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What was it that turned you?


Premium Member
I don't believe that there has ever been "one thing" that turned me; it has always been the slow and steady accumulation of facts, observations and understanding that does it.

It is similar to me. My beliefs came on so gradually, I was barely aware of it happening. I am still learning and I hope I never stop learning.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
It was gradual. I was raised Catholic, but in the last year I hadn't really thought about religion at all. I would just ask God to help me out sometimes. Then I started really thinking about it all. It made much more sense to me that there was no God. :shrug: :D

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I was raised Unitarian, and though it appealed to my ego it answered very few questions.

In College I found love in a church and have never seen it replicated since.

Since then, I have learned to focus on the love in me and simply give it to others. The more I give of myself, the more I understand what true love is all about. As my love grows, so does my tolerance for others that love grow.


Treasure Hunter
In 8th grade I was watching The X-Files, and Mulder didn't believe in God. Before then I never thought about it, but then after watching so many episodes of the x-files I figured out that the existance of god and heaven and hell and all that wasn't a universal truth. It was something some people believed and some people didn't. So I thought you know what? Mulder's pretty smart... There probably isn't a god after all... I can't think of any reason why I should believe in him/her/it. Of course I didn't decide not to believe in god just because I wanted to be like Mulder. I really did think about it. That was the most recent and only conversion for me. I don't know if it really counts as converting, because I didn't really have a religion prior to then; I just thought there was some sort of god and stuff because everyone said there was. I just never thought about it until then, because I didn't know there was any other option.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
I just thought there was some sort of god and stuff because everyone said there was. I just never thought about it until then, because I didn't know there was any other option.

That was true for me, too. I had gone to Catholic school and I never even realized there was anything BUT that faith out there. Gosh...how naive they made me! :D I never, ever once thought the possibility of NO god was even feasible. I couldn't imagine there not being a god...not to mention if I ever even seriously entertained the thought I felt like I was sinning.


Treasure Hunter
That was true for me, too. I had gone to Catholic school and I never even realized there was anything BUT that faith out there. Gosh...how naive they made me! :D I never, ever once thought the possibility of NO god was even feasible. I couldn't imagine there not being a god...not to mention if I ever even seriously entertained the thought I felt like I was sinning.

Well, I tended to trust that anything the grown ups said was true. Why would they lie to me? All of the grown ups I knew mentioned god as if it was a definate real thing. Many of them still do. None of my grandparents know I don't believe in god. I'm afraid they wouldn't like me if I told them. I don't think they really need to know anyway. It doesn't matter. But anyway, everyone just said that's how it was. No one mentioned atheists or any other religion. I actually don't know what religion my family (mostly) is. Christain probably. They never really told me. They just mentioned god every once in a while. And heaven and hell and angels and stuff. I think Angels is a pretty cool idea. I wonder how many people believe in them though... I remember after my grandpa died, my mom said he was my guardian angel now, and I worried that he might be able to see me in the shower and hoped he'd turn off his magical vision while I was in there.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
I remember after my grandpa died, my mom said he was my guardian angel now, and I worried that he might be able to see me in the shower and hoped he'd turn off his magical vision while I was in there.

:biglaugh: Ditto! I was always really embarrassed...I even asked my uncle and grandpa to not look when I was changing and taking a shower...oh my gah..I was so silly.


Treasure Hunter
:biglaugh: Ditto! I was always really embarrassed...I even asked my uncle and grandpa to not look when I was changing and taking a shower...oh my gah..I was so silly.

:D I liked to think my grandpa wasn't a perv. :D I just sort of hoped he wouldn't look. I think the story should be changed to "They look after you as long as you aren't naked... So make sure to wear clothing, or no one will look after you..." That would get kids to wear clothing... if that was an issue......
I guess it was when I looked at all the religions of the world, and realised that not one of them is the perfect religion they profess to be. To kind of quote Jet Li in 'Fearless' (changing some words to fit the religious topic) "There is no better religion, only better religious practicioners"
The fundamental beliefs are all the same, but its our differing environmental situation and need to belong that makes us close our eyes to the fact that we all are in the same boat.
I realise that holiness is in right action, and not in how we classify our beliefs. And so I keep my mind open and try to walk the right path. God is not something we can classify, it is all around us everyday, and the constancy to what you believe is right is the true way.


Veteran Member
In your most recent conversion or pronouncement /renunciation of faith, what was the issue, moment, or idea that initiated and/or triggered that change?

I'm turning at the moment. What is turning me is the feeling that there is God, of which only a portion is my mind, this sits easily with me.
I struggle with the idea that there is no God outside of my mind - this strikes me as wrong. God is (to me) a psychological reality, but I am turning because I am coming to believe that this reality is not confined to my mind.


Question Everything
You know movies like the 6th Sense, where there is some twist in the movie that changes everything you have seen up to that point into a new story? I experienced a twist like that in my life, the twist that changed everything for me was when the Holy Spirit, an actual being, made himself known to me.
From my personal history…
One Sunday, with nothing better to do, I tagged along with *** to church. *** was assigned to teach a class of goofy 12 and 13 year olds, I did not know anyone else at the church, and not mature/brave enough to just go into a meeting on my own so I followed *** into his class, and sat down with the other little kids. Embarrassing for an adult to be sitting in on a primary class, but I would have been embarrassed anywhere I went. The class was on the plan of salvation. *** drew on the board circles and lines representing the pre-existence, earth, prison/paradise, and the celestial/telestial/terrestrial glories. As I sat looking at the chalkboard the Holy Ghost bore a powerful witness to me that what I was looking at was true – it was what Budhists would call “enlightenment” my mind was literally opened so that for a few powerful moments I knew what I was looking at was true – and what was more, I became aware of a power in the room that was above and beyond what my eyes were telling me was there. It was the moment that changed everything – where religion went from people trying to be goodie-two-shoes stuck-up self-righteous prideful control freaks trying to manipulate me and force me into guilt trips – sorry – but that had become my viewpoint of Christian churches – Religion became real, so real it hurt. Of course knowing something is real, and understanding where you fit into the big picture are two very different things.

There was another moment too – Knowing God is real, and knowing what His nature is - also two different things. I have sense learned that God really is a loving perfect, person. All that they say He is and more.

I'm turning at the moment. What is turning me is the feeling that there is God...

More than just a feeling...
The Holy Spirit is real, God is real, real beings that you can see, and touch, and feel, and hear. It's all real. It's real. It's real, it's real.

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
(Book of Mormon | Moroni 10:4 - 5)

not just pretty words.
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Well-Known Member
Two things, the general unbelievability of the stories of religion, and the total hypcocrisy and back stabbing I've seen in every church I've ever attended.


Usually lurking.
Mine was, and is, an ongoing process. It always will be. I was lead to my current perspective based on logic, reason, and rational thought. I don't mean for that to sound offensive to believers (of any flavor). It's just that when looking through my lens at each religion, none that I have explored have been able to pass my standards of "reasonableness".


Question Everything
Two things, the general unbelievability of the stories of religion,

Joseph Smith received this knowledge of God firsthand. Many years later, still pondering the impact of that and other happenings in his life, Joseph himself said: “I don’t blame any one for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I would not have believed it myself.” 3

I don't blame you, no one can believe what they have not experienced. Previously I did not believe any of it either....

and the total hypcocrisy and back stabbing I've seen in every church I've ever attended.

16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves:
(New Testament | Matthew10:16)


the wolves need to be there...
13 ...: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance...
(New Testament | Matthew9:13)

There are genuinely good people out there, they are usually the ones no one notices though (meek, humble and all that). Look for them, you will find them.
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For me it was mainly the suppression of curiosity and complete lack of objectivity. My questions were always frowned upon and poo-pooed away with replies like "your mind is so tiny and God's mind is so big that you can never understand Him" not to mention the mindless "have faith" "go read the bible more" etc. So many things didn't make sense and nobody would answer the questions.

I maintain my beliefs by trying to prove them wrong.
Organized religion maintains their beliefs by trying to prove them right.

Whenever my beliefs cannot withstand scrutiny I discard them. This honest, objective approach is toxic to organized religion, and so am I.


Question Everything
Mine was, and is, an ongoing process. It always will be. I was lead to my current perspective based on logic, reason, and rational thought. I don't mean for that to sound offensive to believers (of any flavor). It's just that when looking through my lens at each religion, none that I have explored have been able to pass my standards of "reasonableness".

not offensive at all.
Keep in mind...

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
(New Testament | 1 Corinthians 2:14)

Natural vs. spiritual things...
25 ¶ At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
(New Testament | Matthew 11:25)

Yes, you have to use logic, reason, etc. but there is more than that...


Question Everything
For me it was mainly the suppression of curiosity and complete lack of objectivity. My questions were always frowned upon and poo-pooed away with replies like "your mind is so tiny and God's mind is so big that you can never understand Him"

:no: only Satan would tell you not to try and learn who God is... The scriptures tell us to ask questions - be honest, ask what you honestly want to know,

7aAsk, and it shall be bgiven you; cseek, and ye shall find; dknock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that aseeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask abread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, abeing evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
(New Testament | Matthew 7:7 - 11)

Ask God directly, that is where you get answers from.

not to mention the mindless "have faith" "go read the bible more" etc. So many things didn't make sense and nobody would answer the questions.

How about "fave faith, pray, try to be selfless/humble/loving/charitable... and see what comes of it?"

Some questions you have to find the answer yourself... but ask away! (That is if your objective is to find truth, rather than just wanting to tear everyone down... in that case you are not really asking a question - it is not a quesiton if you think you already know the answer)


Usually lurking.
not offensive at all.
Keep in mind...

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
(New Testament | 1 Corinthians2:14)

Natural vs. spiritual things...
25 ¶ At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
(New Testament | Matthew11:25)

Yes, you have to use logic, reason, etc. but there is more than that...

Thanks for the reply. I'm glad that my post didn't offend you. Your response seems to indicate that you agree that logic, reason and rational thought are an important basis for a foundation in any belief structure. I also gather that you feel there is a spiritual aspect that must be considered in addition to logic and reason. If you would care to do so, I'd appreciate your efforts in listing out how you've applied logic and reason, and the information you've applied it to, as well as how they inter-relate to the spiritual aspects.


Will to love
by T S Eliot

Because I do not hope to turn again
Because I do not hope
Because I do not hope to turn
Desiring this man's gift and that man's scope
I no longer strive to strive towards such things
(Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings?)
Why should I mourn
The vanished power of the usual reign?

Because I do not hope to know again
The infirm glory of the positive hour
Because I do not think
Because I know I shall not know
The one veritable transitory power
Because I cannot drink
There, where trees flower, and springs flow, for there is nothing again

Because I know that time is always time
And place is always and only place
And what is actual is actual only for one time
And only for one place
I rejoice that things are as they are and
I renounce the blessed face
And renounce the voice
Because I cannot hope to turn again
Consequently I rejoice, having to construct something
Upon which to rejoice

And pray to God to have mercy upon us
And pray that I may forget
These matters that with myself I too much discuss
Too much explain
Because I do not hope to turn again
Let these words answer
For what is done, not to be done again
May the judgement not be too heavy upon us

Because these wings are no longer wings to fly
But merely vans to beat the air
The air which is now thoroughly small and dry
Smaller and dryer than the will
Teach us to care and not to care
Teach us to sit still.
Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death
Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
