I don't know about anyon else but I believe there is purpose to life outside of just living like it's your last day,going thru the daily motions of life, putting your proverbial time in if you will. Thinking that this life is just a ride that your to go along with and not expect an eternal reward or destiny is a hopeless position to be in, I can attest to that with experiential certainty of being on both sides of the fence,with and without hope.It almost cost me my life.
If we look at all the people out there that have in the past or are presently pursuing a faith practice,religion,spiritual journey, whatever you want to call it,the bond that ties them all together is hope. Hope in what? you ask.The essence I believe of this whole journey of life is to find some enlightenment, a utopia,heaven or place of escape when we die from this chaotic and perishing world in which their is no precedence.
In today's society this pursuit is on the incline more and more,what's up with that.
I know many will question this statement,or beg to differ,but purely hypothetically,in your heart of hearts, would anyone not want to go to a place where there is no sickness,fighting,war,famine,death,disease,crime etc.You can't say no to that ,because it is the commonality among people today, we want peace and harmony,we ralley for it,we strive for it, promote it ,express it,impress others to as well,but the problem is ,that we look to each other for the answer and with our earnest efforts to promote a utopia society we come up short all the time.Face it, it will never happen as long as man is in the driver's seat.
We need divine intervention,and soon,we have lost the instructions and attempted to construct our lives and civilization without the instruction manual. Don't get me wrong there are many manuals available but history says we are either misinterpreting them or they are wrong.
What is that numerous faith groups and religions movements seek after,where does this apparent zeal,passion,dedication, committment, drive come from. Could there be an inherent eternal mechanism inside all of us that desires to live forever in this utopia enviroment,is it just a pipe dream or have certain faith groups actually tapped into what many others who have a pessimistic view and hopeless outcome are ignorant of,consciously or unconsciously.
I am here to tell you from personal experience that 20 yrs of hopelessness,uncertainity with life, in a coma 14 hrs expected to die and with no assurance of life after death,it changed.
I now have full assurance guaranteed, a deposit has been made to my account, an inner witness confirms everyday and am certain of my present purpose, and future destiny of where I am going when I die.
Could it be so and is it available to you? Yes! Yes! Yes!
Just ask how ?,tough question for some