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What We Really Think


Staff member
Premium Member
Earlier, in another thread, @SigurdReginson said:

What is it about people like this that feel like they can speak on behalf of an entire people group they don't belong to? It's kind of boring, really. o_O

I thought this might be a good opportunity for all of us to get to know each other... and our beliefs... better.

Its true that I've seen a lot of people just mass broadcasting what entire groups of people believe. But it seems that in most instances, no two people, even if of the same religion/nonreligion see things exactly the same.

Lets see what we all really believe, without trying to project our own opinions on others. :)

So, some questions for any who have the time or interest to reply.

1. What worldview/religious title do you hold? Please be as specific as you can. If you're part of a religious movement, what denomination/tradition are you? If no title fits you well, give a brief description of your outlook.

2. What do you believe about the afterlife? This should be your personal beliefs, not the generic beliefs of your tradition.

3. What, if any, spiritual practices do you participate in? (This can include meditation, attending services, prayer, dietary observances, etc)

4. What are your feelings on modern science? How about the supernatural/paranormal?

5. What, if anything, do you feel is taboo?

6. How do you view others outside of your worldview? How about those within?

7. Does your religion/lack of have any bearing on your political outlook or choices? Why or why not?

8. Does your religion/lack of influence the way you interact with the Earth and the environment?

9. Lastly, what are your thoughts on God/ess/s?

This is a place to listen. Question if you want, get clarification, but no poo flinging please!


Veteran Member
1. What worldview/religious title do you hold? Please be as specific as you can. If you're part of a religious movement, what denomination/tradition are you? If no title fits you well, give a brief description of your outlook.

New Age and Hindu. I take a Hindu understanding and kind of filter it through a New Age filter, as well as I'm unorthodox with my beliefs due to me subscribing to Left Hand Path philosophies.

2. What do you believe about the afterlife? This should be your personal beliefs, not the generic beliefs of your tradition.

Reincarnation ~ Moksha can be achieved via unknown goals unique to each person / soul rather than pre-existing collective sets of things.

3. What, if any, spiritual practices do you participate in? (This can include meditation, prayer, dietary observances, etc)

All of it except dietary observances. But add religious dancing to the mix.

4. What are your feelings on modern science? How about the supernatural/paranormal?

I believe both lean toward being perfectly valid.

5. What, if anything, do you feel is taboo?

Torture. Murder. Cruelty to animals.

6. How do you view others outside of your worldview? How about those within?

Other people outside my worldview are okay ; I tend to also get along fairly well, I think, with the Hindu people on RF. Most of the ones I've spoken to seem to have good sympathy for me, as well as respect, I think.

7. Does your religion/lack of have any bearing on your political outlook or choices? Why or why not?

It's complicated.

8. Does your religion/lack of influence the way you interact with the Earth and the environment?


9. Lastly, what are your thoughts on God/ess/s?

Gods are great, as are Goddesses. Though I find Goddesses in the Western world aren't getting the attention they deserve.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
1 the title I'm given is atheist, it fits well so I won't argue with it

2 brain activity dies but the atoms that compose your body go on for ever.

3 none

4 modern science makes out lives easier and extends life quite considerably.

5 your asking the wrong person, I don't do taboo, if it's legal and honest, no problem.

6 again, if it's legal and honest, people can do whatever they want

7 no, disbelief in god's doesn't change my politics, which have changed over the year's

8 no, I'd be a nature lover either way.

9 i kind for of like the idea of Anoia.
Anoia - Discworld & Terry Pratchett Wiki
And consider Goddesses of love are on to something.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member

1. What worldview/religious title do you hold? Please be as specific as you can. If you're part of a religious movement, what denomination/tradition are you? If no title fits you well, give a brief description of your outlook.
My worldview is that humanity is ignorant of the majority of the known universe. Best to accept our position of ignorance so better not to bet the farm on any one worldview or position.

2. What do you believe about the afterlife? This should be your personal beliefs, not the generic beliefs of your tradition.
When we die we cease to exist except as a causal factor that propagates into the future.

3. What, if any, spiritual practices do you participate in? (This can include meditation, attending services, prayer, dietary observances, etc)
Meditation, especially walking meditation.

4. What are your feelings on modern science? How about the supernatural/paranormal?
Few really get what science is. The supernatural exists in the realm of the imagination.

5. What, if anything, do you feel is taboo?
Unnecessary harm

6. How do you view others outside of your worldview?
as likely to be right/wrong as I am.
How about those within?
I like to think I am unique but I am probably wrong about that.

7. Does your religion/lack of have any bearing on your political outlook or choices?
Why or why not?
I see these ideas/worldviews mostly for entertainment, not to be used for practical purposes

8. Does your religion/lack of influence the way you interact with the Earth and the environment?
No, I don't think mankind has that much of an impact in the larger scheme of the universe.

9. Lastly, what are your thoughts on God/ess/s?
That if any exist, we have no reliable knowledge about them.
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Grēne Mann
Premium Member
A wonderful idea for a thread! Taking one of my biggest pet peeves and turning it into a topic. :D

1. My path is my own. I'm an atheist, though I do have some pagan practices I picked up from dabbling in such things in the past. I'm a naturalist at heart, but I think spiritual experiences have very real, tangible value. I'm seriously flirting with the idea of walking a druidic path (or at least my version of it), but we shall see. :) I'm happy with where I'm at already, and any spiritual excursion I take will be done at my own leisure.

2. Well... I've felt what dying feels like a couple times. I could feel my mental processes slowing down and halting. I think my consciousness will end upon death.

3. Runecrafting, I write in my own "book of shadows" like book, nature lore, grounding myself through reconnecting with nature (camping, hiking, fishing, hunting), etc.

4. Science is a tool, like every other tool. Tools have a specific function, and as long as they are tangibly useful, they are good to utilize. Same goes for spirituality. I incorporate spiritual practices that are useful for me. Ones that aren't are tossed by the wayside.

5. Depends.... It's very situational for me. I have my own values, and they are subject to change as I become more informed on certain aspects of reality. Suffering as a whole is something to be minimized, though. It's not always avoidable, but unnecessary suffering should always be avoided when possible. Unnecessary suffering inflicted on those who are in a vulnerable situation (such as children) is especially vile, IMO.

6. I judge individuals on an individual basis. I reserve judgement until I become very familiar with someone, and that judgement is subject to change as new information comes along.

7. Not really. I don't tie my path/worldviews together with my ego (I'm not emotionally invested in them). My ego is simply the car that I drive the highway with (that I experience life with), and my path is the map that I use to navigate that road. If I take a wrong turn and wind up down a dead end, I simply mark off the route that turned out to be wrong on my map. If someone tells me my map is wrong, I invite them to show me and I can explore the paths that they mark on my map if I think that it's an interesting trip to go on. :D

8. I suppose it does, but my personal philosophy is to "pack it in, pack it out." By that very philosophy, I don't want to overstep myself onto my surroundings as much as possible, and I don't want to leave a trace of my presence behind. My path is only for me. I don't want to extend my beliefs onto others - in fact, I love that everyone else has a different, individual outlook on life than me. Different perspectives give me different things to consider that I wouldn't have otherwise thought about on my own.

9. I think the gods are fascinating, and they give a window into the way the human mind works. Are they literally real? I don't know. Are they worthy of veneration? I believe they can be, and that their veneration can even be healthy. It can be unhealthy too, though. It really depends on what aspects of the gods people venerate.

I'm excited to see what other people write. :)
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Staff member
Premium Member
4. Science is a tool, like every other tool. Tools have a specific function, and as long as they are tangibly useful, they are good to utilize. Same goes for spirituality. I incorporate spiritual practices that are useful for me. Ones that aren't are tossed by the wayside.

I like how you put this. We are in agreement here!

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
1. What worldview/religious title do you hold? Please be as specific as you can. If you're part of a religious movement, what denomination/tradition are you? If no title fits you well, give a brief description of your outlook.

No religious title. A member of Sufism Reoriented which was reoriented by Avatar Meher Baba.

2. What do you believe about the afterlife? This should be your personal beliefs, not the generic beliefs of your tradition.

My beliefs are not independently arrived at:

The vast majority go to the astral plane where they review the lift just lived.Those who lives were on balance positive, experience great joy which is named heaven. Those with negative lives experience great pain and sorrow which is named hell.

After that review and some time, they take a new physical body to continue the journey.

3. What, if any, spiritual practices do you participate in? (This can include meditation, attending services, prayer, dietary observances, etc)

4. What are your feelings on modern science? How about the supernatural/paranormal?

Science is the perfect lens to learn about the physical universe. It demolishes "cargo cult" like beliefs by the use of experimentation and careful reasoning.

5. What, if anything, do you feel is taboo?

Nothing is 'taboo'. Some actions, those motivated by selfishness and negative emotions lead to suffering.

6. How do you view others outside of your worldview? How about those within?

My belief is based on the "Blind Men and the Elephant". My view is false and incomplete as all other views are. But all express a partial view of the truth.

7. Does your religion/lack of have any bearing on your political outlook or choices? Why or why not?

There's a direct connection. Those who seek to speak the truth, bring people together and to promote harmony are those I gravitate to. Those who lie (and gaslight), seek to divide and promote bigotry and discord are those I'm opposed to.

8. Does your religion/lack of influence the way you interact with the Earth and the environment?

We should care for the Earth and not abuse her. But I also recognize that the history of the Earth from way before their were human beings is one of change with species disappearing and others coming into existence.

So personally my attitude is a "middle path".

9. Lastly, what are your thoughts on God/ess/s?

God is One. Some who are called 'gods' can also be called 'angels'. The image I have is that these are as 'rays' from the 'sun'.

Secret Chief

1. What worldview/religious title do you hold? Please be as specific as you can. If you're part of a religious movement, what denomination/tradition are you? If no title fits you well, give a brief description of your outlook.

Specifics eh. Soto Zen / secular Buddhist.

2. What do you believe about the afterlife? This should be your personal beliefs, not the generic beliefs of your tradition.

There isn't one.

3. What, if any, spiritual practices do you participate in? (This can include meditation, attending services, prayer, dietary observances, etc)

Meditation. Zazen (sitting) and kinhin (walking). Attended services and retreats in the past.

4. What are your feelings on modern science? How about the supernatural/paranormal?

Modern science created the modern world. It's a means to ends, medicines and bombs.
There is nothing supernatural/paranormal.

5. What, if anything, do you feel is taboo?

Aspire to not taking life, not lying, not stealing, not getting intoxicated and not engaging in inappropriate sensual behaviour. Personally I'd also add respecting all sentient beings and not voting tory. :)

6. How do you view others outside of your worldview? How about those within?

Outside or in, I don't have a generalised view.

7. Does your religion/lack of have any bearing on your political outlook or choices? Why or why not?

No. I was a socialist well before I bumped into Buddhism. Apparently you can be a Buddhist and hold rightwing views. Crazy I know.

8. Does your religion/lack of influence the way you interact with the Earth and the environment?

Tricky one to answer. I don't really see a separation. My living is my manifestation of whatever my "religious outlook" is. What's the point in knowing the Lotus Sutra backwards, but then going out and acting like a **** in the world? Perhaps I do, but that isn't my intention.

9. Lastly, what are your thoughts on God/ess/s?

I'm a non-theist. I don't describe myself as being in a position that is in opposition to something (particularly something that doesn't exist).
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Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
1. Left Hand Path is a broad but fair thing. As specific as I can get would be diabolism, sort of a tapestry made of traditionalist Satanism, witchcraft and demonolatry. I'm also influenced by Luciferianism. Even a dab of modern Satanism. I represent no one or no organization only me.

2. I believe in life first and foremost. After death I believe I will return into the world/cosmos as I was before birth, what ever happens from then is not in my hands. Since I will be deceased, it doesn't matter to me. I wouldn't mind being a ghost/spiritual entity. But that probably isn't happening. Babadook anyone?

3. Witchcraft, demonolatry, rituals, worship exercises, prayer and meditation.

4. I support science and I am a big fan of sciency stuff. I don't put much faith in classic superstition. But I don't reject everything allegedly supernatural/paranormal (for which most is nonsense ). I feel there are few things that can't or just haven't been explained away rationally.

5. I believe there is real evil in the world. Closest to taboos I have make sense to most, I hope. Murder, rape, serious theft, high crimes are no no's.

6. I get along with most people in general. I don't have a problem with others outside of my path. I leave it to them if we're going to have issues or not.

7. I think me being LHP and politically left leaning are a coincidence.

8. I feel that my path puts me in tune with the Earth and environment. It's probably the witchcraft thing. And meditation.

9. Surprisingly, I don't see my self as atheist or fully theist. I believe in the power of dieties/demons but if they are real and separate and sentient creatures is not the point for me. They could all be in my head. I believe my head is very real.


Veteran Member
1. What worldview/religious title do you hold? Please be as specific as you can. If you're part of a religious movement, what denomination/tradition are you? If no title fits you well, give a brief description of your outlook.
I call myself an Agnostic (capitalized to denote the philosophical position, not just a state of ignorance).
2. What do you believe about the afterlife? This should be your personal beliefs, not the generic beliefs of your tradition.
In accord with 1., I withhold final judgement due to lack of data. In accord with the available data my working hypothesis is that there is no soul or consciousness that survives the physical body.
3. What, if any, spiritual practices do you participate in? (This can include meditation, attending services, prayer, dietary observances, etc)
I do a secular form of meditation, Autogenic Training. I don't consider that a spiritual praxis.
4. What are your feelings on modern science? How about the supernatural/paranormal?
Science is the best method to gain knowledge about our environment.
I have no experience with anything supernatural/paranormal.
5. What, if anything, do you feel is taboo?
Causing unnecessary suffering.
6. How do you view others outside of your worldview? How about those within?
(Intellectual) worldviews/religions only have a limited influence on behaviour. I evaluate others by their actual behaviour.
7. Does your religion/lack of have any bearing on your political outlook or choices? Why or why not?
Yes, because I see making policies without or against knowledge as wrong.
8. Does your religion/lack of influence the way you interact with the Earth and the environment?
Yes. (See 7.)
9. Lastly, what are your thoughts on God/ess/s?
I don't know what that is - and neither do you.


Active Member
Earlier, in another thread, @SigurdReginson said:

I thought this might be a good opportunity for all of us to get to know each other... and our beliefs... better.

Its true that I've seen a lot of people just mass broadcasting what entire groups of people believe. But it seems that in most instances, no two people, even if of the same religion/nonreligion see things exactly the same.

Lets see what we all really believe, without trying to project our own opinions on others. :)

So, some questions for any who have the time or interest to reply.

1. What worldview/religious title do you hold? Please be as specific as you can. If you're part of a religious movement, what denomination/tradition are you? If no title fits you well, give a brief description of your outlook.

2. What do you believe about the afterlife? This should be your personal beliefs, not the generic beliefs of your tradition.

3. What, if any, spiritual practices do you participate in? (This can include meditation, attending services, prayer, dietary observances, etc)

4. What are your feelings on modern science? How about the supernatural/paranormal?

5. What, if anything, do you feel is taboo?

6. How do you view others outside of your worldview? How about those within?

7. Does your religion/lack of have any bearing on your political outlook or choices? Why or why not?

8. Does your religion/lack of influence the way you interact with the Earth and the environment?

9. Lastly, what are your thoughts on God/ess/s?

This is a place to listen. Question if you want, get clarification, but no poo flinging please!

Very cool thread! Thanks for the post. Things can only improve the more we all listen to each other and understand each other.

1. I want to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible, so my goal is to find the most reliable set of tools to differentiate the likely real things from the likely imaginary things. While there are many things I'd prefer to be true, I'm only convinced that something is almost certainly true when there is sufficient evidence to support that belief. As a human being, I can't help but value my own life, the lives of my friends and family, the lives of all humans, and to some extent the lives of all living things. Minimizing suffering and maximizing happiness among all sentient beings, while maintaining a moral floor of inviolable basic rights, is the goal that I most value.

2. Our minds are an emergent property of the neurochemical activity in our brains. When we die and our brain cells die and decompose, our minds cease to exist and nothing remains.

3. When I have an experience that causes spine tingling wonder, like looking up at the stars at night, or walking through a beautiful garden full of smiling people, or eating a delicious meal, or feeling so close to someone I love, such moments are as close as I get to "spiritual." They make me so happy to be alive, and the act of treasuring these moments is supremely meaningful to me.

4. Science is currently the best method we have to create knowledge, and to determine facts, properties, and patterns of reality. Supernatural beliefs seem to be entirely unjustified and represent the pre-scientific age of humanity when we commonly created social cohesion by sharing the same fears, magical beliefs, stories, superstitions, and rituals.

5. Any violation of basic human rights. Any amount of gratuitous suffering that does not cause a greater amount of happiness in some way. Not treating children with kindness, love, and patience.

6. I'm fine with anyone living their life as they wish, so long as it doesn't harm or unreasonably impede other people from doing the same for themselves. When people try to impose their personal beliefs onto others in a way that in fact harms those other people, no matter how well intentioned this harm is, this is unacceptable to me. I get along fine with people who share my same values and goals.

7. I don't know. There are so many factors that it's hard to quantify the impact, if any. There are atheists across the entire political spectrum. I think politics are more a function of someone's innate personality and temperament than their worldview.

8. Environmentalism benefits all sentient species, since this world is our shared habitat.

9. Gods are psychological crutches that used to be beneficial to believe in when we lived in small tribes and social groups. They were a simple tool to offer explanations for mysteries, maintain social cohesion, and maintain a shared authority. Now, religious beliefs as a whole are impeding human moral progress, technological progress, and the overall project of human flourishing. There are no benefits provided by religion that cannot now be derived through secular or natural means. By contrast, the harm caused by holding obsolete, irrational, unquestioned beliefs is significant, as can be seen by the suffering of women, homosexuals, artists, freethinkers, people taught to be ashamed of their natural desires and thoughts, and many others throughout the world. This applies to any kind of dogma or indoctrination, but these phenomena are vastly more common in religious settings.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
1. What worldview/religious title do you hold? Please be as specific as you can. If you're part of a religious movement, what denomination/tradition are you? If no title fits you well, give a brief description of your outlook.

King of Everything

Sanatana Dharma: Advaita Vedanta school of philosophy

2. What do you believe about the afterlife? This should be your personal beliefs, not the generic beliefs of your tradition.

I am an eternal being. I existed before the birth of this body/mind complex and will continue on after.

3. What, if any, spiritual practices do you participate in? (This can include meditation, attending services, prayer, dietary observances, etc)

My life is a spiritual practice.

Outwardly, the only practice one may recognize as "spiritual" would be meditation.

4. What are your feelings on modern science? How about the supernatural/paranormal?

Modern science is valid, and my worldview is conditional upon scientific knowledge and discovery.

In other words, if science brings forth evidence that would conflict with my worldview, my worldview will be adjusted to align with what is scientifically evident.

The words "supernatural" and "paranormal" are meaningless to me. Anything I experience is natural and normal to me.

5. What, if anything, do you feel is taboo?

White shoes after Labor Day.

6. How do you view others outside of your worldview? How about those within?

I don't know. I never asked.

How do you feel about it?

7. Does your religion/lack of have any bearing on your political outlook or choices? Why or why not?

Good question.

I suppose it would have everything to do with it based on the first sentence of my answer to question #3.

8. Does your religion/lack of influence the way you interact with the Earth and the environment?


9. Lastly, what are your thoughts on God/ess/s?

They are irrelevant to my worldview.

This is a place to listen. Question if you want, get clarification, but no poo flinging please!

Don't tell me how to live my life...



Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
King of Everything

Sanatana Dharma: Advaita Vedanta school of philosophy

I am an eternal being. I existed before the birth of this body/mind complex and will continue on after.

My life is a spiritual practice.

Outwardly, the only practice one may recognize as "spiritual" would be meditation.

Modern science is valid, and my worldview is conditional upon scientific knowledge and discovery.

In other words, if science brings forth evidence that would conflict with my worldview, my worldview will be adjusted to align with what is scientifically evident.

The words "supernatural" and "paranormal" are meaningless to me. Anything I experience is natural and normal to me.

White shoes after Labor Day.

I don't know. I never asked.

How do you feel about it?

Good question.

I suppose it would have everything to do with it based on the first sentence of my answer to question #3.


They are irrelevant to my worldview.

Don't tell me how to live my life...

Unless one is a nurse or basketball player, white shoes are always horrible.:D


Staff member
Premium Member
Thanks for the responses, @Secret Chief , @Viker , @Heyo , @AlexanderG , and @SalixIncendium !

I don't know. I never asked.

How do you feel about it?

I have trouble distinguishing who is 'one of mine' and who is an 'other'. I'd like to say those ideas don't exist, and perhaps a goal of mine is to make it so they don't, but at this point I still feel them. However, I don't think its something superficial like titles or roles, but a deeper recognition that perhaps this one and I(who ever 'this one' is) may be similar in personality or understanding. (If that makes any sense.)

Don't tell me how to live my life...


Someone has to look out for Pooh... he looks tired.


Grēne Mann
Premium Member
Thanks for the responses, @Secret Chief , @Viker , @Heyo , @AlexanderG , and @SalixIncendium !

I have trouble distinguishing who is 'one of mine' and who is an 'other'. I'd like to say those ideas don't exist, and perhaps a goal of mine is to make it so they don't, but at this point I still feel them. However, I don't think its something superficial like titles or roles, but a deeper recognition that perhaps this one and I(who ever 'this one' is) may be similar in personality or understanding. (If that makes any sense.)

Someone has to look out for Pooh... he looks tired.

Tired? He looks pooped!