Gaura Priya
You've misunderstood. Gandhi also believed in the divinity of Christ, and it didn't make him any less Hindu. So nobody's pretending to be anybody. And honestly, Jesus at least is believable compared to the flying animals, talking birds, muti-headed men we find in R and M.
Like I already mentioned, there's at least some explanation for Jesus' sacrifice and such, whether or not one agrees, but such metaphysical stuff is not to be found in R or M; it's too worldly, too mundane.
So... how about Jesus exorcising demons which go into the pigs, or that a light illuminated his body during the Transfiguration and His followers see the prophets beside Him? Or how Christians believe that our bodies will rise from death as they are and be restored, and that Jesus will come down after a whole plethora of a Christian Kali-yuga horror of demonic kings on horses in the air, two beasts who are worshipped, the Whore of Babylon drinking blood and riding a beast...
Apocalyptic visions are nothing short of general hallucination spiritualised for the masses.
In the Mahabharata, how about Yudhishthira? How about the goodness of the Pandavas, the courage of Queen Kunti, the morality taught by Bhishma, and the knowledge gained by Arjuna from Krishna during the Gita sermon? How about the metaphysical questions answered by Yudhishthira when he was at the lake and his other brothers were temporarily dead?
Having been born a Christian, there are much deeper significances, philosophy, ethics and morality in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana than what meets the eye.