I remember when I was little more than a toddler. The apt complex I lived in had an interracial married couple. Though I don't even know if mentioning that means much as I'm not sure what sentiment was in the early 80's on that. But I mention as part of an point I'm making so carrying on...
And a good friend of ours was lesbian whose name I always forget. I remember her and her girlfriend had Shi Tzu dogs and nice white carpeting. I have a pretty damn good memory about most things(names are not one of them) and I don't remember any talk about well ok see it works like this boys like girls, girls like boys got it? I just did..and rather early on. I remember being attracted to girls very early on in grade school.
I don't think that environment doesn't have SOME effect on us and not just on this subject. It's obvious that it does. But I think it's a bit player when it comes to what gender we are sexually attracted to.
That's sort of my point.... but I actually believe we CAN be attracted to anyone -regardless of gender. We're not attracted to everyone of a certain gender, so it's, at least, not simply the gender which matters.
Some questions, though -if you don't mind answering... just because I'm curious (I promise not to throw anything back at you -in fact, I won't even respond again)
Do you think you are attracted to gender more than persons? Could a certain person -or type of person make the gender thing a secondary issue?
Are you attracted to one gender more than another at least partly due to reasons which are non-physical -as in, women tend to be more understanding/supportive (or whatever)?
Was there anything or anyone in your IMMEDIATE environment which made you feel ashamed or afraid of feeling such attractions -or afraid to acknowledge your attractions to yourself? Did you feel somewhat free to feel that way -even if you might not have felt comfortable expressing those feelings to others?
[Somewhat unrelated, but I have seen people (straight/gay/ whatever) pass over people they are obviously attracted to because the larger group or community would not look favorably on the couple -and those people sometimes couldn't discern the difference between that and not being attracted. I could see their obvious attraction -even disappointment -but they could not.]