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What was the Big Bang


You’re going to get me!
If it’s 3 am and scientists creates light at 1am, they’ll be in the light.
If it’s 3 am and scientists creates light at 5 am, they’ll be in the dark for 2 hours!

Hence if, in 3000 ad, a group of scientists design and implement the universe, starting at approximately 4 billion years ago, they will find themselves in it, just like creating light at 1 am!
thepainefultruth your original post so long ago said, A dimensionless point became or something made it become three dimensions and one time dimension. This proposed point of no dimensions you were saying had no limits of divisibility until after this event and that had somehow given limitations like the planck length and planck volume. Lot of individuals responded with saying this is connected to the mystery of time more or less. I feel like time is interesting regarding this dimensionless point but for me Consciousness is more interesting in this connection. I mean minds or subtle mental function all have their own times for each individual. So Consciousness could be that " instance/thing" which acts to instigate the 3 dimensions and one time. It may be too, that the dimensionless point somehow still is or persists and it is Consciousness or these minds/subtle mentalities(alone).


thepainefultruth your original post so long ago said, A dimensionless point became or something made it become three dimensions and one time dimension. This proposed point of no dimensions you were saying had no limits of divisibility until after this event and that had somehow given limitations like the planck length and planck volume. Lot of individuals responded with saying this is connected to the mystery of time more or less. I feel like time is interesting regarding this dimensionless point but for me Consciousness is more interesting in this connection. I mean minds or subtle mental function all have their own times for each individual. So Consciousness could be that " instance/thing" which acts to instigate the 3 dimensions and one time. It may be too, that the dimensionless point somehow still is or persists and it is Consciousness or these minds/subtle mentalities(alone).
Actually the dimensionless point or singularity vis a vis the Big Bang, is an imaginary point from which the first moment of dimensionless reality came into being, one Planck length-time "later". But science has settled on using the terms local and non-local space for our 4-D universe and timeless and dimensionless quantumland, respectively, because, once you define it that way, things become more intuitive.

To me, consciousness seems like what the brain produces when neurons trigger and interact "externally" to our universe in that timeless, distanceless quantumland. But I'm on shaky ground there since biology is one of my weak suits. Our brains could well be like the universe that spawned them, individual biological self-contained quantum computers in a giant non-biological quantum computer.
Actually the dimensionless point or singularity vis a vis the Big Bang, is an imaginary point from which the first moment of dimensionless reality came into being, one Planck length-time "later". But science has settled on using the terms local and non-local space for our 4-D universe and timeless and dimensionless quantumland, respectively, because, once you define it that way, things become more intuitive.

To me, consciousness seems like what the brain produces when neurons trigger and interact "externally" to our universe in that timeless, distanceless quantumland. But I'm on shaky ground there since biology is one of my weak suits. Our brains could well be like the universe that spawned them, individual biological self-contained quantum computers in a giant non-biological quantum computer.
Dimensionless reality is a contradiction in one way because our reality does have dimensions so that kind of reality we wish to describe would be experienced I suppose some other manner all together. What scientists are proposing is that quantum effects do take place in the brain in structures of the neuron cells called microtubles. These need what is called quantum coherence to function in concert with each other resulting in usual conscious experience. The quantum is not absent from anything. I would agree the universe is a variety of quantum computer but what it could be computing, I as a mini computer could not ever hope to calculate.


Dimensionless reality is a contradiction in one way because our reality does have dimensions so that kind of reality we wish to describe would be experienced I suppose some other manner all together.

Our 4-D local, dimensioned universe, apparently exists in tandem (?) with a non-local, timeless distanceless universe or what I'm calling Quantumland. Quantum transactions are initiated in our local universe, consummated in Quantumland, and completed back here again. I think the bridge between the two is the Planck spacetime limit to divisibility, which quantum entities can cross freely, but we can't, except in pieces.

What scientists are proposing is that quantum effects do take place in the brain in structures of the neuron cells called microtubles. These need what is called quantum coherence to function in concert with each other resulting in usual conscious experience.

Sounds interesting. You have any references for more in depth reading?

The quantum is not absent from anything. I would agree the universe is a variety of quantum computer but what it could be computing, I as a mini computer could not ever hope to calculate.

Our quantum consciousness is to the universe/quantum computer, what a digital program is to a digital computer. Just hit "open" or "delete".


Veteran Member
There's no evidence for what caused the Big Bang, which appears to be a perfect fire wall against information leaking from whatever existed "before". But I think it's obvious what happened. What existed, and apparently still does, is a non-local Quantumland--that is, a timeless and "distanceless" ether into which the universe, at the Big Bang, started expanding into. The difference between Quantumland and the Universe, is that at a given dimensionless point in Quantumland, it was made (or happened) to become something that was composed of three dimensions of distance and one of time that weren't infinitely divisible. Said another way, there became a limit to the divisibility of the ether/Quantumland which converted it, via the Big Bang, to the Cosmos or universe we all know and love. Those limits, which are specific, are known as Planck-space and Planck-time, and they resolved the 2500 year-old Xeno's Paradox (which see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeno%27s_paradoxes).

So, our universe is undergoing an accelerating expansion into/within this Quantumland/ether. Thus we can say we know what preceded the universe. And we can theorize that quantum transactions take place in the "external" Quantumland which would explain Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" and other quantum weirdness.

But the ultimate question still remains, what caused that initiation, that first instance of space-time as the result of the first limit to the divisibility of the ether from which it sprang--which is also known as the Planck Epoch? That ether, that Quantumland, is still there and accessible to quantum entities "through" the infinitesimal Planck space-time "gaps" in the fabric of our universe.
The question is when the mass within the Singularity was of infinite density, that hints that without it was more dense; how then the Singularity could inflate?:

"The initial singularity was a singularity of seemingly infinite density and mass thought to have contained all of the mass and space-time of the Universe before quantum fluctuations caused it to rapidly expand in the Big Bang and subsequent inflation, creating the present-day Universe."
Initial singularity - Wikipedia
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Just old
Premium Member
`Infinite density`.....how small is `small` !......really that !!!
Just pure crap !


Active Member