Actually is is self destructive replies to the wisdom of God, men who practice tyranny, injustice, predudice, pernicious hate, inequality that makes this world very difficult to live in.
And yet, much of tyranny, injustice, predudice, pernicious hate, inequality throughout history has been perpetrated or justified on the basis of the "wisdom of god". Go figure!
(This is where you invoke the No True Scotsman fallacy, and probably some m
I personally am happy and content with the life that has been gifted, yet I hate tyranny, injustice, predudice, pernicious hate, inequality.
You need to express yourself more clearly then, because you said you struggle with this life and would be happy to go anytime, which is somewhat different to what you are saying now.
a world with no God, it is not a world at all.
But in all likelihood, this
is a world with no god. And if it is, you
are happy with it (possibly).
And even if there is a god, it is not a god recognised or acknowledged by most people, so for most people, a world without a god
is a perfectly acceptable world.