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What was your religion before to be non-believer?


Well-Known Member
What was your religion before to be non-believer?

When you said "that's enough with my religion, I will not accept it anymore".
Did you decide to search out another religions or you directly became a non-believer.

Please Care to elaborate. Although I know it's a personal experience and unique way to every body, but maybe it helps others to save their times and efforts.


I was christened before I could walk, and raised a Christian, I went to Sunday school, went to church, went to cubs, and scouts, went to a Chrisian school and had daily prayer, and had read the childrens bible and my own adult bible.

I never got to a point where I said "I no longer accept religion" because I never accepted it to begin with. It was never true in my eyes, it was just stories to me and I treated them no different to any other fictional tales I read at the time.

I always felt uncomfortable around church, which was so far removed from what I was comfortable with. It was full of ritual, stange clothing, and a place where normal everyday people went slightly mad particularly those that seemed to want to sing manically in a bid to prove to the world just how strange they could be if they put in the effort.

I now realise that no matter how strange I thought these rituals were, I had underestimeted what went on elsewhere because I have since seen dancing, flag waving, and full on healing of cripples by people who look like they have had Rohypnol for breakfast.

I only knew about the Church of England and Catholicism at the time. I later found out there were other religions but by then I had already got by quite nicely without them, and didn't feel a need to investigate them too.


i used to be muslim (born into a muslim family and raised as one) until i decided that all this religion business just isn't for me. it was fun for a while, but now its time to move on.

i didn't look into other religions because i don't see why i have to fit myself into any line of beliefs. to do so feels limiting to one's self and somehow straining to one's potential. i don't see the point in searching for the truth and meaning of life. i feel like we find them as we go along. organized religions tend to stop you from going beyond their truths. i'm not a fan of that.

i accept all ways of life as meaningful, all holding its own truths, and we can all learn and take something from them, i'm sure. i don't see any way of life or philosophy as right or wrong, i'm not one to make that call. but spiritually, i'd rather just go with the flow and find my own way and philosophy in life.

everyone's different, i get it, but this is just me.

so now i'm just an agnostic until further notice. :)