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What's hell's Purpose?


Well-Known Member
I was taught it was God's Justice. The wicked the evil the disobedient were all offered the free gift of salvation. They all refused.

Others did accept and tried as best they could to conform their behavior to God's Law. Justice demands both punishment and reward.

And since god is both eternal and perfect . . .


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Hell doesn't exist as a physical sense. The Vedas, which are the first text to ever speak of any such thing, tell of a situation where the guilty consciousness, after death, is tormented by nightmarish dreams. These are simply the result of doing really bad things (and I mean really bad) and feeling guilty enough that you become tromented by these dreams. They only last until you reincarnate.


Well-Known Member
What's hell purpose, and why would god send souls there?

The concept of hell has evolved in christian dogma over the years. It was not originally a lava filled pit of despair and eternal agony, and how any christian can think that concept fits in with their idea of a loving god is beyond me. Why it's evolved may be a matter of opinion, perhaps other cultural influences like hades worked its way in, or it's owed to a misunderstanding of text. Perhaps some top christian clergy just wanted a way to scare people into the religion, who knows?

Rogue Cardinal

Devil's Advocate
There is no such thing as hell. IT is a Christian misconception and there is no notion of Hell say in the Old Testament. The word Hell doesn't even come into existence until the 1400's I think under translation into German.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Actually, I should expand on my first post. There are also planets that would be considered hell, though they are not hell as Christians know it. These are places where people are born who are of a particular consciousness, particularly selfish, ignorant, greedy etc. If all of these people have these tendencies, the place is quite unpleasant and full of suffering. That would be considered a 'hellish' planet. Earth is one of the planets that is quite mixed. It contains both heavenly and hellish qualities.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
There is no such thing as hell. IT is a Christian misconception and there is no notion of Hell say in the Old Testament. The word Hell doesn't even come into existence until the 1400's I think under translation into German.

Hell is a very, very old concept in eastern cultures including ancient India and Greece. I'm assuming is was adopted into Abrahamic religions.

Rogue Cardinal

Devil's Advocate
Hell is a very, very old concept in eastern cultures including ancient India and Greece. I'm assuming is was adopted into Abrahamic religions.
You would be correct. It was adopted at a much later date than the creation of the religion. In the original form there was no Heaven either. Just Sheol and Gehenna. These words to not translate to heaven nor hell and they are described as anything accept what heaven and hell in modern times means.

Hell is but one of the ways that proves religions evolve over time.


Well-Known Member

What's hell purpose, and why would god send souls there?

Given that hell is spiritual absence from God (whereas Heaven is spiritual nearness to Him), it might be considered a staging area for those remote from Him until, as the Baha'i scriptures assure us, in the Next Life God enables these individuals to draw closer to Him and eventually achieve Heaven.

And God doesn't send anyone there, although each of us has the power to plase him- or herself there or not.

Indeed, in this life we can (and do) change freely back and forth between the two at any time as a function of "where our heads are at!"

Also, please note that hell isn't anything God created given that He created only good! It is in fact the absence of virtue and virtuous action, not anything with a positive existence in its own right! (A good analogy is that light exists, and darkness is merely its absence. This is proven by the fact that you can bring light into a dark room, but not dark into a light room.)

Peace, :)

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See post #2

That's where I'm a bit confused. Post 2 seems to indicate that you believe heaven v. hell in a salvation v. separation context, while your latter post seems to indicate hell is "punishment" and "death." Or, do you believe those are synonymous?


Well-Known Member
That's where I'm a bit confused. Post 2 seems to indicate that you believe heaven v. hell in a salvation v. separation context, while your latter post seems to indicate hell is "punishment" and "death." Or, do you believe those are synonymous?

Are you REALLY this obtuse.:confused::confused::confused:

This salvation bit is what i was taught. I don't believe the 20th part of the 1st letter of the 1st word. It is crap. Piled high and higher.:p

IF your god was interested in justice he would use punishment for some purpose. Instead he simply tortures folks for all eternity and glories in the act. As do his followers.

A more unjust and anti-human process can scarcely be imagined.:p


Are you REALLY this obtuse.:confused::confused::confused:

This salvation bit is what i was taught. I don't believe the 20th part of the 1st letter of the 1st word. It is crap. Piled high and higher.:p

IF your god was interested in justice he would use punishment for some purpose. Instead he simply tortures folks for all eternity and glories in the act. As do his followers.

A more unjust and anti-human process can scarcely be imagined.:p

Clearly, you have a misundersting about my God. My God neither "tortures people for all eternity" nor "glories" in the act. My God's followers do not either. My God desires to have everyone in his presence; not separated from it. Man's decision to follow other gods or no god at all separates him from God, which is a consequence of Man's actions.


Well-Known Member
Clearly, you have a misundersting about my God. My God neither "tortures people for all eternity" nor "glories" in the act. My God's followers do not either. My God desires to have everyone in his presence; not separated from it. Man's decision to follow other gods or no god at all separates him from God, which is a consequence of Man's actions.

Wonderful. I am so-o-o relieved.
Now will your god just leave us the F* alone?