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What's so great about your party?


Democrat, Republican, Labor, Hamas...

Exactly what is so great about your party that you've chosen to be a part of it? What have they done that has significantly impacted your life in a positive way?

Did you choose your party out of personal conviction or because you felt compelled to pick a side?


Deviled Hen
What's so great about my party is I don't have one.

I don't find them particularly useful and often they are more of an impediment.


I am more a libertarian than anything else, and I compromise by working with Democrats. I am voting Democrat for senators and presidents from now on, and libertarian for state and local offices when candidates are available.


Moved on
I can't find a party here in America that I really like, but there are a few European parties that I can tolerate. They're a bit extreme for my tastes, but they put their people first and that I can applaud. Probably wouldn't vote for them, but I like the way they think.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I don't understand how people can be "part of a party" and somehow it be "My party".

Seriously, I just vote for whichever party has the best policies for me. I don't care much for what the labels are for it, whether its "Left" or "right", "up" or "down", or even "upside down and sideways"


Veteran Member
Democrat, Republican, Labor, Hamas...

Exactly what is so great about your party that you've chosen to be a part of it? What have they done that has significantly impacted your life in a positive way?

Did you choose your party out of personal conviction or because you felt compelled to pick a side?
I've been in and out of the Scottish Socialist Party for a few years. I joined because they campaigned on issues, big and small, that I sympathized with. Oddly enough, while I consider myself a socialist (with a wee 's') I'm as out of place in the SSP as I would be in the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats. I'm pretty disillusioned with party politics because of all the fighting. Left wing parties attract a fair share of loonies.


Done here.
What's so great about your party?
I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to ...

... and I will, if they nominate Cynthia McKinney for president.

Of course, I don't agree with anybody about everything, but the Green Party most nearly matches my political views. Seriously, though ... Cynthia McKinney?


I'm your huckleberry.
Well look, George Washington warned us of the dangers of political parties in his farewell address. We shouldn't have them, but the Conservative Party most matches my taste. The country was founded upon limited government and states rights, that's what we need to return to. Jefferson once said, "A government that is big enough to give you everything you want is also powerful enough to take everything away."


Political parties are necessary as well as inevitable. The Federalists and Anti-Federalists were called so because they had differing views on federalism. Naturally, they formed into two groups, one for each side of the issue.

One problem we do have though, is that there is not a clear difference between Democrats and Republicans. Most Democrats are not as far left as radio show hosts make them out to be. The problem with today's politics is that people are TOLD which side to be on without there being a REAL line to cross. Instead, the parties pick and choose on smaller issues (things like abortion, same-sex marriage, gun control, etc.) things that SHOULD be decided by the states. There are no larger government views that distinguish the two parties.

I think that if the Democrat/Republican void didn't exist, we'd find each other very easy to get along with...


Well-Known Member
Not that I vote anymore but my party never even makes it far enough to get recognized. What makes my party great is that it returns the constitution to the people and gets rid of double taxation and taxation without representation. It takes away the power of the school district to tax your property which they have no power in the first place to levy taxes, it takes the power away from the states and returns it to the federal government so there is national law not state to state (I think that is the main reason the Civil War was fought???) The tree of liberty needs to be refreshed.


Steel Magnolia
Dang it, I was all excited to tell you about my St. Patrick's Day Party, and then I open the thread only to discover that it's about politics. :( :D


Can't brain. Has dumb.
You know I was surprised to learn this morning that in the U.S. you "register" with a particular party (repub. or Democ.) and you may only vote for the presidential candidate that is a part of that party. I.e. that a Democ. may not vote for a repub.

I was totally blown away by that. I think it's really silly. What if you're registered Democ. but you change your mind the day before and you'd rather vote for a rep? And why on earth do different states vote on different days? That doesn't make ANY sense to me.

You americans are so complicated! LOL

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I started to say "because the beer never runs out...." and then I saw it is about politics.

I don't affiliate myself with any party, and I feel it to be a joke of a law when a state requires you to register with a party before you can vote.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
I see hamas yet i see no tory or lib dem.

No one sees the Lib Dems... ;)

(I don't identify with a single party, and indeed our electoral system seems to unintentionally discourage one from doing so, but I tend to vote for the Libbies on a case-by-case basis. At the very least, as an oft-ignored third-party, I sympathise with their plight)

It has pizza.

Ha! We, as the noble Penguinoini said, have humus!

*attempts to compliment such savage wit by posting a link to a picture of humus*

*fails miserably*
