I think that the word Nationalism is one of the most misinterpreted words nowadays, People use it in Politics...whereas it was a Philosopher, Herder who spoke of it first. The concept of nation, evolved thanks to German philosophy and can be, without doubt, considered the foundation of the European identity.
It's this concept that created the exigence to safeguard the right of peoples to self-determination,. It is thanks to this right, that lately, Montenegro could become independent. That Crimea joined Russia. That Catalonia declared its own desire of independence.
I think there's nothing greater in this world than to safeguard European nations, their identity, their culture and their language,. Europe is exactly that: that's why Europeans are more united than ever...because we understood that.
Peace in the various European languages
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Even setting aside some of the more malignant forms of nationalism we've seen, one thing to keep in mind is that nations/tribes never remain static or unchanging. It's problematic to "safeguard" national identities, cultures, and languages because they're ever-changing and will likely be totally different in 500-1000 years.