Magic Man
Reaper of Conversation
I view it as a difference. You are asking me to try and explain God's thoughts. There's no possible way I could do that.
We obey commandments with the promise that we will be blessed to return to live with God and gain exhaltation. We don't obey commandments so that our life will be easy here. Why does God allow bad things to happen? Because of a couple reasons. He gives us our agency to choose good or evil as a test. It would be impossible for us to choose evil if God wouldn't allow evil to happen. God allows evil to happen as a trial for us to help us grow.
Why does God allow some people to go through different trials and hardships than other people? I have no clue. I just know why he allows it to happen in general. I have no idea why God allows some thing to happen to some people and not to others. That's trying to determin God's thought's and there's no way I can do that.
I don't see how our obedience to commandments requires us to understand why God gives certain trials to some people and no to others.
God's commandments are for us to improve ourselves. God is already prefect so He doesn't live by the commandments He gives us. That's also why God can give different commandments to different groups of people based on that peoples needs.
So, if you don't understand God, then why do you think you understand our situation? (I don't mean to attack, and feel free to tell me to shut up, but I really don't understand your point of view and would like to. )
Don't you think it's a little messed up that God would ask us to have faith which goes against our core being? I'd like to think that a God like yours would at least give us some good reason that would not ask us to completely escape what makes us human in the first place. Wouldn't it make more sense for God to give us rules that He would follow himself? He could do it in His infinite power, He could find a way.
It sounds more like "Well, this is the way it is, and everything I made is the way it should be...well, except for this, let's change that...oh, yeah, and that too...OK, so let's not let that guy rape that girl...hmm, I didn't account for that...". If everything was the way it should be, why would God interfere at all? Either letting bad things happen is the way to go, or stopping them alltogether is. I don't understand the middle ground.