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What would be your ideal presidential candidate?


Reason, and reason again
Not a who, but a what. Create a fantasy character and tell us why you would like to see him win. What issues would he (or she) concentrate on the most, what would be her home-state, her party affiliation, previous job, religion...?

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
A fantasy character? *tackles the idea*

Daisy is a fifty-five year old grandmother. She is running on a platform of providing universal health-care, opening our borders while demanding that our corporations keep jobs in this country and making sure that everyone gets paid enough to live on. She is also working to provide better protection for our troops, as well as being sure that those companies that are serving those troops aren't making too much of a profit while doing so. Her home state and party affiliation... *ponders this* I don't suppose that she'd have a strong affiliation with any current party, but since this is a fantasy character, I'll say that she's from the recently annexed state of Lemuria. Appropriately, she comes from a matriarchal society and has a seven foot long striped tail. Her previous job was as a social worker and I'm not sure if she's affiliated with one religion or many yet. She may be an atheist- I'll have to ask her!


Well-Known Member
FeathersinHair said:
She is also working to provide better protection for our troops, as well as being sure that those companies that are serving those troops aren't making too much of a profit while doing so.

Elaborate please? :confused:

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
‡Âlãn‡ said:
Elaborate please? :confused:

For an example, see Halliburton's laundry cleaning fees, apparently (at least at the time of this report) requiring $100 for washing a 15 pound bag of clothing. Also see here and here. (I did not check the funding of the latter site, so it may be biased for all I know. It does carry several things that I've heard alleged which might bear further investigating.)
I'm sorry to have thread-napped you, Gene! (I didn't quite realize that this was in the actual political debates section- otherwise I wouldn't have had Daisy be part lemur!) If you're interested in further information on the subject, Alan, I would be happy to create another thread for discussion of the topic.
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Moved on
Something that is highly unlikely, but still cool to think about.

Davebjorn 2.0 is an extremely advanced computer designated as a benevolent dictator for life (and as a self-updating computer, this time is limited only by imagination or overthrow.). It is designed to allow anybody do anything they want so long as it doesn't hurt anybody else or infringe on their rights. It sustains itself and determines its policies by somehow figuring out what is in the people's best interests, so long as it doesn't limit their freedom. It would also have an army of awesome robots that are designed for punishing those who break the simple laws...with death being the penalty for the worst crimes. Borders would be closed except under certain circumstances or whenever the population is low enough that Davebjorn 2.0 determines it is safe to allow people in without risking crowding or overpopulation. As a computer it has no previous job or religion, but it's hologram spokesperson promotes ancestral paganism. Also, it will form the Technocratic Party.

Good luck finding something like that any time soon.


Fellowship of Reason
GeneCosta said:
Not a who, but a what. Create a fantasy character and tell us why you would like to see him win. What issues would he (or she) concentrate on the most, what would be her home-state, her party affiliation, previous job, religion...?

Libertarian with Objectivist leanings (would focus not just on "liberty", but on personal flourishing, happiness, self-actualization, and self-respect), articulate and persuasive like Harry Browne, would focus on those Libertarian issues that matter most to people (probably jobs, economic growth, the need for small businesses and entrepreneurship, lessening dependence on foreign oil and military interventionism, improving relations with allies, and restoring the American spirit of self-reliance and personal independence), would be self-made man in the computer industry, rich like Ross Perot, have great integrity, and would be an open, but not militant, atheist.




Fellowship of Reason
‡Âlãn‡ said:
How would that make him more fit for the presidency?

A militant atheist would be more divisive of the nation. An open (but friendly and likable) atheist may score a cultural victory in favor of tolerance for atheists.




Veteran Member
My ideal president....frubals for the idea. Here we go.

Casey is a 35 year old environmentally-concious president. She also is very tolerant in terms of religion, race, etc. She is a Christian, but does not use her presidency to promote her own, or anybody elses religious agenda.

She has invested much into the research of electrical and solar uses for the country and hopes to, in her 4-years as president turn much of our gas-powered vehicles into solar or electric.

Education is provided free of charge, and there are no laws saying if a school is not good enough, it gets shut down. Teachers are paid more then enterntainers.

I might add more later, but this is what I got right now.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Liberal woman, pro-gay rights, pro-environment, pro-peace, concerned about health care for every American (not just the rich folks!)... and she would be a liberal Christian. While I would love to see a UU in office, a liberal Christian would be more widely accepted.


Well-Known Member
My ideal presidential candidate would focus on redistribution of wealth, social welfare, worker's rights (and dignity), universal health care, have sensible ideas regarding the environment, would not hinder science (i.e. ideal candidate would be supportive of stem cell research), develop sensible policy on Iraq and Afghanistan, and would work to protect civil rights and liberties. Race, sex, gender-identity, and/or religion don't really matter to me, though I would prefer a non-theist candidate.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
GeneCosta said:
Not a who, but a what. Create a fantasy character and tell us why you would like to see him win. What issues would he (or she) concentrate on the most, what would be her home-state, her party affiliation, previous job, religion...?
Since I don't hail from the land of striped flags, I'll merely point what as I see as the obvious, nay, the only worthy cantidate for the next presidential elections.


: hamster :

Dance, my furry friend. Dance for the revolution...


User of Aspercreme
I would like to see a man or woman, 45 to 55 years of age, with grown children and a devoted spouse. A solid family I think says a lot about the ability of the person to lead, but maybe that is just me. I would like him or her to be relatively new to public service. I wouldn't want to see someone who has done this for a career and has never had any real experience in the private sector. I would like see them as a successful business person. I would like to see someone who has a history of volunteer work in the local community, but doesn't brag about it or put it on their resume. I would like someone who undersands the balance between rescource development and environmental protection and does their best to promote that. I would like to see someone who understands that economies grow when people have more money to invest in themselves, their future and their company. In other words, someone who believes in personal income tax cuts. I would also like to see someone who can put an end to the beast that has become government spending. I would like to see this person also focus on homeland security, without having clandestine operations in foreign countries. I would like for them to come up with a plan to either fix or overhaul social security. I would also like someone who WORKS WELL WITH OTHERS, AND DOESN'T THREATEN TO TAKE THEIR BALL AND GO HOME EVERYTIME SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH THEM.