I would say my smart phone is designed, because I have been educated on the history of the inventions of the telephone and computer. These had human designers that I can read about and see evidence for.I'm saying anything we see that functions like a map/ machine/ computer would have to be created. You would not suppose your smartphone was the result of random chance, and it's a lot less complicated design than the codes in your DNA.
I grew up with these technologies. They did not magically appear in my home or hand. I remember the phone man installing a telephone in our house as a boy. I have not, in all my journeys, found natural forms of smart phones growing in the forest or rock formations. I do not expect to find them in that manner.
Aren't you just repeating that if something is complex it is therefore designed? What I want to know is the evidence and logic you come to reason that as the conclusion. We are no closer to that mark.