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What's the purpose of prison?

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
I haven't met them. You're talking about a situation of political crimes/allegations. Australia isn't in the same league I suggest. I have arrested 100's of burglars, theives, drug dealers and drunken drivers who are always pleading their innocence; every time I re-arrest them.

I think the question is, how can we provide a possitive solution to a problem that is getting worse? We need to reach out to the people who honestly can benifit from a rehab school of thought. I understand that there are people who choose not to listen, but for the people who for whatever reason were dealt a bad hand, we need to give reasource to insure they don't slip back into a life of crime when they get out. The life you might be saving could very well be yours.


I think the question is, how can we provide a possitive solution to a problem that is getting worse? We need to reach out to the people who honestly can benifit from a rehab school of thought. I understand that there are people who choose not to listen, but for the people who for whatever reason were dealt a bad hand, we need to give reasource to insure they don't slip back into a life of crime when they get out. The life you might be saving could very well be yours.

I don't disagree that the problem is getting worse and that there most likely are those who could benefit from a "rehab school of thought", the problem is that such prisoners/people need to be completely removed from the negative influences that got them on the wrong path and provided with the necessities that would negate their reason for the crime they commit. That's a pretty tall order IMO.

You basically have to isolate them and brainwash them into thinking the "right" or "acceptable" way society conforms with. You have to isolate them from their influetial "friends", purify their bodies of intoxicants and instill a sense of belonging to a community and selflessness and giving.

We are all different. And because we are all different, there are extremes in differences that general society don't accept. Societies are getting bigger and people are becoming less associated with their neighbours and are becoming selfish, greedy and apethetic. It's easy to be bad and only think about yourself these days. Without societies completely revamping the way they exist and encompassing all into the community spirit, you won't solve the issue of criminal acitivity so easily, believe me. Just look at any small town and see how little crime there is, repectively speaking of course. Little towns have a great community spirit and know each other and care for and about each other. A neighbour wouldn't steal because he knows his neighbour would give him whatever he wanted, unlike the big cities where people can't even feel comfortable to approach their neighbour to ask them to turn down their music a little.

I think about other people all the time. I wouldn't even put my music up load so as not to bother anyone around me, but many don't give a rat's a$$ about anyone but themselves. And because the world is becoming this way, it almost, almost, forces one to become greedy and selfish like everyone else just to survive, which is the saddest thing of all.

Like many parents, I have to weigh up whether to teach my kids to be honest and kind and end up getting screwed over by everyone else who isn't like them, or teach them to be just as ruthless as everyone else. I still want to believe that kharma will see it right in the end if they are true to themselves.

Sorry - I'll get off my soapbox now everyone.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Great post! :)

I don't disagree that the problem is getting worse and that there most likely are those who could benefit from a "rehab school of thought", the problem is that such prisoners/people need to be completely removed from the negative influences that got them on the wrong path and provided with the necessities that would negate their reason for the crime they commit. That's a pretty tall order IMO.

It is a pretty tall order, but we have to start somewhere. I have heard boot-camps are very effective in defusing many of the problems you have pointed out.

We are all different. And because we are all different, there are extremes in differences that general society don't accept. Societies are getting bigger and people are becoming less associated with their neighbours and are becoming selfish, greedy and apethetic. It's easy to be bad and only think about yourself these days. Without societies completely revamping the way they exist and encompassing all into the community spirit, you won't solve the issue of criminal acitivity so easily, believe me. Just look at any small town and see how little crime there is, repectively speaking of course. Little towns have a great community spirit and know each other and care for and about each other. A neighbour wouldn't steal because he knows his neighbour would give him whatever he wanted, unlike the big cities where people can't even feel comfortable to approach their neighbour to ask them to turn down their music a little.

I agree and it's sad to see society erode as a result of fear and coldheartedness.

I think about other people all the time. I wouldn't even put my music up load so as not to bother anyone around me, but many don't give a rat's a$$ about anyone but themselves. And because the world is becoming this way, it almost, almost, forces one to become greedy and selfish like everyone else just to survive, which is the saddest thing of all.

I understand, but never stop showing the world the beautiful things that are inside you.

I still want to believe that kharma will see it right in the end if they are true to themselves.

Kharma always seems to find a way to correct me. :D


Its only a Label
Friend Stephenw,
What's the purpose of prison?
Surely you know the answere but still asked and Friend Charity's answere
Congratulations by the way on your new position.......The purpose of prison is to take away your freedom and supposedly punish you for your crime against society.....:eek:
What he said was physical freedom but look HERE. You are congratulated because now you are a RF staff. So society is patting your back or satifying your ego because now you have to shoulder graeter responsibilities. Now you are entering prsion on your own.
This is how the EGO games is played.
In reality ever one is creating their own prison and they do not realise it. One gets used to certain physical comforts and becomes its slave the list is endless.
{Kindly note this is not to demean your new assignment in reality at RF or freind Charity is wrong it is just taken as an example of how we are all living in prison when we should all be in the garden of eden.
love & rgds


What is the purpose of prison?
Punishment is at best suppressive. This means that the behavior being punished is not changed or done away with. Thus, a simple "punishment" is insufficient.

Punishment also needs to be instant and severe, to be effective. The behavior being punished is the behavior that occurs immediately preceding the presentation of the punishment.

Prison should be rehabilitative. Criminals enter the prison and are taught behaviors that should be able to replace the improper behaviors.

Prison separates those who threaten a harmonious society by their existence within that society from the society.

Prison is a tool for vicarious learning. Criminal is sent to prison, others see the criminal sent to prison and are less likely to do the same thing the prisoner did.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
People should only go to prison if they're a threat to society...stuff like murder, rape, etc. And even then, they should be provided the help they need to make them understand why they hurt society..instead of, like people have said, throwing them in and forgetting about them, throwing away the key.

I actually went to jail for 9 days in April :yes: for possession of something that grows NATURALLY on this earth. And I was just thrown in with the general population and I HATED the way the cops/guards/judge just looked down on me like I was an *actual* criminal, judged me like they had every right to, didn't let me speak--even when spoken to...etc. :verymad: I met one woman who was going to be transferred to a prison for 12 years (knocked down from 20 years) for forging company checks or something like that? I mean, c'mon! Yea, I can see how what she did totally screwed over a lot of people, and probably in a big way, but she didn't physically hurt them, she didn't take anyone away from their families forever by murdering them... So her going to prison for 12 years is absolutelyyyyyyy ridiculous.

Anyways...totally went off there. Basically, our "justice" system is way screwed up. I'm still being screwed over by it because I have all these court fines, lawyer costs, drug education classes, community service, suspended license....yet what did I do that hurt anyone? Hmmm??
