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What's more believable; Aliens or God?


I cited a peer-reviewed journal in my last post, but Outhouse again maligned the author and the work.

you posted work from a known creationist/ID and claimed it to be scientific

you then posted a pseudoscientific idea that doesnt even qualify as a hypothesis and tried to pass it off as valid scientific knowledge.

Kulka has and can express his opinion but it is just that 1 opinion

Sir, what is your first name?. In person i'd shake your hand for being a very well educated genmtleman.

in a educational forum however we generally have been through all this already and your walking in blind. Its not our first rodeo. You will get called on misinformation rather quickly by people in their expertise.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My current knowledge

Again, you've made a number of claims and in an aggressive manner attacking either my sources, myself, or both. Of the sources I've referenced , every single one was written by a specialist vital to the field now often referred to as astrobiology, and most were academic works (i.e. published by an academic press or journal).

You've accused them all of being creationists, of not representing mainstream science, of not being qualified, and so on I don't even know why you singled out Barrow, as he was only one of four editors in a volume published as part of a series of academic texts by Cambridge. This volume has over 20 contributors, and Barrow is only one. You also accused me of "quote mining" and stated:
shame on you for posting it that way.
when I used an article in a peer-reviewed journal to address the very argument you've put forward. In other words, while I've put forth a number of arguments and academic sources for my view, you have responded by attacking me and my sources.

As you are making such accusations, it seems only fair for you to back them up. For example, you've stated that Barrow, as a specialist in astrophysics, is unqualified to answer this question. Yet a large portion of the research which addresses the issue of life elsewhere in the universe is conducted by astrophycisists. So why is he unqualified?

You've made claims about what most experts think, but haven't given a basis for that claim. In fact, you don't even appear to know what the specialties of experts in this field actually are.

You've connected those who argue that intelligent life, or life, elsewhere in the universe are theists and biased. On what do you base this?

"My current knowledge" isn't much of an answer if your current knowledge doesn't consist of a basic familiarity with the issues involved or the published research. There are, of course, many experts who DO disagree with what I've said, but 1) they don't use your argument and 2) you've given no reasons for me (or anyone) to understand that they represent the vast majority.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
you posted work from a known creationist/ID and claimed it to be scientific

Actually, I specifically seperated the work which argues that improbability and so forth equates with design:
And again, there are a great many scientists in various fields who argue that it is so unlikely that the chances of life elsewhere are infinitesimally small. Such was the argument in Ward and Brownlee's book Rare Earth. Others take this argument even further and argue that the initial conditions alone for life to emerge, let alone intelligent life, are evidence of design. Such is the argument in Barrow and Tipler's Anthropic Cosmological Principle and Guillermo and Wesley's Privileged Planet, among others.

you then posted a pseudoscientific idea that doesnt even qualify as a hypothesis and tried to pass it off as valid scientific knowledge.

Again, what is your basis for calling the work of Ward and Brownlee, or the 20+ authors in Fitness of the Cosmos for Life, and many others "pseudoscience."

Kulka has and can express his opinion but it is just that 1 opinion

Yes. And it is shared by many more. I already also referred to Roy Mash's paper which likewise demonstrates how specious the argument of the size of the universe is.

in a educational forum however we generally have been through all this already and your walking in blind. Its not our first rodeo. You will get called on misinformation rather quickly by people in their expertise.

Again, what sources are you using? Have you read any of the scholarship which contradicts your view? So far, you've referred to one author and your own arguments (which I've said have no merit and then referred you to two peer-reviewed articles).

You talk about misinformation and expertise, but I don't see you exhibiting any expertise (saying an expert in astrophysics isn't qualified to talk about astrobiology, a field dominated by physicists?) or even referring to any, and as for misinformation so far you've I've referred around 30 academic, reviewed papers (20+ in the edited book in Cambridge University's series on Astrobioloogy) and you claim it's all pseudoscience without giving any reason other than ad hominem attacks of bias and theism.


anyone who post the "rare earth equation" has no scientific credibility

You have also posted creationist and tried to pass them off as having a valid scientific stance, while obviously backing a theistic view.

and you have posted a few opinions trying to pass them off as mainstream.

You ignore the Copernican principle, and the Mediocrituy principle, and then denounce the Drake equation and expect us to follow your ideology.

You also ignore the fact that science is currently looking for ET directly and indirectly.

The world's most brilliant minds follow my view, while you hold a narrow theistic view


Your methodology is the same as going to the ocean with a glass and pulling some slatwater out, and then proclaiming I have scientifically proven whales do not exist. :facepalm:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
anyone who post the "rare earth equation" has no scientific credibility

Before I get into the scientific validity of a book published by an academic press like Springer, I'll just start by looking at peer-reviewed journal articles on the drake equation and the rare earth equation. In 2004, Cirkvic published a paper in the journal Astrobiology on the drake equation. The main point of the article is to point out particular flaws it has. However, Cirkvic also notes that other researchers have also found problems with this equation and have adapted/altered it. Specifically, Cirkvic cites the following works: "other criticisms of the Drake equation, from different points of view, can be found in Walters et al. (1980), Wilson (1984), Ward and Brownlee (2000), and Walker and Cirkovic (2003, preprint)." You'll notice that Ward and Brownlee (2000) are included. The work referred to is Rare Earth and Cirkvic is noting their work on the equation (which they refer to as the "rare earth equation") along side other works of scientific scholarship in a scientific, peer-reviewed journal.

Of course, these are not the only published criticisms of the drake equation. In 2010, Gleiser published a paper in the International Journal of Modern Physics and along side other alterations of the Drake equation he argued were necessary, he too cites the "rare earth equation" alteration work done by Ward and Brownlee. He also notes that "it is perfectly plausible that a universe satisfying all of these conditions [which would allow "prebiotic" life rather than "complex, multicellular life"] will be devoid of any form of complex life"

Finally, another paper from the International Journal of Astrobiology was published in 2009, written by Forgan. Forgan also states that the Drake equation "suffers from some key weaknesses" including returning oposite results. Forgan also writes, after mentioning the Fermi Paradox, that "The power of this question, along with the enormous chain of events required for intelligent observers to exist on Earth to pose it, has lead many to the conclusion that the conditions for life to flourish are rare, possibily unique to Earth." Forgan cites Ward and Brownlee here too, because, like so many other scholars who publish in peer-reviewed journals, Forgan knows that one doesn't simply write off a book because it is a book, as a whole lot of scholarship comes from academic presses like Springer.

Rare Earth, the book in which the rare earth equation appeared, was written by two scientists, one an expert in astrobiology and the other a geologist and paleontologist and published by Springer-Verlag. Now, If you don't read a lot of journals, monographs, or other technical books designed for specialists in the areas of mathematics and science, you may not be familiar with the company. They are, however, one of the largest and most respected publishers of scientific and mathematical journals, books, edited volumes, etc.

You haven't read the work, nor the other work criticising or altering the drake equation. But you have the audicity to write
anyone who post the "rare earth equation" has no scientific credibility
. I just gave you three different papers from peer-reviewed journals which either cite Ward and Brownlee's work on the rare earth equation or the book itself.

So you tell me: If a peer-reviewed journal considers a paper which builds on or validates the work Ward and Brownlee did, including their "rare earth equation," what basis do you have for your statement?

You have also posted creationist and tried to pass them off as having a valid scientific stance, while obviously backing a theistic view.
I noted one book which I specifically stated went beyond the science. So nice try.

and you have posted a few opinions trying to pass them off as mainstream.

Let's look at this quote from the journal article again: "The power of this question, along with the enormous chain of events required for intelligent observers to exist on Earth to pose it, has lead many to the conclusion that the conditions for life to flourish are rare, possibily unique to Earth."

Does it say "a few conclude" or "many?"

You ignore the Copernican principle, and the Mediocrituy principle, and then denounce the Drake equation and expect us to follow your ideology.

And then I followed that up by citing three different peer-reviewed articles which criticize it as well. That is in addition to the other scholarship I already cited. But you continue to rely on ad hominem attacks and rhetoric.

You also ignore the fact that science is currently looking for ET directly and indirectly.

I don't ignore it at all. I specifically noted that this has now become a new field- astrobiology. Nor did I ever say that most scientists agree with scientiests like Ward and Brownlee. I said that there were plenty of scientists who DO think that something like the rare earth hypothesis or anthropic principle or any name you want to call the idea that extraterrestrial life, or complex extraterrestrial life, is incredibly improbable.

The world's most brilliant minds follow my view, while you hold a narrow theistic view

Intestingly enough, an article in Science titled "Deities for Atheists" states:
"My analysis of SETI pioneers found that most were once religious but became either atheists or agnostics as adults. Radio astronomer Frank Drake—creator of the canonical “Drake Equation” for estimating the number of ETIs inhabiting the galaxy—was raised Baptist and later reflected: “A strong influence on me, and I think on a lot of SETI people, was the extensive exposure to fundamentalist religion”. Drake has suggested that “immortality may be quite common among extraterrestrials”. Carl Sagan—who did more than anyone to conventionalize SETI—was raised Jewish and became agnostic. He wrote of SETI’s importance, “It touches deeply into myth, folklore, religion, mythology; and every human culture in some way or another has wondered about that type of question”. ETIs are secular gods. Deities for atheists."

Also, what "brilliant minds" are you comparing to the supporters of the view I have described? You don't know who supports it. You haven't read any of the scholarship. You've made error after error after error, everything from thinking that an astrophysicist isn't qualified to talk about astrobiology to your remark about the rare earth equation being so unscientific despite being published by and academic press and cited in academic journals.​
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I want Khilafah back
Basically what the title says. I'll add my opinion then you guys can discuss.

I consider Aliens more believable for a couple of reasons.

1) Our own existence. We exist, so we are proof that life is possible. What is to say that earth is the only place where life has started?

2) Aliens exist inside our own universe. We know our universe exists. We are in it. We are part of it. If aliens exist, then they would be part of it. God however, would not be. In order for god to be real, there must be some place outside of our universe. Sure, we have no reason to believe there isn't. But then again, there is no reason to believe there is. In order to believe in god, you must assume that there is somewhere else without reason to believe there is. But if you believe in aliens, you have to believe they are in our universe, which we know exists.

P.S. For Esalem; the statement that "aliens exists in our universe" is an example of Forer effect. If aliens were real, they wouldn't have to be in our universe. They could exists in a different dimension entirely. But for the sake of this discussion, I was referring to aliens inside our reality without specifically saying so.

Daviso, if i can prove that God is more believable than aliens will you accept that God exists?


Boy Genius
Daviso, if i can prove that God is more believable than aliens will you accept that God exists?

Not necessarily. I don't even believe aliens exist. I just figure that if they were real they could be responsible for all the "miracles" in the bible. And if they are more believable and more likely, then the concept of God has lost almost all its ground.

But I do want to see what you have.


I want Khilafah back
Not necessarily. I don't even believe aliens exist. I just figure that if they were real they could be responsible for all the "miracles" in the bible. And if they are more believable and more likely, then the concept of God has lost almost all its ground.

But I do want to see what you have.

nothing in the scriptures from God claim that some alien creature was behind the knowledge in them.

if you go to the sites that say aliens are real you will not find anything that says they know the future or are scientifically advanced. for example in islam there is a mention of how the child is formed and the stages it goes through in the womb, this was mentioned over 1400 years ago, if this was from Aliens that would mean they had to live among us and have good knowledge of our anatomy etc. we know they don't live among us.

however the scriptures of the abrahamic faiths do speak about cretures that exist which we cannot see, but they can see us. whether they live only on earth or not i do not know, but we call them devils and jinn.

is that helpful?


Boy Genius
nothing in the scriptures from God claim that some alien creature was behind the knowledge in them.

if you go to the sites that say aliens are real you will not find anything that says they know the future or are scientifically advanced. for example in islam there is a mention of how the child is formed and the stages it goes through in the womb, this was mentioned over 1400 years ago, if this was from Aliens that would mean they had to live among us and have good knowledge of our anatomy etc. we know they don't live among us.

however the scriptures of the abrahamic faiths do speak about cretures that exist which we cannot see, but they can see us. whether they live only on earth or not i do not know, but we call them devils and jinn.

is that helpful?

That is an example of the Forer effect. They didn't have to live among us to understand our anatomy.

If websites concerning aliens knew everything about them, they would obviously have enough evidence to prove them, yes?

IF aliens existed, they COULD have technology that could just scan people from afar. OR, they could make CLOAKING tech that would make them look like one of us, so they COULD walk among us.

You never know.


I want Khilafah back
That is an example of the Forer effect. They didn't have to live among us to understand our anatomy.

If websites concerning aliens knew everything about them, they would obviously have enough evidence to prove them, yes?

IF aliens existed, they COULD have technology that could just scan people from afar. OR, they could make CLOAKING tech that would make them look like one of us, so they COULD walk among us.

You never know.

so if aliens are able to do that, which we don't know if they can or if they even exist, why deny God when he has revealed scriptures to us and has made himself known to us, unlike aliens?

we have scriptures confirming Gods existence, lets call them miracles since some of the stuff was ahead of it's time, and yet it's better to believe in aliens? has anyone received any information from these aliens that was ahead of it's time, like what is mentioned in the Qur'an?


Boy Genius
so if aliens are able to do that, which we don't know if they can or if they even exist, why deny God when he has revealed scriptures to us and has made himself known to us, unlike aliens?

we have scriptures confirming Gods existence, lets call them miracles since some of the stuff was ahead of it's time, and yet it's better to believe in aliens? has anyone received any information from these aliens that was ahead of it's time, like what is mentioned in the Qur'an?

Could those people not have seen god but instead a projection caused by the aliens? Perhaps they realized how fragile our minds are and felt shocking our world too much would be dangerous. There is no way to tell.

Some stuff was ahead of its time, eh? Again, aliens could have planted that knowledge. We don't know either way.

We don't know. We don't know. We don't know.

Since we don't know, we attempt to find out which one is true, starting with the most logical; aliens.

mr black

Active Member
so if aliens are able to do that, which we don't know if they can or if they even exist, why deny God when he has revealed scriptures to us and has made himself known to us, unlike aliens?

we have scriptures confirming Gods existence, lets call them miracles since some of the stuff was ahead of it's time, and yet it's better to believe in aliens? has anyone received any information from these aliens that was ahead of it's time, like what is mentioned in the Qur'an?

The answer must be yes, since the Qur'an doesn't contain any such information.


I want Khilafah back
Could those people not have seen god but instead a projection caused by the aliens? Perhaps they realized how fragile our minds are and felt shocking our world too much would be dangerous. There is no way to tell.

Some stuff was ahead of its time, eh? Again, aliens could have planted that knowledge. We don't know either way.

We don't know. We don't know. We don't know.

Since we don't know, we attempt to find out which one is true, starting with the most logical; aliens.

sorry Daviso, i don't like to play the game of 'what if'. if you have evidence about aliens then i would like to see it and disprove their existence otherwise if you don't have such evidence which you say you don't believe in aliens then i don't see the point of this discussion. there is no point in discussing something if one thing is made up and you don't believe in it.

you are fairly new to the Forum so you don't know me very well but i don't like to debate for the sake of debating or just oppose people for the sake of opposing them. your beliefs or lack thereof don't have anything to do with me, however if at any time you are sincerely after knowing a few things about religions and all that then i'd be happy to hear your questions and thoughts.


I want Khilafah back
Fixed for accuracy. Scriptures don't prove anything, sorry.

How are you Darkendless, haven't seen you around lately, i hope all is good for you.

if scripture doesn't prove anything and doesn't count as evidence, what would count as evidence according to you? if i provide that evidence for you will you then accept it?

The Wizard

Active Member
That question is too limited for me. Please add the other two directions of thought. 1. A little of both. 2. Neither and none... I'm in the little of both category. And for any side to ridicule the other for such beliefs, if they believe the other, is just ubsurd entertainment....