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Whats up????


I'm new here and still learning the ropes. I know from a couple of my posts you might think I follow Judaism but that couldn't be further from the truth. I am actually an atheist. Religion is a hobby of mine. I love reading about ancient beliefs and religions, and I love debating religion as well. I do not try to prove their is no god because those debates usually go the same way every time. I like to discuss and debate about things I might learn something new about. Growing up as a Christian, the differences between the OT and NT stuck out like a sore thumb to me and I got into a lot of trouble with my questions. Needless to say I grew apart from the church but my fascination with religion never died. I have learned so much more reading things for myself without someone else's twisted meanings. I am on 15 years now of reading anything and everything I can find on just about any religion. I am by no means an expert and I will try like heck not to use lies to prove any point I bring up.

Judaism and Christianity have been my favorites to study and read about. I have probably read the Bible more than my Christian mother.....lol


Not your average Mormon
Hello, Onan. Welcome to RF. From your intro, it sounds as if you'll have an interesting perspective to add to the forum. I hope you enjoy yourself here.


WElcome to RF! Sounds like you will find a lot to talk about here!

I have read a lot here but am finding it hard to jump in. Like I said I don't want to come off sounding like the atheist who wants to save the world from evil religion.

I am not one who thinks religion has done nothing but harm to the human race. In fact reading as much as I have I found beauty in many religions and cultures. It even saddens me that some religions no longer exist because of territorial wars. In the long run I feel if religion keeps one more kid off the streets they are doing alright by me. The only time religion leaves a bad taste in my mouth is watching TV evangelists. I believe they are all crooks and often wonder why God needs them. Oh well, I'm sure that is a topic all of it's own.

It seems like there are a lot of good people here. I just want it to be known I am not here for kicks and giggles. I don't get off on trying to hurt someones beliefs. Like I said, I love talking religion.


Not your average Mormon
I have read a lot here but am finding it hard to jump in. Like I said I don't want to come off sounding like the atheist who wants to save the world from evil religion.
Well we have a few of those here on RF, but we also have a number of intelligent, freethinking people like you who just don't believe in God, but enjoy a good discussion or debate, and who contributions are respectful and interesting. Likewise, we have a few fundamentalist Muslims and Christians who think everybody else is damned. But, to balance things out, we have a lot of more moderate people, too. RF is a very diverse forum and most people here respect the views of others, even though they may not agree with them.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm new here and still learning the ropes. I know from a couple of my posts you might think I follow Judaism but that couldn't be further from the truth. I am actually an atheist. Religion is a hobby of mine. I love reading about ancient beliefs and religions, and I love debating religion as well. I do not try to prove their is no god because those debates usually go the same way every time. I like to discuss and debate about things I might learn something new about. Growing up as a Christian, the differences between the OT and NT stuck out like a sore thumb to me and I got into a lot of trouble with my questions.


Sunday school teacher to student; "Youngman, I detect a note of intellegnce
in you're approach to your lessons. We'll have none of that in this class!"

Needless to say I grew apart from the church but my fascination with religion never died. I have learned so much more reading things for myself without someone else's twisted meanings. I am on 15 years now of reading anything and everything I can find on just about any religion. I am by no means an expert and I will try like heck not to use lies to prove any point I bring up.

Judaism and Christianity have been my favorites to study and read about. I have probably read the Bible more than my Christian mother.....lol

Welcome to the forums Onan. Sorry to hear about that nasty business in Genisis.

Glad to see your feeling better.


Welcome to the forums Onan. Sorry to hear about that nasty business in Genisis.

Glad to see your feeling better.

Thanks, I'm alive and doing well. The only problem is I have horrible flash backs every time I.................better not go there...........lol


Its only a Label
Friend Onan,
Each individual is unique and each individual is inhis own unique time -space.
Creation started from nothingness and returns to that stae that is nature odf all things including humans.
it is good and heartening to note that somewhere you have made the decision to take the jouney, knwingly or unknowingly. Your reading anything and everything you like on the subject is the right beginging.
Well begun is half done.
Congrats & Best wishes
More as we go along.
Love & rgds


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Growing up as a Christian, the differences between the OT and NT stuck out like a sore thumb to me and I got into a lot of trouble with my questions.

Hi Onan!

Welcome to Religious Forums!

You are most definitely not the only Christian who has ever been "there" about the new and Old testaments........

I hope you enjoy your time with us, and (by the sounds of it) you seem to know a lot more about the Bible than I do.:)