
I really appreciate this new outlook on satanism, as a christian I/we as a whole tend to build up walls that often create a separation from reality which is at times extremely ignorant, I understand this. However, I have a question. I believe that Satan was simply a gift from God by giving humanity free will. God gave people a choice to live with or live without him/her, and this is why Satan is here. How do you (meaning Satanists) feel about this "gift"? and how does it effect your faith? Thanks!


Theistic Satanist
That's an interesting stance. But you see, if god gave us Satan as a gift, then it was yet another act of pure self indulgent sadism. Why would an all-loving, caring god create an arena of confusion? If you love your child, you do your best to keep him/her safe and sound. If god loved his children, then how dare he create Satan as a gift, only to tempt and toy with his children?