Too progressive for most people, it seems. I'm not surprised about that either. Attempts to shake up the status quo on the topic of sex and gender have historically been met with a high degree of resistance. It is a testimony to the solidity of the grip these things have on our culture, and our general blindness to how language profoundly influences how we think about the world. What ought to be a minor thing - shifting the cultural language away from describing a spectrum territory in terms of black and white - is seen as rage-worthy outlandish. I mean, how dare we think of children as children instead of pervasively indoctrinate them in black-and-white thinking about sex and gender from the cradle (which is what we currently do)? And things like this are definitely, definitely terrible:
Oh the horror! But FOX News is good at this sort of thing: it's good at making a mockery of progressive ideas and swaying public opinion against the intended target. On top of that, they routinely (and probably deliberately) misconstrue the reality of the situation. Which, as the link Sunstone pointed out, was once again the case here.
From the actual training handout said:Help students recognize all or nothing" language by helping them understand the difference between patterns and rules. Teach them phrases like "That may be true for some people, but not all people, or frequently, but not always," or "more common and less common. Avoid using "normal" to define any behaviors.
Oh the horror! But FOX News is good at this sort of thing: it's good at making a mockery of progressive ideas and swaying public opinion against the intended target. On top of that, they routinely (and probably deliberately) misconstrue the reality of the situation. Which, as the link Sunstone pointed out, was once again the case here.