What if tomorrow, you get the news online or from the television that Historians find a very old text, let's say in the time after Christianity was founded and before Islam was founded.
This text is scientifically accurate on a lot of things, it even has some parts of it that talk about something very similar if not exactly to evolution, and it has parts that relate to the Big Bang, talks about things which would now be known as atoms.
So basically, it talks about things that was discovered by science way after its written period, maybe not using the terms we use today such as "evolution" or "atoms" etc. but talks about it.
And it is a religious text, so it will say there is a God, in fact it will also tell us there is an afterlife and it will try to describe them both.
Would this change your mind on God? Would it make you change your religion or become a theist? What would you think of it?
This text is scientifically accurate on a lot of things, it even has some parts of it that talk about something very similar if not exactly to evolution, and it has parts that relate to the Big Bang, talks about things which would now be known as atoms.
So basically, it talks about things that was discovered by science way after its written period, maybe not using the terms we use today such as "evolution" or "atoms" etc. but talks about it.
And it is a religious text, so it will say there is a God, in fact it will also tell us there is an afterlife and it will try to describe them both.
Would this change your mind on God? Would it make you change your religion or become a theist? What would you think of it?