Write this one down. "Everyone hates a free thinker". Quote by a (for now) relatively unknown 21st century author.
Removing the phrase from our money will not suddenly cause people to abandon superstitions and fairy tales and begin applying the same rationality and logic to theology that they do to other areas of their lives. That is the realm of the freethinker, AA, UU, Skeptic, Naturalist, whatever you want to be called. Religious people hate you for the way you think, and that is not going to change with the removal of a phrase from a greenback.
That being said, I agree that the prhase being there is an endorsement of Christianity by the government and that is, without doubt unconstitutional. I am not offended, or upset about the prhase on our money. Only problem I have with our money, is I don't have as much of it as I would like. I agree in principal, but think this is not a fight we need to be worried about a great deal. As long as it will still buy a candy bar, a dollar is fine by me.