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What's the big deal with God on Money?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Aqualung said:
I seriously have no idea why people care so much. It's rather petty. They really seem to have nothing better to do than to pick fights with anybody they can.
I hate to admit it, but I guess that is the way I see it. If someone wanted to print "God loves footballers" on English bank notes, even though I hate football, it wouldn't bother me in the least, as nor would it is someone wanted to print 'The devil loves Footballers'............:biglaugh:


World Leader Pretend
michel said:
even though I hate football

wait.... what? Where do you live? Is there a lynch mob outside your window (quick, go check before answering). Never met a Brit that didn't love his football before! :)

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
SoyLeche said:
Actually, that's more of a reason to leave it on, for the Christians at least. As a reminder that we aren't supposed to be serving (or trusting in) Money.
Why be offensive about it? If it OFFENDS anyone, take it off. We would do better to SHOW what we believe by our actions, and not by being overly forceful with our beliefs.


NetDoc said:
Why be offensive about it? If it OFFENDS anyone, take it off. We would do better to SHOW what we believe by our actions, and not by being overly forceful with our beliefs.
You said it was hypocritical, I said I don't think so. I've already said in another thread that I very seldom use cash. If this discussion hadn't started, I wouldn't even have known where the saying was on the bill without pulling one out to look at, which would have been dificult because I haven't had one on me for a few weeks. It wouldn't bother me all that much if it were removed. If, on the other hand, a majority of Americans really did stop trusting in God, I would be concerned for where the country would be headed.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
SoyLeche said:
If, on the other hand, a majority of Americans really did stop trusting in God, I would be concerned for where the country would be headed.
I guessed you missed the memo: Americans on the whole do not trust God. They are devoted to garnering as much cash as possible and have relegated God to a few fleeting moments when their life is in peril and for some special occasions. Many who profess their trust in God, prove themselves wrong on a daily basis.


NetDoc said:
I guessed you missed the memo: Americans on the whole do not trust God. They are devoted to garnering as much cash as possible and have relegated God to a few fleeting moments when their life is in peril and for some special occasions. Many who profess their trust in God, prove themselves wrong on a daily basis.
I would tend to disagree, but without any evidence, it is my word against yours. I do think that we are headed in that direction, but we aren't there yet.


NetDoc said:
Why be offensive about it? If it OFFENDS anyone, take it off. We would do better to SHOW what we believe by our actions, and not by being overly forceful with our beliefs.
If nobody did anything that offended someone, nobody would be doing anything at all.


Oldest Heretic
Whats wrong with God on MONDAY
I think he has earache on monday

Blessed are the gentle, they shall inherit the land

Ardent Listener

Active Member
I can understand the arugments that those who want to remove "In God We Trust" from our money. I do not know if anyone mentioned this, (Because I'm to lazy to go back and read all the posts here.:eek: ) but that saying was not on our money for most of our history.

Of course, the United States did not need to involve God in it before because our currency was either "hard money" or was backed by gold and/or silver. Now, that is not true and the motto should read, "In this scam we trust". But that would be a tip-off to the reality of our money supply. So for at least those who believe in a God, (any god will do) take comfort that we (the U.S.) are trusting that he or she will keep this house of cards going on for at least the rest of our lives.


"What's the big deal with God on Money?", remove the highlighted word and you get my question. And it is a big deal because it's unconstitutional and causes a nationwide dispute and segregation towards freethinkers and members of other faiths. I for one feel segregated against, and so do many more.
So there. If you really don't care, let it be removed.


Well-Known Member

Write this one down. "Everyone hates a free thinker". Quote by a (for now) relatively unknown 21st century author.

Removing the phrase from our money will not suddenly cause people to abandon superstitions and fairy tales and begin applying the same rationality and logic to theology that they do to other areas of their lives. That is the realm of the freethinker, AA, UU, Skeptic, Naturalist, whatever you want to be called. Religious people hate you for the way you think, and that is not going to change with the removal of a phrase from a greenback.

That being said, I agree that the prhase being there is an endorsement of Christianity by the government and that is, without doubt unconstitutional. I am not offended, or upset about the prhase on our money. Only problem I have with our money, is I don't have as much of it as I would like. I agree in principal, but think this is not a fight we need to be worried about a great deal. As long as it will still buy a candy bar, a dollar is fine by me.

SoyLeche said:
I can't speak for them.
You should won't it off for there sake

MdmSzdWhtGuy said:
Removing the phrase from our money will not suddenly cause people to abandon superstitions and fairy tales and begin applying the same rationality and logic to theology that they do to other areas of their lives. That is the realm of the freethinker, AA, UU, Skeptic, Naturalist, whatever you want to be called. Religious people hate you for the way you think, and that is not going to change with the removal of a phrase from a greenback.
Thats not what its about, its about the constitution, the separation of church and state and the rights of those who do not believe in a Judeo/Christan God.
They can hate us if they won't, thats there right but they have to get it that we have the same rights and freedoms they do and if they don't like that, they should move to another country.


@MdmSzdWhtGuy - I don't think you're helping anyone with your "I don't care about anything as long as I gots candy" story. Just like The Conspirator said, it's about those who do care and most importantly truth.
The Conspirator said:
They can hate us if they won't, thats there right but they have to get it that we have the same rights and freedoms they do and if they don't like that, they should move to another country.
That's right, right-wingers don't like the way country was founded, so they re-founded it.
First off Aqualung very loopy logic man. The real debate is on whether those of us who may or may not believe in god are obligated to use money that claims a god exists and that we trust him. The basic rule is separting religion from state which our founders attempted to do unforunately failed.


Well-Known Member
Athiest AJ, I am on your side. I totally agree it violates the seperation of church and state. I agree that it, in effect, endorces Judeo-Christianity, which is wrong. All I am saying is, there is no need to be so thin skinned about everything. Lots of bigger problems to deal with than this one. Everyone gets their feelings hurt so easy about stuff that really doesn't harm them that much, IMHO.

I am as anti-religion as the next man, and have often written on my idea that religion has caused far more harm than good over the years. Also not the biggest fan of government and religion getting cozy. Very bad mojo there.

If a law was put to a vote requesting that the phrase "In God We Trust" be removed from our currency, I would vote for it. You are swatting at a comrade here fellas.



ALifetimeToWaitFor... said:
First off Aqualung very loopy logic man. The real debate is on whether those of us who may or may not believe in god are obligated to use money that claims a god exists and that we trust him. The basic rule is separting religion from state which our founders attempted to do unforunately failed.
Are you really so self-centred that anytime anybody says the word "we" you are automatically included in that?!