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What's wrong with sharing your beliefs with others?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's not prosetlyzing. I think of prosetlyzing as the organized effort to convert other people to your belief system. Nevertheless, when someone believe in something, and think that its great because it changed his/her life to something better, then why some people will feel bad if this person tried to share his/her beliefs with them or even asked them to read, and think about it?

I don't know about you, but for us, since we are children, they taught us that we have to love to do for others as we would love to do for ourselves. In another word, if i found something good, so i'll definitely share it with my friend, otherwise, i'll feel as i betrayed him because i knew of something good and didn't inform my friend about it, especially if it was something huge.

Again, i don't want to talk about organized prosetlyzing but about sharing beliefs in the level of ordinary individuals.

So, what's wrong with that?

Are you so insecure about your personal beliefs that you think a verse or a concept about any other religion will turn your head and work as a magic on you to convert you?

Do you think its offensive?


Active Member
Take from one who has learned the hard way, Mderator. Christians are moderators, and Moslems are, so are Luciferians, ahd Baha'i. So many different faiths encompass this site, and the beleifs and differences are drastic. Therefore to keep this from being a "battle ground" no one should offend anyone. Some people are easily offended, others just dont like to be tried to be converted, as though the faith they have is not right. Keep in mind that the individual reports you as prosetlyzing.

I agree though with what you're trying to get across.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I don't think there's anything wrong with us sharing our beliefs -- although I've noticed there are some seemingly sensitive people who very much seem to think anyone who has a belief that differs from them is offending them even by simply stating it.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
I feel that people are insecure in their beliefs if they don't even want to hear you talk about yours. I can sit and listen to a satanist talk about their beliefs. I won't agree with it, but it ain't gonna make me change what I'm doing. In other words, the expression of their beliefs don't bother me on a personal level. I also feel that proselytizing is an effort made not only to share a belief but to actively attempt to convert, or say that other person should be holding your belief. Sometimes its a thin line and sometimes not.

Anytime a person says hey this is what I believe, why don't you consider it because it might help you as it helped me, and that other person gets all huffy about it, it's like dang whats up with you? Why did you get so mad? I know I have been slammed on a few threads for offering up an Islamic solution to a societal problem. Not for p-tizing but for trying to "push my beliefs" off on others. I took it as close-mindedness because, a solution is a solution isn't it? If it solves the problem is it less valid because it comes from Islam or any religion and not a secular idea?


Oldest Heretic
I think it becomes proselytizing when you do it in a Direct and systematic way and as the main reason you post.

We all share our beliefs on these pages.... but in answer to questions, or by way of explanation of other ideas.

Would we wish others to be able to share those beliefs with us?
Of Course... almost to a man.........or woman

But this Forum is set up to allow for discussion and debate... not preaching!
There are plenty of other sites that specialize in that.

Could we have a section that is a sort of preachers corner where any faith could sell their wares, with no discussion or debate? ..... It is possible... but I don't think there would be many takers... It would be down to Todd anyway


Just me
Premium Member
It's not prosetlyzing. I think of prosetlyzing as the organized effort to convert other people to your belief system. Nevertheless, when someone believe in something, and think that its great because it changed his/her life to something better, then why some people will feel bad if this person tried to share his/her beliefs with them or even asked them to read, and think about it?

I draw the line between sharing belief and proselytizing at the point where the one person's belief get applied to the other. For instance, at the point where it goes from "this is what I believe" to "you should believe this too," whether actually stated that way or implied. That's the point at which people will begin to feel bad.

I don't know about you, but for us, since we are children, they taught us that we have to love to do for others as we would love to do for ourselves. In another word, if i found something good, so i'll definitely share it with my friend, otherwise, i'll feel as i betrayed him because i knew of something good and didn't inform my friend about it, especially if it was something huge.
Again, i don't want to talk about organized prosetlyzing but about sharing beliefs in the level of ordinary individuals.

So, what's wrong with that?

Well, how far does this "sharing" go? Is it "look at my belief and you can make up your own mind," or is it, "look at my belief and your mind will be made up"?

Do you think its offensive?


It's not prosetlyzing. I think of prosetlyzing as the organized effort to convert other people to your belief system. Nevertheless, when someone believe in something, and think that its great because it changed his/her life to something better, then why some people will feel bad if this person tried to share his/her beliefs with them or even asked them to read, and think about it?

I don't know about you, but for us, since we are children, they taught us that we have to love to do for others as we would love to do for ourselves. In another word, if i found something good, so i'll definitely share it with my friend, otherwise, i'll feel as i betrayed him because i knew of something good and didn't inform my friend about it, especially if it was something huge.

Again, i don't want to talk about organized prosetlyzing but about sharing beliefs in the level of ordinary individuals.

So, what's wrong with that?

Are you so insecure about your personal beliefs that you think a verse or a concept about any other religion will turn your head and work as a magic on you to convert you?

Do you think its offensive?
I like talking about real things. But the moment someone crosses the line into the unreal that requires believing...check, please.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Some people are easily offended, others just dont like to be tried to be converted, as though the faith they have is not right. Keep in mind that the individual reports you as prosetlyzing.

I'm not talking just about threads, post, etc, but in general like real life, not only here.

Anyway, i agree that many people are sensetive.

I don't think there's anything wrong with us sharing our beliefs -- although I've noticed there are some seemingly sensitive people who very much seem to think anyone who has a belief that differs from them is offending them even by simply stating it.

I noticed that most of those who are highly offended are atheists, and i don't know why. Maybe because they don't hold a specfic belief so they feel offended as they might think everybody is trying to attract them to their own side or something?

Maybe because they abandoned religion since a while and they freak out about anything which might remind them of some bad memories about religion?


Well-Known Member
you can tell me about your religion, and i may or may not listen. depends on my mood really, dosn't mean i'm offended by it. but as soon as someone says "this is the right way" or more specifically "the only right way" and other things along those lines, thats when I start to get annoyed. I will share my religion with anyone who asks. but to start talking about it to someone who displayed no interest in it might grind that persons nerves a bit.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe sharing your beliefs with others is wrong, but it is often rude or uncalled for. If you are having a discussion about religion, then there should be no reason a person shouldn't chime in with their thoughts. However, if you are strolling along in a store and a person you don't know comes up and talks to you about being saved, it is a combination of bizarre, annoying, and inconsiderate.

But to the people who do this, they think they are serving some sort of calling. doing some sort of community service. I tell them if they want to serve the community then join the garbage detail since that is what I equivalize their inappropriate rantings to.

The Art of conversation continues to erode for a variety of reasons, one of them is that commonly accepted rules of social etiquette are being trampled on daily.


Lacking Common Sense
It's not prosetlyzing. I think of prosetlyzing as the organized effort to convert other people to your belief system. Nevertheless, when someone believe in something, and think that its great because it changed his/her life to something better, then why some people will feel bad if this person tried to share his/her beliefs with them or even asked them to read, and think about it?

I don't know about you, but for us, since we are children, they taught us that we have to love to do for others as we would love to do for ourselves. In another word, if i found something good, so i'll definitely share it with my friend, otherwise, i'll feel as i betrayed him because i knew of something good and didn't inform my friend about it, especially if it was something huge.

Again, i don't want to talk about organized prosetlyzing but about sharing beliefs in the level of ordinary individuals.

So, what's wrong with that?

Are you so insecure about your personal beliefs that you think a verse or a concept about any other religion will turn your head and work as a magic on you to convert you?

Do you think its offensive?
it depends on the offensiveness of
a. the idea/religion/point of view itself (for example, i wouldn't want to listen to some nambla perv's pov, at all, ever).
b. the person doing the 'sharing' (for example, some brainwashed mind-controlled kook who thinks there is only One Way to Believe and wants to 'share' their cultic conditioned cr*p with everyone in earshot).


Well-Known Member
Precisely, Truth!

Telling someone else about one's religious views and beliefs is fine PROVIDED:
  • It's done in a spirit of sharing rather than with the intent to convert someone else and/or tell that person what s/he should believe, and
  • the person has not asked you not to, or to cease said discusison.
Peace, :)



Veteran Member
Premium Member
We all need to take lessons from the Mormons to learn how to do that.:yes:

I agree with you, i don't know how they do it, but they could get to me so quickly. I didn't know what is LDS or Mormons when i came here, but now, i can say that i know alot. :yes:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
if you are strolling along in a store and a person you don't know comes up and talks to you about being saved, it is a combination of bizarre, annoying, and inconsiderate.

Hahaha, i agree, that's pretty annoying, that's why i was talking about sharing with people you know (i.e. friends, neighbours, colleagues).


Well-Known Member
It's not prosetlyzing. I think of prosetlyzing as the organized effort to convert other people to your belief system. Nevertheless, when someone believe in something, and think that its great because it changed his/her life to something better, then why some people will feel bad if this person tried to share his/her beliefs with them or even asked them to read, and think about it?

I don't know about you, but for us, since we are children, they taught us that we have to love to do for others as we would love to do for ourselves. In another word, if i found something good, so i'll definitely share it with my friend, otherwise, i'll feel as i betrayed him because i knew of something good and didn't inform my friend about it, especially if it was something huge.

Again, i don't want to talk about organized prosetlyzing but about sharing beliefs in the level of ordinary individuals.

So, what's wrong with that?

Are you so insecure about your personal beliefs that you think a verse or a concept about any other religion will turn your head and work as a magic on you to convert you?

Do you think its offensive?

If there was something wrong with people sharing their beliefs - then we wouldnt have RF. It also depends on the way in which the individual does it. If you try and talk to someone who doesnt want to talk about religion - then that is not such a good thing. If you try and force the religion on them saying "you are going to hell", "This is THE truth" etc etc - again that is wrong. But if there is generally someone like most of us here on RF who have a general interest in religion and enjoy learning about different ways and different beliefs then I dont see the harm in someone sitting down and having a conversation with someone about it. You will find people who just hate talking about religion, so when you speak about it to them they think you are amongst the "weird" set....... or have been brainwashed or should get a life (like I experienced today! )


Citizen Mod
It's not prosetlyzing. I think of prosetlyzing as the organized effort to convert other people to your belief system. Nevertheless, when someone believe in something, and think that its great because it changed his/her life to something better, then why some people will feel bad if this person tried to share his/her beliefs with them or even asked them to read, and think about it?

I don't know about you, but for us, since we are children, they taught us that we have to love to do for others as we would love to do for ourselves. In another word, if i found something good, so i'll definitely share it with my friend, otherwise, i'll feel as i betrayed him because i knew of something good and didn't inform my friend about it, especially if it was something huge.

Again, i don't want to talk about organized prosetlyzing but about sharing beliefs in the level of ordinary individuals.

So, what's wrong with that?

Are you so insecure about your personal beliefs that you think a verse or a concept about any other religion will turn your head and work as a magic on you to convert you?

Do you think its offensive?
Besides collecting, reasoning and concluding beliefs, sharing is just another freedom of having beliefs.


Citizen Mod
I'm not talking just about threads, post, etc, but in general like real life, not only here.

Anyway, i agree that many people are sensetive.
And I would like to know why? A nonchalant remark can set someone quickly on the defense. Beliefs don't need to be defended, they need to be concluded.


Quran & Sunnah
I don't know about you, but for us, since we are children, they taught us that we have to love to do for others as we would love to do for ourselves. In another word, if i found something good, so i'll definitely share it with my friend, otherwise, i'll feel as i betrayed him because i knew of something good and didn't inform my friend about it, especially if it was something huge.

I do have the same feeling while talking about my religion Islam. When I talk about Islam and about God and the love of God I want just to share with others the sweetness and greatness of my religion and the happiness and peace of mind I find in it. It is as if I am having something very precious and want to share it, and not doing that would make me feel just selfish. I would like also to point out that it is out of love that I talk about my religion and not out of hatred.
