Last night I bought the game Temtem on the Nintendo Switch eShop. It's $45. There is an optional deluxe version that is $20 more that includes more cosmetics, but I didn't feel like wasting that much money. Honestly, I will probably never play Temtem, either from my copy on Steam or on the Switch, but I need this game. Honestly I feel that Temtem is what Pokemon should have become.
Before that, a few days earlier, I ordered the How I Met Your Mother boxset on Amazon. It was $35. I realize that I can watch that show on Amazon Prime, but I wanted the boxset for the special features and honestly, How I Met Your Mother is my favorite sitcom, as corny as it sometimes can be. I placed the order but it won't ship to me until next weekend.
So now I bring it back to you. What was the last thing you bought?