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What was the first thing God said to you?

Please see the first post

  • Total voters


A fool
The thread is open to anybody but it is really directed at those theists who believe in a God who can speak to people directly and personally. I would appreciate it if only that kind of theist votes in the poll.

The poll question is: Has God spoken to you directly?

This thread is about the first thing that God said to those who believe that they have been spoken to by God. It is a discussion thread only.


Liebe ist für alle da
Can I ask a question first? Now is this just God in general or any of the many Gods from any religions. If God in general then no not really. If the other then yes, many times I have talked to Gods of many different believes out there. And yes they have said stuff back.


A fool
Heya Azakel,
I'm assuming that in order for something to speak to you it must exist so the only attributes this "God" has to have is that it exists and speaks to you directly. If you believe in many Gods just talk about your experience with the first God that spoke with you if you wish.


Not your average Mormon
The first thing God ever said to me was, "I hear you." The voice wasn't audible, but I heard it anyway.


Liebe ist für alle da
The first God to speak to me was Amaterasu (the Japanese Sun Goddess), she was most there to help me in my times of sadness, just some one to talk to really. She showed me things that help me come to the religion I am now (I was Shinto at first, but that another story). About the Council (also another story). Then there was Thoth and Set, Thoth didn't show much talk to me, he show picture and symbols, which led me to Set. Set talk about magic and inner strength and grow. But I think I got a bit of track, anyway, they did talk with words. ^_^ sometime I make no sense and I'm tired.


I didn't vote in the pole because I am not a theist but when I was a kid I thought god really had it in for me because I masturbated. If I had to pick the first message from god it was something like, "masturbation is bad, mmmkay". Whenever I imagine god might be talking to me it sounds like Mr Mackie from South Park. (just kidding, Mr. Mackie is just one of the voices in my head)


The first thing God said to me directly and unequivocally was...

Look! I'm here speaking to you in every aspect of your life!
Open your eyes! Open your mind!

(yet "he" opened them for me. It was technicolor reality...
for weeks on end. My "assemblage" of reality was shifted forever.
Still to this day "god" speaks to me in everything and anything.
though usually not all at once!:eek: ) :D


Flaming Queer
i am only posting this and voting because it is a discussion thread, not a debate thread.

i believe i was visited by a Sun God last summer solstice, but i still don't know which one. early in the morning, i was doing some light meditation and his image appeared in my mind, and said to me "It's an honor to meet you, but we don't talk often enough..."

that is the only verbal communication i have had, though i believe i have strongly felt and seen the presence of various Gods.
God has never really said anything to me in a voice, neither do i expect him too, he is a listener. I know the first thing he would say is, Alright, how's its going mate? He iz ma mate!


Well-Known Member
Anyone notice when a question like this is posed in the way Fluffy did in the OP, almost everyone can remember a voice in their heads the source of which was not readily apparenet @ the time? I have heard such a voice, and authoritative voice, a gentle voice. I'll wager most of us have. I get the feeling the ones voting "No" have long since decided either A) The voice wasn't GOD, or B) It is not rational to believe in GOD because there isn't one...


A fool
Random said:
Anyone notice when a question like this is posed in the way Fluffy did in the OP, almost everyone can remember a voice in their heads the source of which was not readily apparenet @ the time? I have heard such a voice, and authoritative voice, a gentle voice. I'll wager most of us have. I get the feeling the ones voting "No" have long since decided either A) The voice wasn't GOD, or B) It is not rational to believe in GOD because there isn't one...
Actually Random, I genuinely cannot recall ever hearing a voice. If I could remember such an event then I think my worldview would be very different to how it is.


A fool
Random said:
Hmm, odd. OK, maybe GOD doesn't like you.
Or my memory could be very poor :).

If I had heard a voice then it would be significantly more easy for me to believe and perhaps the lack of this experience has forced me down the road of atheism.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I never heard a voice, either. I didn't vote in the poll because I wasn't sure whether or not you meant literal speech.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I'm not sure how to vote.

You say "Has god spoken directly to you?"

Directly to me? With a voice that I can hear or something like that? No.

But through my experiences and "coincidences" and all these other things that happen, yes.

And I do remember the first time, where I was at a Catholic school and I was so confused by what we were being taught. Nothing seemed right. It all seemed to be out of sync with the things I was feeling. So I started praying and asking God to tell me what really was going on. Then a few days later I was looking for something in the garage when out of a box fell two books, the first one open on the very first page. I picked it up and began reading it and I read it over the next few days. It answered all my questions that I had piled up. These books were "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch.

So did God write through me or talk to me directly? No.

Did God talk to me through Mr Walsch? Yes. Did God answer me by my finding the books? Yes.

What most people don't realise though is that God replies, just not always in your ear. Learn to listen with your gut, your eyes, your emotions, your memories, your smell, your taste, your touch.


Not your average Mormon
Okay, you didn't ask about the first time God answered one of my prayers, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

I was maybe three or four years old. One day I was playing with what my mom used to call "the bell." It was one of those little portable timers people use when they're cooking (nowadays they're generally built-in, but this was a long time ago, and ours wasn't). Anway, I was sitting and winding it just past the 5-minute mark and then immediately backwards to where it would go, "ding!" So it was wind clockwise, wind counter-clockwise, ding! Wind clockwise, wind counter-clockwise, ding! Over and over and over again. Finally my mother said to me, "Kathryn, don't do that any more. You're going to end up breaking it. It's not supposed to be a toy." Well, since I was so much smarter than she was, I just answered, "No I'm not! See!" and I continued to go through my little routine. A few more winds, a few more dings and all of a sudden, the bell stopped working. Guility, I handed it to my mother. "Im sorry," I said. She tried for a few minutes to get it to work. Finally, she said, "Well, I told you that's what would happen, but you didn't listen to me, did you. We'll just have to buy a new one." "No we won't!" I said. "I'll pray about it. I'll ask Heavenly Father to make it work again." My mother really didn't know what to do. She'd taught me to pray and to have faith that God would hear and answer my prayers, but she knew that He didn't waste His time fixing mechanical timers. She hesitated and started to try to discourage me, but I was determined. "I'm going to pray!" I said. And I did. After I asked God to please fix the bell, I went over and picked it up. I wound it just past the 5-minute mark and then backwards. DING! What a beautiful sound! I handed "the bell" to my mother, who was standing there were her mouth open. Do I believe God answered my prayer? Absolutely. Would I have that much faith today? Probably not. But I believe God knew how important it was that He answer that prayer. He knew it would influence the way I thought of him forever.